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Everything posted by meiklejohn

  1. Ah balls okay, cheers for letting me know
  2. Bumple bee... Someone make me an offer
  3. I don't know what those midi things do but ill take it? Haha I've just bought all your recording gear...
  4. Most looking for Drums, violin and piano
  5. First off I apologise if this has already been covered... I'm 100% new to PC recording, been 8 tracking it since I was about 14. I'm looking into all this VST stuff and its a bit overwhelming! There's so much information out there but none if it is really giving me the answers I'm looking for. I'm using reaper with a tascam us-144mkii (incase that matters) That leads me to my first question, are all VST's compatable with all software? I've seen things like amplitube? Ezdrum? Would they be compatable? I'm looking for recommendations for the best free VSTs kicking about? Or are all the free ones crap? I see you get stomp box VSTs as well? Are they any good? The biggest question is... Where do I find VST's? Any help would be good guys. Thanks, Scotty
  6. I want the tele, still not keen on a swap?
  7. Did Adam buy the belt or just the trousers? If not I'd be keen to make a bid for the belt...
  8. If you want my honest opinion mate, you need to stop rushing into every decision, I can't speak for everyone but me and you have done about 5 deals over pm's and then 5 minutes later you cancel and change your mind, same as this thread, I'm quitting, not anymore, I still might, who's selling a guitar?... Just slow down, take a breath and think about what you want to do... Ride the wave man.... Ride the wave
  9. How powerful are they? Powered or passive?
  10. Mic and lindo gone. Everything else still available
  11. What level do you have to be to buy it? I've been playing guitar for like 7 years and I'm still pretty shite? Smoke on the water only on the low E, that's what it's all about kids.... That's what it's all about...
  12. Greatest advice ever, 100% agree, musics not something you just give up, sure you can take a break when things get too much but musics already in you now and you will, I guarantee, get the bug again, keep your stuff, atleast keep something anyway
  13. Is that daves tele yeah?
  14. Shame your giving up, probably would of swapped my strat for that tele like
  15. My band needs a bass player and a keyboard player is more than welcome! But we're classic rock/blues, only covers just now but would be looking to do a bit of writing further down the line. We're in Hatton just outside Ellon and have a full rehearsal space etc... If you ever fancied joining forces give me a shout. If not good luck on your hunt! Ps. Were 2 guitarists, a singer and drummer. Scotty
  16. A good one preferably! Anything considered.
  17. Hey guys I'm looking for some advice on recording at home, although I'm only 23 my technology age is somewhat closer to 63... I've recently bought a nice expensive condenser mic, I have a lot of good gear that I should be able to get some nice recordings with... The problem is what to use to record? I currently use a Zoom MRS-8, 8 track and its got me some nice enough recordings but not nearly as good as people I've heard using things like garage band on there iPad what is depressing as that 8 track cost me 300 quid back in the day and there App probably cost then a fiver! So I guess what I'm asking is what is it I should be buying to record high quality recordings? Is it more on computers nowadays than 8 tracks? Fill me in guys, any advice would be good! I'm looking to get some really high quality (as high as possible) recordings without having to spend stupid money. Preferably cost me no more than I'd get for that 8 track! Or would I be better spending more time with the 8 track and learn to use it properly? Thanks in advance fellas. Scott
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