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Wednesday Special Promotions


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Every Wednesday we run a price promotion on our premium products. Some of them are actually available for less than the standard products. This gives everyone the chance to sample some of the worlds best booze for not many s.

Currently the fruit beers aren't included, but we intend to rectify that soon.

Off the top of my head, the following products are on special promotion every Wednesday:



Martinique, Jamaican, & Barbados rums

Patron Tequila, Mezcal, and Sotol

Russky and the Polish flavoured vodkas


All Bourbons (this does not include JD which is not a bourbon incidentally)

Tanquery and Bombay Sapphire

I think that's it. Ask the barstaff if you're unsure.

Happy Drinking!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Laura@TMB

Hi there,

Budvar is a premium lager that is still actually produced at its brewery of origin in the Czech Republic. Around Aberdeen, you mostly see it for sale in bottles tho'. It's proper title is Budweiser Budvar, and there's been a battle going on for years about the name (for fairly obvious reasons!) I mean in the US, if you want to buy a Budvar - then you ask for a "Czechvar" instead. Same stuff, different name due to legal reasons :rolleyes: Yanks, don't you just luv 'em :finger:

Budvar's strength is 5%, so stronger than the average draught lager, but unlike most other lagers, it doesn't have any artificial foaming agents in it. This means that it sometimes doesn't keep its head very well in the glass.

Oh, and of course, it tastes fine too...

Hope this helps


For some independant reviews of Buvar (bottled, I admit), take a look here:


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sweet. i'm gonna come down some time soon and try it :)

i came in...yesterday i think....was it? i can't remember no it was tuesday. anyway i was completely wrecked by the time i left...i always seem to do that when i'm there...the free tasters of tequila probably didn't help, as small tasters as they were...the patron stuff came in a funky bottle that made it look like something from a wizards closet...and the cherry vodka is nice, considering i hate vodka..


the budvar is very nice...although definitely still prefer the old beer that i can't pronounce the name of.

yes...for the sake of my liver the next time i come down i'll drink less, and it'll probably be to see settlefish too.

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  • 4 years later...
Silence fool.

Let me guess, you prefer Tyskie...?

Well...depends. I discovered the wonders of Lech Pils the other day, but it's quite rare to find it on tap here. Warka Strong is also very nice, despite the name sounding like something that should only be drank by alcoholics. Tyskie is the 'safe' bet though, as Lech is a bit hit or miss in general.

Some Polish beer is just truly dreadful though. They market anything below 5% as 'women's beer' - and some of it is unbelievably terrible. There is a rather lethal beer called 'gingers beer' - which tastes exactly like ginger beer from the UK, except it's 4.1%. And then there's the mentalist 7%+ beers that get sold for the same price as Tyskie/Lech/Warka/etc which just give you a dreadful hangover.

There's a very odd habit here of selling 'hot beer' as well. It sounds bad enough, but they don't just warm it up, but they stick some sort of fruit juice in there too. I can't even begin to explain how awful it actually is :down:

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