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Everything posted by Gladstone

  1. I think that of Considine every time he plays actually but thought he was reasonably assured yesterday. He is very slow and cumbersome. He's no Ricky Foster... Reynolds has a brilliant turn of pace too which really helps out if ever there's a ball in behind the defence. I thought Low played well, but Smith struggled a bit. Both very young though.
  2. I thought Logan was decent yesterday. The only Aberdeen players I thought performed badly were Jack and McGinn. "Performed badly" is perhaps a bit harsh but Jack gave the ball away a lot in the middle of the park and with Hayes and Pawlett out, McGinn was Aberdeen's best creative hope - he just didn't seem to get going. His miss near the end was poor - great chance to end the torture a bit sooner for the fans... Anderson was absolutely immense. The last few games I've watched, I've thought Reynolds has been the rock in defence, but Anderson didn't put a foot wrong yesterday. Great captain's performance and very unlucky with that volley off the post! 4 very calm penalties and one great save from Langfield. Bit of a shite game really but who cares? Apparently, cup parade starts at Albyn at 1pm on Sunday. Was just catching up with the last few pages and saw the guy turning down a penalty. Wieghorst did something similar for Denmark in a major championships - anyone remember? He side footed the penalty about 6 foot wide.
  3. Gladstone


    Tonight: IRL gig in Peterheed with Little Kicks and CS Buchan. Tomorrow: Hopefully time for a run in the morning, then going to Pittodrie to watch the Dons beat Dumbarton 25-0. Sunday: If no time on Saturday, run in the morning, then HOODLES
  4. Remember Zero's goal from out wide? I think it was a free-kick at Pittodrie out beside the where the tunnel comes onto the pitch. I don't even think anyone else knew he was taking the free-kick. (My memory may not be 100% accurate, but this is how I remember it:) Someone else placed the ball and Zero just ran from nowhere and smashed it from a ridiculous angle into the top corner. I don't think anyone else on the pitch moved. I'm going to see if I can find it on youtube... EDIT: Okay - not quite as I remember it - my memory made it a bit better than this - I think this is it - still a cracker...
  5. Celtic Park restricted viewing in my experience is being sat behind a pillar. I've sat behind said pillar (there isn't just one pillar by the way - just the one I've sat behind). From where I was, I could see the entire pitch with a bit of head movement. I.e. I could see about 3/4 of the pitch, but maybe the bottom right corner was out of sight unless I leaned to the right. Really not that bad. I've never sat in the seat beside the eye-poking steward though. That sounds bad.
  6. There is another gym in Westhill - the squash player - Peter Nicol is it? There's a small gym with his name attached to it. In fact: https://m.facebook.com/pages/The-Peter-Nicol-Squash-and-Fitness-Centre/512505888781106?id=512505888781106&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FThe-Peter-Nicol-Squash-and-Fitness-Centre%2F512505888781106
  7. That sounds pretty cool Chris. Something to think about for the future for me. Logistically, not the easiest to organise as you say. I'm all about the 10k at the moment (although I probably will run a couple of HMs this year) - going to try to get the time right down. A guy from Fraserburgh who I sort of know (acquaintance of an acquaintance kind of guy) was running 42:01 for the 10k in 2011. He just recorded a 35:47. Bonkers. My PB last year was 42:01, so I'm going to take that to absolutely definitely mean I will run a 35:47 in 2016... He also recorded a 77 for the HM on I think only his second attempt at the distance!
  8. That Nae Mince in Moray is a golden oldie. It's definitely the best thing you've seen today, bar none.
  9. Is Baker Hughes going to be your first race or do you plan doing others between now and then? Couple of parkruns maybe? Sounds good though - it's great when you get back into your stride and churning out the miles. The first week or two after a bit of a lull in training are always a bit daunting I find, but in no time at all, it feels like you never stopped and the momentum gathers.
  10. Hey Philkaline - what was the cause of your stress fracture if you don't mind me asking? Was that a running (/overtraining) thing or something else all together? Sounds horrendous anyway. How's the foot E.C.? Hopefully not as bad as feared. How's it going for everyone else? Any more parkrun times to post? Some beasting training for me since my last post. First ever track session on Friday which was cool. 2 sets of 5x400m all at just about or under 1:30 per rep. Some easy running inbetween. February total of 142.68 miles. Over 50 miles more than I've ever done in a month before! Was hoping to get back to the track this week, but it just wasn't happening so did the intervals session on Tuesday on the cycle path. 6 minutes @ threshold pace (came in a bit quick at 6:44 per mile) followed by 3 sets of 4x400m all at or just under 1:27-1:28 per rep. 60 minutes easy run yesterday and then a big session this morning of 3 x 20 minutes @ threshold pace (6:58 per mile pace for the first 2 and then 7:02 per mile pace for the third). Everything is on track at the moment for sub 40 at Garioch 10k - couple of big sessions left. 8 x 1km followed by 5 x 200m next Tuesday and then straight up 45 minutes @ threshold pace next Thursday. After that I'll be winding down slightly over the next 7-10 days until the race.
  11. I remember not. It is a ridiculous notion, I know.
  12. I'm back for some more Indian Red Lopez love. Listened to their debut album again this morning. It really is great. As aforementioned, I'm not the most eloquent at describing what I like about music, but I just do. I think my IRL love comes from the fact that I grew up listening to indie music mainly and there's a definite "indie-ness" about IRL's tracks in that you can tell the guys must have listened and been influenced by indie music at some point, but what they do with that is really interesting. Samples, electro beats, layers, and all sorts of other effects and stuff to make some really banging tracks. Ropes, New Black, Iron Fist, KYS are all absolute stonking tunes. New album, Commit is available to order now and is released sometime this month I think. Going along to my first gig for probably about 2 years tomorrow night (in PETERHEAD). IRL supported by The Little Kicks and CS Buchan. I'll have to be careful that I don't jizz in my pants.
  13. Woah woah - this was my idea surely. I want some commission here. 2 months' guaranteed rent paid in for the month of April. Get it sorted Scootray. Cheers.
  14. If what Milner said is what you mean, I have done both - privately, using the P&J, Gumtree etc. and using an agency - Northwood. When our flat was rented out privately, we were pulling in far more cash on a monthly basis, but through Northwood's "Guaranteed Rent Scheme" we get a guaranteed reduced rent every month and they deal with a'thin. On average, we probably work out evens in terms of cash but it's evenly spread across the year, rather than having a month or two of no rental income when it's empty. So, for me, it's now an absolute no-brainer - all I have to do is answer their e-mails. Any problems the tenant has goes through Northwood and we get the odd "one of the rings on the cooker isn't working, do we have your permission to send in someone to fix it?" e-mails. I say "yes", they send someone in, gets fixed within a couple of days, the tradesman's bill comes off the next month's rent. So much easier than having to do all the chasing, running around, dealing with the tenants etc. yourself. They also vet the tenants too (and take the risk because it's the guaranteed rent thing - we had issues with tenants not paying us on time, bailing early, etc.). I've only ever dealt with Northwood though and never had an issue. They are very very fussy early on in terms of the condition of the property and one of mates will go into a sweary rant if you mention Northwood in his presence because he felt as if they were insulting him when they pointed out the things that needed done in his flat before handing it over etc. I can't imagine ever doing it ourselves privately again though.
  15. Shit - is YoungA a ginger? I was kidding about being his real Dad, but maybe I am...
  16. Pardew is a complete fud. Who does he think he is? He's acting like some 18 year old wonderkid or something who thinks he can get away with whatever he likes. I suppose an 8 year super contract will do that to you... On another note, I saw some brilliant goals yesterday. For the first time in a long time I sat and watched football all day Sunday. I had my Dad round as it's his birthday today, so it was a fine excuse to watch the League Cup Final and then the Madrid derby. The Madrid derby was absolutely frantic. Some tasty challenges flying in, scrappy, end to end, crap defending. Quite entertaining. Toure's goal in the final was a thing of beauty.
  17. Ah shit dude. Injuries are shit. I'll put it out there though - it probably isn't a stress fracture. I'll take a wild guess at it being a pulled / damaged tendon of some sort. Still shit, but a bit of rest normally sorts that out.
  18. Lucky, you're 34 years old. It's about time you grew up. EDIT: I wasn't even poking fun at your (lack of) height.
  19. Lucky, how did you find out that they don't take blood from a male who has had sex with another male? That suggests to me that you answered "yes" when asked "have you ever had sex with another male?".
  20. Lucky - your avatar freaks me out.
  21. Ooft! How disappointing to score a goal that good in a 6-1 humping.
  22. Yeah - whether it's new or nobody's moaned about it before doesn't make it okay (in my eyes).
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