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Investing in Aberdeen talent....


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aberdeen-music.com world tour.

Who needs a world tour when you can just play Aberdeen 5 times in 6 weeks.

I'd put a lot of money towards furthering bands; equipment wise and getting them playing shows constantly around the UK. Obviously taking a percentage because we all know 75 million isn't enough for one person ;)

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invest in this

a ticket to see Deviltrain, 16 again,and AKA Ska at the Blue Lamp on Saturday, it's fancy dress with prizes, ooh I fancy dressing up as a massaive pair of labia , I could take a marker pen and dae the top of Jims heid so it looks like a japs eye, and we could provide a stunning show if we did a bit of wrestling and he tried to stick the nut in me, cor ...this idea is getting tastier by the second, aye, hire oot a costume and come doon for some Skalloween fun, it's only 3 and ye might even get free badges if yer early.

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a ticket to see Deviltrain, 16 again,and AKA Ska at the Blue Lamp on Saturday, it's fancy dress with prizes, ooh I fancy dressing up as a massaive pair of labia , I could take a marker pen and dae the top of Jims heid so it looks like a japs eye, and we could provide a stunning show if we did a bit of wrestling and he tried to stick the nut in me, cor ...this idea is getting tastier by the second, aye, hire oot a costume and come doon for some Skalloween fun, it's only 3 and ye might even get free badges if yer early.

Just because I insulted you doesnt give you the right to hijak my thread.....bloody drummers...:swearing:

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Just because I insulted you doesnt give you the right to hijak my thread.....bloody drummers...:swearing:

Steady... We are not all cunt from the same cloth...

Staccato set playing Edinburgh at the weekend, just in case the four of you had forgotten about us.


On topic

Record labels






Industry events

Non of the above focusing entirley on local bands instead looking at the broader picture. In fact, removing a notion of the local scene and seeing a national/international picture will feed back in on itself.

In essence plough money into an infrastructure in Aberdeen/north east that devolves the music industry's southern geographic emphasis and creates an environment where the economic benefits gained from homegrown successes are re-invested into the city/region/country.

Give it several years and Graeme gets his money back no problem! T'is true and t'is possible and it is this very notion that is being discussed by the powers that be. They are likely to do jack shit about it and leave it up to everyone else but gotta start somewhere.

Get the pints in G!:up:

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Who needs a world tour when you can just play Aberdeen 5 times in 6 weeks.

That's why it's a good idea you cheeky swine! Just because you guys all live in different cities :laughing:

I wasn't meaning a musical tour, I meant we could travel the world with a stageshow that involves 30 members and 61 guests (at time of writing) sitting on a stage with our laptops, all hooked up to a big cinema screen, slagging the fuck out of each other for 3 hours with a 30 minute myspace checking intermission.....

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I wasn't meaning a musical tour, I meant we could travel the world with a stageshow that involves 30 members and 61 guests (at time of writing) sitting on a stage with our laptops, all hooked up to a big cinema screen, slagging the fuck out of each other for 3 hours with a 30 minute myspace checking intermission.....

Ace! lol

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Guest Mr Blastcap
Or is it a typo. Hmmmmmmm ;)


buy jim a new avatar, bespoke and crafted from seagull excrement and granite monoliths.

on the other hand you could spend the money on something usefull like getting me the breakfast show on Northsound one.

i'll even let you come into the studio once a week and talk about Pallas.

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spend the money on something usefull like getting me the breakfast show on Northsound one.

I'll buy the whole station and you can burn the fucker to the ground live on air.....

i'll even let you come into the studio once a week and talk about Pallas.

Thats ok so long as I dont have to listen to their music....X-(

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Guest Neubeatz
Thanks for your positive input.......:popcorn:

In the words of the late great Alex Harvey....NEXT!

Ok any way, humour apart, and along the lines of providing a fund and center of education and development of creative talent amongst kids from disadvantaged backgrounds, something to stimulate and develop artistic and cultural identity away from stereo type brand culture....:up:

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Ok any way, humour apart, and along the lines of providing a fund and center of education and development of creative talent amongst kids from disadvantaged backgrounds, something to stimulate and develop artistic and cultural identity away from stereo type brand culture....:up:

Thats the type of thing i'd love to do...but I would hope the people running the show would allow the kids to develop their thang along whatever lines they wanted and not away from anything....of course the kids would be rewarded with puppies and sweets if they showed the slightest interest in 70's ROCK...:rockon:

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something to stimulate and develop artistic and cultural identity away from stereo type brand culture....:up:

I have been looking at this thread all day thinking about posting, and you are right.

Buy all these fuckers a round the world plane ticket and ship them off to places where they will be awed by genuine people and genuine cultural vibrancy, something, anything, to snap them out of this self-assuredly inward looking, small minded creative blackhole that is aberdeen.

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I have been looking at this thread all day thinking about posting, and you are right.

Buy all these fuckers a round the world plane ticket and ship them off to places where they will be awed by genuine people and genuine cultural vibrancy, something, anything, to snap them out of this self-assuredly inward looking, small minded creative blackhole that is aberdeen.

Would it hurt to be positive about something....anything!!

You come onto every thread and whinge on about how shit the bands, people, venues, promoters, whatever are and never have I read a positive comment. If your opinions and feelings about music are so strong and so much more creative and original than everyone elses dont hide your light under a bushel.....help, educate, advise, steer, but for fuck sake stop constantly moaning....pretty please.

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Lets all stop getting pissed off at Stripey and just ignore him. I think we have established that most of the time he speaks out of his own 'culturally devoid black hole'.

He ain't worth the time and effort and should take his own advice and leave.

He is now on my 'ignore' list. Thread looks sooo much better now!

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Lets all stop getting pissed off at Stripey and just ignore him. I think we have established that most of the time he speaks out of his own 'culturally devoid black hole'.

He ain't worth the time and effort and should take his own advice and leave.

The thing is, don't you have a vested interest in peddling the myth that aberdeen is some kind of cultural hotspot? That's what you get paid for isn't it?

What's this business going on at peacock visual arts that you mentioned in another thread, why aren't you posting details of these things on here rather than just vague allusions towards "something going on". I'm genuinely interested. Spill the beans man.

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The thing is, don't you have a vested interest in peddling the myth that aberdeen is some kind of cultural hotspot? That's what you get paid for isn't it?

What's this business going on at peacock visual arts that you mentioned in another thread, why aren't you posting details of these things on here rather than just vague allusions towards "something going on". I'm genuinely interested. Spill the beans man.

I don't think he can read that anymore...

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I have been looking at this thread all day thinking about posting, and you are right.

Buy all these fuckers a round the world plane ticket and ship them off to places where they will be awed by genuine people and genuine cultural vibrancy, something, anything, to snap them out of this self-assuredly inward looking, small minded creative blackhole that is aberdeen.

In the words of a fiery wee ginger manny "we're all quite positive round here.

I'm going to whack you over the head with a big stick, down negative man,


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What a splendid idea.....he'll soon fuck off when he's failing to piss people off

It's a real shame that you think that way, I certainly don't set out to "piss people off", I just happen to have opinions of my own and the balls to stand up for my values, like any self respecting man ought to.

Seek all the comfort you like in the safety of giving me a collective handbagging, you of all people need that acceptance far more than I do, old man.

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It's a real shame that you think that way, I certainly don't set out to "piss people off", I just happen to have opinions of my own and the balls to stand up for my values, like any self respecting man ought to.

Seek all the comfort you like in the safety of giving me a collective handbagging, you of all people need that acceptance far more than I do, old man.

Yep... 51 years old and all sad and lonely, only the grave to look forward too now...well possibly a few 100 more local gigs between now and then to cheer me up...thats if the old grandad electric trike can stand the pace...

Yes you have opinions all right...all negative

Its funny how you manage to respond to small pieces of posts...the bits you dont have the balls to respond to would involve you actually sharing those opinions with other people... come on lets hear something positive... if you cant guide then whats the point? if you think we are all a lost cause why do you bother? If aberdeen is so god damn awfull why not move away?

Oh I know what it is.....you like to wind folk up.....its a little game.

As a greater man than I once said "opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one"

Now if you dont mind can we get back to the thread?

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