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Everything posted by meiklejohn

  1. Sorry dude not interested in your guitar
  2. Forgot to say this wah has had the vocal mod done too and is true bypass
  3. Anyone ever used a dimebag wah? I want to know if the boost is enough to cut through effortlessly! I've tried boosting a wah and it just screams and overloads the treble side of things, maybe with its own boost it would be okay? Any ideas? Would boosting an auto wah be better?
  4. Sick of the screaming feedback I get while trying to boost my crybaby so looking into getting rid of it and buying an auto-wah. True-bypass and the cheaper the better. Any ideas?
  5. This is my home made aluminium board i was talking about. Really heavy but its cool. Rubber strips underneath to stop her moving. Ill have a look into maplin, dad said something about Trojan crates aswel? Wonder who's cheapest? Needs to be custom made
  6. This is my home made aluminium board. Really heavy but its cool. Rubber strips underneath to stop her moving.
  7. Wait out of curiosity though, anyone have any ideas where I could get a custom made flight case for my board? Being its aluminium its heavy so would need to be well built and sturdy!
  8. As good a deal as that its huge! Too big for me mate sorry
  9. Thanks ill check them out mate, probably be Sunday before I can get pictures on of the pedalboard I made but if you pm me your number I can take a few today at the gig and send you them? I've already got a boss me-50 but I've tried using it before there too fiddly, right now I've got that artec brick thing which despite its bad name is powering everything fine. Maybe I should just buy a non powered board and keep using the power brick?
  10. So I've decided that my pedalboard of 10-11 pedals is becoming a bit of a piss take, I made an aluminium pedalboard at work (I'm an engineer it's really quite cool) ill post pictures of it later, I don't have any on my phone, anyway I'm planning a slim down on pedals and I've decided that a small powered board of maybe 5-7 pedals would be good? Anyone have any recommendations? Or selling any boards? Ill probably be selling my board and artec 12 way power brick soon once I get my new board. Any advice is welcome and appreciated
  11. Actually it's a Marshall TSL not DSL but getting it tomorrow so ill test it at our gig Friday!
  12. Could do with shifting this, make me an offer
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