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Everything posted by meiklejohn

  1. Bump, prices and trades negeotiable
  2. Okay turns out there way absolutely nothing wrong with the Marshall, it was my pedal buzzing, I've bought a new amp so would be aswel still sell it!
  3. Okay no worries. Everything other than lindo electro acoustic still available! Prices negeotiable and trades welcomed :-)
  4. It's sold he emailed me :-( could do with a kit like that though if anyone has one
  5. Ill give you a straight swap Marshall for Pacifica? Lindo is sold!
  6. Would you fancy a swap for a fender strat squire? Upgraded pickups, really nice guitar.
  7. meiklejohn

    stuff for sale

    I've got that Marshall if you fancy it?
  8. I have a zakk wylde overdrive too, actually they were both mine until yesterday, I'm not a metal man at all but zakks mxr overdrives sound so good with the gain low you get a really nice classic rock overdrive which is exactly what I'm after. However! I play through a clean amp, I've messed about with it before over a dirty amp and you can get some pretty heavy noises out it! I'd recommend it like, cracking pedals and built like tanks
  9. Hey sorry for the delay, thanks for the offer mate but really hoping to find a bass player. A drummer is a last resort right now. Where are all the bass players??
  10. Picture of yee old faithful Marshall! Been dragged round friends garages all the way through school. Probably just needs a clean and a bit of tlc
  11. I'm gonna try and do a bit of editing to the board which will make it a lot lighter and smaller but still plenty room for my pedals, sorry! Flights that looks quite good actually. My crybaby would take up a bit too much room for everything else though I think
  12. Hey guys, I have a custom pedalboard and its made of aluminium and heavy as hell so I'm hoping to do a bit of editing and make it smaller... So really was hoping I could swap my joyo chorus, delay and flanger for smaller pedals... Same effects just smaller pedals! I can do a bit of money either way but not looking to just buy more pedals (that's becoming a habit) so just swaps preferably! I know that's a long shot but here's hoping!
  13. That fender thing be better than a Marshall mg30 yeah?
  14. Yeah man I've dealt with him before too he's a good dude
  15. Yeah my thoughts aswel haha, if she's in good nick ill take it off your hands mate
  16. Ive had a marshall mg30 since i was about 12 that ive used in my room and for recording but its pretty much knackered so im needing something new, something along the same size. Nothing expensive cause it wont get used too much. I use my Boss ME-50 for all my effects so all i need is a nice clean sound from it and im good.
  17. Would swap some stuff for a good condenser mic?
  18. Also got that XBOX game for guitar/bass? Rocksmith I think it's called. Played it once, comes with guitar to USB lead.
  19. Hey sorry I'm not after any overdrive pedals mate That's a pic of the acoustic
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