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Anyone a fan, either of the old films, the new film or the series ?

I was surprised by the new film, expecting that I'd hate it but came away thinking it was excellent, and am now revisiting some of the series.

We have been watvhing DS9 which is easily my favourite and has a great story arc, currently on Season 6 :)

My favorite series in order were:






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I really loved the new film however it broke my heart as well!

I liked the fresh approach and I think it was perfectly cast. It did however destroy Star Trek canon which I had to really take with a HUGE pinch of salt as I watched it.

TNG was definitely the best series, DS9 kind of lost itself towards the end. Voyager had a good premise but ruined the Borg as a main antagonist by featuring them basically by every second episode towards the end. Enterprise was complete heresy and should never have been conceived (I mean the finale said it all when they had to integrate it into a TNG episode).

The fact that Rick Berman was told he would have nothing to do with this new film by paramount shows how he really did kill the show in the end.

I only wish good things to happen for Star Trek in the future, hopefully this new film will have revived the franchise for the better!

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It did however destroy Star Trek canon which I had to really take with a HUGE pinch of salt as I watched it.

No it didn't. The way they chose to do the story left the entire Star Trek canon completely intact.

That was the whole beauty of the time travel plot and the reason behind the reall patronising explanation halfway about different alternate dimensions etc.

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I absolutely love the star trek franchise I watched TOS(The original series) way back in the day when I was a wee boy. And I still love it today star trek weekend one virgin +1 wooooooooooooooop.

I would say for me I would order my favourite series like this





I refuse to acknowledge Enterprise its a shoddy pile of shite in my opinion, that screws the continuity of the already established canon for example klingons having ridges before the got them. The first encounter with the Romulans ect. I hope the next one will be set further in the future in the star trek timeline you get a wee preview of the future in the final eps of voyager and the armour and weapon tech is shweet as hell.

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I absolutely love the star trek franchise I watched TOS(The original series) way back in the day when I was a wee boy. And I still love it today star trek weekend one virgin +1 wooooooooooooooop.

I would say for me I would order my favourite series like this





I refuse to acknowledge Enterprise its a shoddy pile of shite in my opinion, that screws the continuity of the already established canon for example klingons having ridges before the got them. The first encounter with the Romulans ect. I hope the next one will be set further in the future in the star trek timeline you get a wee preview of the future in the final eps of voyager and the armour and weapon tech is shweet as hell.

To be fair Enterprise tried to retconn the whole thing in that they explained why the Klingons didn't have ridges in the early series - there was a whole story line dedicated towards explaining this, which according to wiki is:

"A canonical explanation for the change was given in a two-part storyline on Star Trek: Enterprise. The two episodes, "Affliction" and "Divergence", aired in February 2005. An earlier story arc featured the Augments, genetically-engineered humans left over from the Eugenics Wars of the late 20th century, and who were defeated by Captain Jonathan Archer and the USS Enterprise in Klingon space. The Klingon High Council fears that Starfleet was developing armies of Augments; after gaining access to genetic material from the Augments, the Klingons perform experiments to increase their own intellect and strength. The experiments turn disastrous when a strain of flu one of the test subjects suffered from is mutated and becomes a deadly plague that spreads across the Empire, causing physical changes resulting in the afflicted bearing a TOS-era appearance. Dr. Phlox of the Enterprise formulates a cure for the virus, but the physical alterations remain in the populace and are inherited by offspring. Phlox indicated that "someday" the physical alterations could be reversed."

Also the whole thing about them not knowing of the Romulans also wasnt true, what was actually stated iirc on the original series was that they were aware of the Romulans, but had never physically seen them, they had an uneasy truce with them but that ties into Enterprise where they claim that they encountered the Romulans and spoke with them but never encountered them face to face.

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My fave series are:

DS9 (Truly epic storytelling and some great characters)

TOS (Just coz)

VOY (pish plots, but it was on telly when I turned old enough to understand Trek, and Robert Picardo as the doctor was fuckin' ace)

TNG (Better than Voyager, but as I was about 5 when it ended, I haven't seen much of it even though it is repeated on TV constantly)

Enterprise sucks, it's nae Star Trek, it needs to fuck off and die.

I loved the new film, thought the casting was perfect (Karl Urban as McCoy was awesome). The whole time travel so we can do what we want without pissing off trekkies was an ace idea too. All in all, looking forward to the next film and hoping Abrams can do a new series (set in established trek universe but after Voyager chronologically) once he is finished with Lost. We are due a new TV series after all.

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TNG is my fav ive got them all on dvd and still watch them on virgin everyday, Voyager is behind that, not such a great ship or crew but some of the stories were ace, DS9 was ok up till the end but the last episode was a joke i thought, kinda ruined the rest of it for me, the less said about enterprise the better, worst fucking into music ever, ruined star trek imo.

As for the klingon thing, this is also kinda covered in a DS9 episode when they go back in time to the origonal series.

Im going to see the film this week, hope its good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I was at school my pal Stevie and I used to write and perform little songs together to fend off boredom at lunchtime. Basically we would take a topic and a genre and just write a song, so we had a country song about curry, a flamenco song about sin graphs, a rockabilly song about Ribena etc.

And we also wrote a boogie about Star Trek. In 1996 I hired a portastudio out of Central Library and we recorded some of the tunes.

I decided to make a little video for The Star Trek Boogie and stick it on youtube, hope you all like it:

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In almost every way that counts I kinda found the Star Trek series fairly indistinguishable.

TOS obviously stands out and TNG breathed new life into everything (I still love the individual feel of both series) but after that DS9 and Voyager were simply just more heads on an already gargantuan beast.

They had their ups and downs but it was basically the same sort of stuff delivered over and over again.

Most of my favourite moments from those series were therefore character based. Quark and Garak tended to be entertaining on DS9 while 7 of 9 on Voyager was, for at least two reasons, outstanding.

Tom Paris would have been decent if they'd played up the rogue in him and hadn't made him into such a pussy. Same with all of the Marquis. Lou Suder played by Brad Dourif (the homicidal betazoid who murdered other crew members) could have been an amazing recurring character if they hadn't killed him off after three episodes.

Enterprise? A bad premise from the start really that needed the direction of a good/fresh writer like Manny Coto who came on board far too late to really sort out the mess.

The simple fact of the matter is that Star Trek needs to reflect the era in which it was made to have any real charm, so without any time separation between the making of each series the whole thing just comes grinding to a halt under its own colossal weight.

And going back/rebooting etc?

In the realms of imagination, the retelling an old tale is the deathbed of creativity.

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