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vocalist with a vision seeks musicians


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Hello my name is Marie

Im a 19 year old vocalist with theatrical expeirence in singing. I have tried to set up a band for many years but i had a sudden idea last year of setting up a band as a preformance based band (mainly involing costume and portraying a character) Acting is a secondary thing. It doesnt mater too much on how good at acting you are.


A band that has a jack the ripper feel to it.



looking for:

any of the following-


guitarist-possibly sorted should he agree


rythem guitarist- possibly sorted should he agree

keyboardist- sorted

(if you can singing backing vocals all the better but i dont really want to have separate backing singers if possible)


anything and everything. I ,however, do not sing grunge.

I beleive music shoul be made with the influences of all musicains not just one so i wont state one as I like lots of styles


contact on email marspunkangel@hotmail.com or PM me

my experience:

I have played roles in music theatre (Nancy in oliver, Joanne in Godspel...)and have a grade 4 LCM honours in vocals and hoping to sit my LCM diploma next year. I had a band that didnt go anywhere when I was 17 called Adrienne, (we rehearsed never preformed, our style was nightwish like and we origionally jammed with paraniod by black sabbath)

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Sounds intreiging


I really like your style. Probably can't offer what you're after though. My biggest strength is as a singer. I play sax too but I'm rather out of practice, can still pick up music by ear though. Let me know how this thing pregresses, I think it sounds exciting!


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This sounds like potentially a very interesting idea but I would like to know more, the description is very vauge.

well basicly I got the idea watching alice cooper videos thinking tahts a great idea to turning a rock show into a stage show, if it could be done on a lesser scale it would make a great act that I would love to go see... dont think it do it! lol

Anyways yes basicly my first idea is to sort out the music before thinking to deeply into the act bar to say that Im using my expeirence in stage to think up quirky things so as after establishing the personalities of the musicains I can get them in a character thats easy for them to portray (or rather there own character) For the whole idea to work you really need to know the type of people i the band. Obviously you cant have a shyish person pretending to be the evil sadistic in your face person. the character wouldnt work but if you had him/ her as a more silent possibly quite sinister shadowy person where there are a bit of a mystery and your just not quite sure of them it can work. as i say acting isnt the main concern lol

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I'm only 17, but i'd be willing to join you if you want. You have the same idea about music as me, any style as long as it's music. I play guitar at a grade 6 level, but i can play some grade 7/8 pieces.I can play rythm or lead, whatever you want :) hope i can help. It sounds like the sort of band that could have special guests. If it isn't reliant on a specific instrument all the time, then the members could also go on longer without a break too. i'd really like to be a part of your musical vision, if you'll let me. I'll e-mail you

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Thanks for the replies. New and exciting news (well for me) my singing tutor has agreed to help out with this project and said he is even willing to play in it should i want him to. I have had alot of responces and will be talking to my tutor later today. Hopefully i can get a room arranged to meet those who got back to me and inform you all next week on a time and place. If anyone cant make it please inform me and i will try to arrange a different time to suit you.

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