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Cat Advice


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I got this cat like 5 months ago from the Seaton Cat & Dog home, it's a cool wee thing but has some strange behavioural issues:

- When the gf leaves the house the cat is never in the same room as me. And when I approach her, she doesn't want to know.

- When the gf is home, the cat is all over me like she's never been out of the room.

I tell this to the Gf, but she doesn't understand as she only sees the cat being friendly to me. It's almost as if the cat is trying to poison my gf against me.. lol..

The cat got neutered last month, but before it she was a bit more friendly towards me, I'm thinking that maybe she sees all men as Vets who hurt her. But I'm new to cat psychology. Anyone got any ideas as to what I should do?



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This probably wont help, but we have 3 cats. The oldest one Brodie, who we have had for two and a half years, is always with me and comes home most nights. When i am away offshore he stays out for days on end and never really goes to get petted from her.

The middle one T.S weve had for about a year and a half and he is always goin up to her and never to me unles it is really late and night and my son is sleeping on the sofa with the missus.

The youngest, Star who we adopted from her auntie about a year and he only comes up to her but only when she is lyin in bed.

I think the moral of this is that cats are fucked up and trying tro understand them is like tryin to understand a female!! hehe

Although they mean everything to us. Part of one big happy family and i wouldnt change them for anythin!!!:up:

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i think it's very clear that your cat has decided it's the boss of your house you are it's bitch. to me it sounds like it's protective of you when the gf is around but when she leaves there's no threat so the cat leaves you alone. i wouldn't worry too much, cats have a superiority complex over everything else anyway.

i miss my cat :(

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I miss my cat too, god damn thread!

You should get another one. The cat & dog home in Seaton have heaps of really nice cats going for 30-ish.

It was so bad when we had to pick just One cat outta the lot of 'em, especially as some of them have been there for a wee while. I really felt for them, as it's getting pretty cold at nights and they don't have real warmth.. only a battery type cage! And when you walk in to view, most of them are pretty much crying for you to take them home, I really wish I could have.

Come On Yous.. Adopt a cat and do your part. Even if Rosie can be a little bastard I still love her and would never send her back to Seaton. It's nae so bad for the dogs as they get out once a day to run about, but cats would just loup over the fence and never be seen again, so they don't get properly exercised.

Only you can help them... :up:

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aaye aye, but mind folks, a feline's not just for christmas. They need trips to the vet etc.

I'm definately a cat person, but I couldn't tolerate keeping the smelly little bastards indoors all the time.

Too true.

It will cost a bit of money to set up home for a cat. Vet bills, food, carrier, toys etc.. but cats are frickin' amazing creatures. They have some agility and can wipe out any insect in the room.

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Guest Jake Wifebeater

- When the gf leaves the house the cat is never in the same room as me. And when I approach her, she doesn't want to know.

- When the gf is home, the cat is all over me like she's never been out of the room.


Simple. The cat's taking the huff when the missus comes round for a spot of bedroom olympics. When the missus buggers off, the cat reckons you've got some making up to do for your perceived betrayal.

It's also possible that the cat's rasping for a good seeing-to from you. This is where it could get complicated.

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