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Wrestlemania 21 on the Xbox

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Oh dear. I was really looking forward to this game, but what a kingsize letdown. Although the graphics look impressive, once you get the joypad in your hand it's a different story. There is major delay between pressing the button and the move happening. Anyone looking for smackdown style response times will be shocked at the sluggishness of the movement.

The collision detection is so bad, it's almost like the game is unfinished. Characters hit each other and nothing happens, then the next moment characters run into invisibile poles!!

The finishing techniques are poor, with non of smackdowns flair, and the move sets do not seem to be as exciting either. The in game commentry is ok for about 10 seconds, then very repetitive and not relevent to the action that is happening on screen.

Trying to build your own wrestler should be fun, but in this game it's tedious, and lacking in parts. Not much customisation, with even earlier smackdown games on the ps1 boasting superior create your own wrestler modes.

The career mode seems pretty basic as well. You have to use a created wrestler and climb your way to glory. Although I didn't play this for an extended period of time it is a straightforward affair where you MUST win the match to proceed.

I even took this game online to see if the much hyped live! mode could save it. Could it buggery. I hosted a game, and it was even more sluggish than the offline version, with the detail of the wrestlers taking a hit as well. My 'victim' was a workmate who is in town on a good connection. He reported very bad lag, and by the end of the match we had agreed that this game is going back to the shop tomorrow.

If you must play this game try and rent it out, because I would not reccomend this to any wrestling fan. Stick with the smackdown games, or any of the gamecube titles, but just avoid this like the plague.

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So not much change from RAW 2 then? I bought RAW 2 cause i thought it would be good, and because you could create your own entrance using your own music. Just a shame that the gameplay hugely let down the cool features of the game. The stupid thing is it should be good as the xbox is supposed to be the superior console but all the offical WWE games on the xbox stink more than torry harbor.

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So not much change from RAW 2 then? I bought RAW 2 cause i thought it would be good' date=' and because you could create your own entrance using your own music. Just a shame that the gameplay hugely let down the cool features of the game. The stupid thing is it should be good as the xbox is supposed to be the superior console but all the offical WWE games on the xbox stink more than torry harbor.[/quote']

Thats what makes it so frustrating. The Xbox, SHOULD be able to make a wrastling game to shit all over anything the PS2 has to offer, and all we get is unsatisfying, unfinished tripe like this.

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Guest tv tanned

Whenever I read you talking about a computer game on here, I cannot help but imagine a Barry Norman-esque review programme.

In fact I might call the Beeb and suggest something along those lines...

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Guest Logan

oh dear indeed...

Well, nothing was going to stop me from getting this game. I've been looking forward to it for ages now and I'm sorely and bitterly dissapointed.....just like I knew I would be.

I tried to ignore every bad point I heard about this game. I knew in my head, I could make it good (heck, I LOVED Raw 2!!).

Everything from the menus to the Create-A-Wrestler features are just basic! I actually thought I was playing WWF Attitude at one point! Loading times are attrocious! Seriously, you wait about 10 minutes for a match to load that lasts less than 3 minutes!

Speaking of the CAW mode, it's the worst I've seen to date! There is actually NOTHING you can do! There's no one in the WWE now you can make, and your imagination has no room at all to run wild! You can't even change their face! They all look the same, and no CAW females is just shite! You barely get to create your entrance too! You get a choice of 10 moves to do on the ramp (each one looking like your Eugene's cousin) and 10 in the ring. You HAVE to have a pyro on the ramp and in the ring, and you get a really shit choice of them and don't have control over their timing! The redeeming feature of using your own Custom Soundtrack from you XBOX's HardDrive is wasted too as it's soooo stupidly hard to access! If I were to upload a new song for the sake of using it as one of my wrestlers theme, I'd need to scroll down through 1000+ songs!!! Why not just have 10 per page using the L+R buttons to scroll? Like Raw 2? Raw 2 OWNS this game for creating people! Okay, so your choice of outfits are pretty limited, you can totally customise everything about your entrance including when the lights come on, the rate at which they flash, the exact second your pyro will blow....it's just sooo good! This game is not.

The Career Mode is terrible! I was getting into it a little bit, but just as I'm about to start match 4 (Your character & Booker T vs Rene Dupree & Charlie Haas) the game just freezes!! I tried quitting my career mode and starting again, but the same thing happened in the exact same place! After their entrances have played and as it loads for the match, Michael Cole says something like "It looks like he has found a kindred....." then freeze! Can someone tell me if they have the same problem? (The Career Mode doesn't seem THAT bad, if I could get past this bit!!) And, can you use your created wrestler in an exhibition match? I'm sure I couldn't find my guy!

The only thing this game has going for it is that it's actually a good 'wrestling' game! It plays not too badly. Yeah, it's sluggish, but it's a better pace at being a wrestling sim than the arcade speedyness of the SmackDown games. The AI is terrible and frustrating though. Especially when they knock you to the ground and just repeatedly do ground attacks til you just give in and submit. I actually just played a Royal Rumble match, Rey Mysterio was trying to throw someone over the ropes as I whipped The Big Show into him and Rey ended up about 20 feet outside the ring with the rope stretched out with him. I've had a LOT of weird glitches like that in the game. It's bugged! Pity, it's the last Wrestling game we'll see on the XBOX, I really wish it had been something great. I fucking sold RAW 2 for this....oh how I regret that! :down:

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i am SOOO pissed off with Wrestlemania 21 for SOOO many reasons

first of all...my stupidassed boyfriend sold Raw2..which i told him not to do cuz i loved it and the characters we created were FUCKING ACE! (bring back action adamns and heavenly holly goddammit!)

it makes me soo mad that they didnt think...actually our CAW in RAW2 is off the hook..we really dont need to change it and be all pretentious...yawn!The fact you cant create a female means i will NOT be even entering the CAW screen....which i couldnt if i wanted too cuz, lets face it, it would take too long to load even if i wanted to and i have the patience of a 4 year old.

The glitches are ATROCIOUS! seriously! i am disgusted by the fact that if you try to walk up the stairs at the ringside you automatically get catapulted into the ring by the ropes.

I also dont like how freakin difficult it is to eliminate people in the royale rumble...WTF!?!??!

The one thing this game excels at (other than being shite) is how fucking sleek the wrestlers look..they all look extrememy realistic...some more than others..and its a huge thumbs up for what the XBOX can do...unfortunatley, there seems to have been too much time put into making sure stacy's legs were long enough, HHH's Sideburns were the right length etc...and not enough time on actually making it a playable game..Whats the point in having Kickass looking animation if you cant even play the game?

I have to say i was semi-impressed by this being the first wrestling game to have everyone's (as far as i'm aware) right music and entrances...right down to edge's new music and christian kickass waterproof blonde song !:love:

I would love to say that this game was saved by its slick graphics but i cant lie...

I'm going to get raw 2 back...just you watch :p multiplayer season mode is the way forward!

so as for Wrestlemania 21?

Im sorry...even christian's HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT ass and the fact that Trish looks more like Pammy Anderson can't save you now..this game belongs in the gutter with that fucking Fight Club game!

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Aye at the end you could have a ratings system.

Proper Bo




Some guy tried to get extra 'request points' in Exodus tonight...

"We both know Pez!" he said!

"Unlucky for us mate. You're bound to request rubbiss now..." I replied.

Turned out he did request rubbiss once we got past the banter. Paul has a lot to answer for...

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Guest tv tanned
Some guy tried to get extra 'request points' in Exodus tonight...

"We both know Pez!" he said!

"Unlucky for us mate. You're bound to request rubbiss now..." I replied.

Turned out he did request rubbiss once we got past the banter. Paul has a lot to answer for...

Frankly I think Kevin and Olive have some explaining to do first...

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The CAW is shit there is no doubt about that.

However, I will stand up for the game. First of all I completed the career in no time. ( I didn't have any stalling/crashing on mine) Then I discovered the profile, the wonders of actually reading the instruction book. This is giving the game a new lease of life for me. Hell of a lot more challenges, things to get, buy etc. Still not enough, but I can see the next one being a big improvement.

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Guest Logan
The CAW is shit there is no doubt about that.

However' date=' I will stand up for the game. First of all I completed the career in no time. ( I didn't have any stalling/crashing on mine) Then I discovered the profile, the wonders of actually reading the instruction book. This is giving the game a new lease of life for me. Hell of a lot more challenges, things to get, buy etc. Still not enough, but I can see the next one being a big improvement.[/quote']

Fuck, I must have a buggy game then! I'll be taking that back methinks.

The Profile and challenges are actually pretty cool, and the things you can unlock are cool, but it seems like it'll take you years to get them all.

I think I've lost my bloody receipt tho :(

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well I just got it today and I have to say I like it. RAW 2 had the better CAW features but then this one lets you get extra stuff so maybe it'll improve as you advance. I didn't buy the game for the career mode, I bought it for multiplayer action so once I've tried that I'll know if it's good or not.

It's the kind of wrestling game I like though, lots of moves and tactics unlike the arcade shiteness of smackdown. More akin to the wrestling games from the N64, which were ace. And I like how you can create your own championship, although i haven't investigated that too much.

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Guest Logan

I can't seem to be able to do finishing moves with people like RVD who's finishers are off the top rope. Do I do it from the top rope? Turnbuckle? Opponent on the ground?

Meh, doesn't matter, just sold the game on eBay anyways.

It's either WWE Day of Reckoning 2 on GameCube or WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2 I'll be buying next. No doubt the SmackDown game will suck as usual. Haven't played the Day of Reckoning series on GameCube, but if it's anything like the previous GC wrestling games, it'll be pants too.

Disappointed Wrestling Game Fan.

Thank god I still own WWE No Mercy on the 64! ^_^

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Hah, well I went and part exchanged it for Full Spectrum Warrior on saturday. A we3eks playing and it just got worse and worse. The TLC match was a total joke and the end of the road for me. Either you got the hits in first and managed to iwn in 30 seconds or you both got decked immediately and lost it just as quick. Rubbish. Also it crashed twice, and I can't even remember the last console game that crashed on me.

FSW is fucking ace though.

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Guest Logan

I have FSW still in it's shrinkwrap in my room somewhere.

Yeah, I sold WM21 for 25 on eBay, got it for 32.99 so I'm not much fussed. The game crashed on me over 20 times! If not just because of the season mode (god I hope it doesn't happen to the person I sold it to!) but during ordinary games too!

I also had the camera just randomly pan out and have a good look at the crowd while the action in the ring continued! It was like watching the early morning SmackDown shows on Sky One when someone is being hit with a weapon! Wtfudge?

Anyway, rant over. It's sold. I hope the poor bastard that bought it sells it on too! This is a rental game only. The only good thing about it was the profile mode and completing all the challenges...but even that only takes a couple hours gameplay. And althought the WWE Shop Zone feature is neat, you actually need to play the game to get enough money to unlock these things.....FUCK THAT!!

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