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Everything posted by Gypsum_Fantastic

  1. if he is desperate to play im willing to give up my space as i have mates coming but if not ill be there to sythe you down Big C(unt)
  2. cani have the recipe for homemade JD BBQ sauce please,m also check out sailorjerry.com there is some awesome recipes on there, post your results
  3. think i can spare a little bit of my beer money, im in
  4. is there a confirmed price for this one? pretty skint
  5. YouTube - Luck : A Compilation of Close Calls some people are just thick...and people hate police officers. Two thing this video taught me.
  6. first of all....Turkish football boss is stabbed on the touchline - by his brother | Mail Online mental 2. Bet your happy Woods! who is this Estonian fella? 3. Not a fan of Man U but gutted for Valencia, looked like he was proper screaming, even Rangers players helped him, must of been bad
  7. It's a quality film and a quality set of chebs, got to love those dodes
  8. please find enclosed in your inbox a photo of my gentialia for your pleasure
  9. Sex Pistols Sex Pistols Eau De Toilette 50ml Spray - The Fragrance Shop
  10. i think he is quite good and that with no ones penis being anywhere near my mouth
  11. Film-makers arrested on site of Donald Trump's Scottish golf resort | World news | The Guardian
  12. i heard sly contacted JCVD but he wated a bigger part and also didnt want to lose a fight to jet li it even though its in the script
  13. there goes our home record::swearing::swearing::swearing::swearing::swearing:
  14. really sorry boys my knee is being shit after i thought it would be a good idea to run most of the way back from work instead of wait for the next bus, not risking it. Last time i did i was out for months. I feel shit for doing this last minute (and so i should) but not worth being out severla games for the sake of one
  15. bet he shaved that off pronto, wouldn't have had much with the ladies, "Hi girls how about a cocktail? will a screwdriver do you?"
  16. after that Ewe Boll film i thought this day was a write off, then you only go and bloody redeem yourself!
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