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Everything posted by DanClews

  1. I can appreciate that sarcasm isn't as easy to interprete when it is written down, so I can see why you might have got confused by my statement. I bet when she brought it in, she didn't consider that there could have been people in the office who have been trying for babies for years - that seeing this baby could be a painful reminder of what they can't do. You're making me feel like Gilbert Gottfried. It was a comment about a baby (living I hasten to add), not a tsunami.
  2. What? Its quite easy for women to have babies. All they need is a man. Its not a major scientific breakthrough.
  3. We had a child brought in today too. "oh, congratulations. You did whats perfectly natural for a woman to do"
  4. Is there any way you can see into the gutters, our block has the top floor flat overlooking the gutters? Failling that, tell your landlord its the gutters - and she can get a man in a cherry picker out to sort it out.
  5. What about Green 64? I hear they are good. o_O
  6. But then tho - that wouldn't just be on when its raining. It could be a problem with the gutter at the top of the property and its just cascading all the way down the face of the building. Does it happen when its light rain, or does it have to be wrath-of-god style monsoon rain for it to happen?
  7. We have this - and we got the gutters cleaned out, and then it stopped. There was an "organic mass" (read: moss + seagull shit) blocking the downspout, so the contained area just overflowed and right onto the walls. I'm right panicy about any drips now inside the house.
  8. Ditto, 10 of us going from work
  9. Well 6:20 to be specific. I get the train to work at 7:14, and usually get up at 6 anyway so can have a shower at the gym and still get the train. The wife will be difficult to kick out of bed at that time in the morning tho.
  10. Ditto. Signed me and the missus up for it to take advantage of the 10 deal. 6 AM runs here I come. (thats a jog at 6AM, not the squits at 6AM)
  11. Thats what I have. I have all my monthly outgoings, Mortgage & cooncil Tax. Then the sporadic yearly payments, Car & House Insurance, Tv Licence, Car Tax. Then it totals them up over the whole year (not a pleasant number) and you divide by 12, and it tells you how much you need to put aside each month. As I had been living month to month, saving loads one month, then being hit with car tax and eating into my savings.
  12. This. A million times over. 1st of the Month "woohoo its payday" 2nd of the Month - Direct Debits come off 3rd of the Month "how long till payday?"
  13. In response to my "pet hate" rant about the students above me and their water damage to my kitchen ceiling - I get an email from the flat owner asking when would be best for her workmen to come in and repair my ceiling. My faith in humanity has been restored. I was quite content with fixing it myself (even though I know she should do it).
  14. Ask for room for milk. I'm with you - i grudge paying for a Medium and having to tip some away to get my milk in. For my own pet hate - the students above have water problems again, more staining of the kitchen ceiling. I go up to talk to them, and they say "oh, we have been having problems with our flooring, it seems to be lifting" - ooooo, fucking, kay - do you not think you should have spoken to your agent before this!
  15. Is that the frumpy looking one with a duff haircut?
  16. Exactly my pet hate at the mo. 62 Knots air speed, and waves of 7-8 meters. Seriously, how hard can it be to fly a chopper?
  17. Yes, especially when its a floppy haired Jack Wills Student. Married - so you're right on both accounts. But to plead my case, its not the shagging that bothered me. It was the waking me up at 3 when I had to be up at 6. I get equally as grumpy when they are crashing around during the night or when he had his night long Michael Jackson tribute the day he died. I just like my sleep. Is that too much to ask?
  18. I stay on king street and this sounds like our upstairs neighbours too. One of which woke us up at 3 this morning banging some bird, that he no doubt picked up at the valentines day meat market. Squeeky-Squeeky-Squeeky-Squeeky, et cetera. I hope the johnny split and she gets pregnant, or he gets syphillis,
  19. Guy at my work waxes lyrical about the new dobbies on Lang Stracht. He is well into his tropical fish.
  20. I love a bit of spreadsheet banking. Just a shame when you start forcasting earnings. Come to think of it - thats a pet hate. Not having money I am due in Feb-December now!!!
  21. That you can pay bits off your credit card during the month. I thought you could only pay off at the end of each month. To put this into perspective, I'm 26 and have had a credit card for 5 years and I just figured this out.
  22. I am a gamer, but when you are as good as me you don't need low pings. But more seriously, I am perfectly happy with playing with a 20 ms ping. Question for you, do you game? If it is an XBOX360, is it a wireless connection? Because if it is, you can't talk about being a gamer - as if you were going for low pings it would have been wired into your router.
  23. I'm quite happy with my internet speed in aberdeen. About 7Mbs, but then I am only a kilometer from my exchange. Get on average about 800Kb/s download speed.
  24. My Mortgage companies call center being closed because of the snow. Which is bollocks because its based in India.
  25. Mark McGhee just now. Did a wee talk at work, I wasn't allowed to ask any questions. Apparantly my "why are we rubbish" isn't deemed constructive
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