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Everything posted by russtyeh

  1. I think i know the person responsible for that... I remember them showing me and telling the story behind it. I hate that i know.
  2. I think the NBC line up has the potential to be better than the Jeff Mangum one. Should be interesting to see once the first announcement comes.
  3. Hiyaa, i reviewed this. Its here: Hercules Moments: Les Savy Fav Live - The Tunnels 01/03/2011 Words did not do justice, sorry.
  4. Hi, my review is up here: Hercules Moments: Vessels Live - Lemon Tree 22/02/2011
  5. 9 - 11 December. Les Savy Fav were awesome last night, i reckon they would be pretty good curators too. Each band gets to curate a day, so should be a pretty varied line up. Anyone thinking of heading down?
  6. Have you seen Young Legionnaire before? They are worth going for, they play music quite well.
  7. The first single to be taken from the album is up. Foo Fighters. Rope. World Premiere. It is sounding pretty good actually. The albums sounds like it could be interesting.
  8. Well i apologize, i have never seen that link before. Now please get down off that horse. It is good though that we currently have a government who are all about fairness and may sort these things out. ...Oh, wait.
  9. Jealous! Primavera looks so damn good, it always does actually. Uni exams are always at the same time though, so i can never go.
  10. I send you a thank you. This is on my birthday, i will be partying here, it is official.
  11. It doesn't fill me with loadsa excitement but at the same time it seems alright actually. Certainly looks like it could be better than past couple of years. Also doesn't look like it will attract neds like flies to shit.
  12. The band is under 18 though. I'm pretty sure i have been told in the past when putting on gigs that on Saturdays the bands must be 18+, that doesn't mean the audience has to be over 18 though. Robert Knight, are you asking if a band under 18 can play the gig or if someone under 18 can attend the gig? (i seem to have interpreted yr question differently to everyone else...)
  13. I think Tunnels and Drummonds is only 18+ on weekends, not 100% sure.
  14. Does anyone know the deal with Aberdeen's HMV? Is it one of the ones that is gonna close or is it staying open? I'd imagine it will probably be fine as they will be closing the ones in cities with a couple of HMV, but who knows. In a way if it closed it would be a blessing to One Up. I dunno who shops there anyway though, their CD pricing is just absurd.
  15. Incidentally it is Record Store Day on April 16th. Record Store Day - Exclusive Product That Deerhoof/Xiu Xiu record is looking tasty, and Of Montreal. Hopefully OneUp will have some.
  16. I think a Britney Spears and Copy Haho collaboration CD may be what we need to save the music industry. Would be off the hook.
  17. It is actually pretty widely thought that if a band/artist is on the radio or releasing albums then they have pretty much made it. A lot of people i know are of this mindset when i ask why they illegally download, apparently 'artists have already got too much money'. They couldn't be more wrong, most struggle to make a living. Even a band like Kings Of Leon* i would object to downloading illegally. While they have a lot of money; the label, the PR company, the distributor, the CD pressing company, the record stores would all miss out on some much needed cash and it is the people at the bottom that always miss out/lose jobs. *I wouldn't buy a Kings Of Leon record anyway.
  18. Really really horrible. A great advert for not doing crack.
  19. I think that is optimistic thinking. I don't really think any weather is going to help CD sales. Just take a look at this graph. bainmusic | Flickr - Photo Sharing! While the sources and calculations of the graph are questionable i think the general trend is very true. Unfortunately, and it is sad, but the CD is on a dramatic decline. And actually the music industry on the whole is on the decline, but that is an entirely different topic. Really the only option now is for places to downsize. The demand is simply not there that once was, and most probably never will be. I would rather places downsized and still existed than disappeared forever. It will be interesting to see what happens to HMV over the next few years, although their CD section is almost irrelevant now actually. Just not many people buy CDs now. The only people that are really buying now are really avid music fans. The rest are buying through the internet, downloading illegally (cunts) or you get the casual music listener who buys a handful of pop CDs from Tesco every year. Also as great a service as spotify can be, it is killing the CD. Probably in about 5 years the CD will be pretty much obsolete and will only be being bought by music obsessives, similar to how the vinyl is. It is all a shame, but really the CD has become a tired format, and while i still buy exclusively on them i do so for nostalgia and for familiarity. Others have simply moved on.
  20. Wow, turns out i think that the singer works at my work. I can confirm that he appears to not be an uber cunt. He actually seems pretty decent. It is probably better not to judge people through the internet, internet is srs bsns and all that.
  21. Really awesome gig. Sea, Starry were dead dead good. Best 3 i have spent in a long time.
  22. Here was me trying to get tickets at 9... It's actually 9.30, ah.
  23. Awesome gig! Anyone know why the guy in the Sonic Youth 'Goo' t-shirt got thrown out? I was standing next to the door and saw one of the roadies floor him into the steps outside and slam the door shut. Was pretty brutal.
  24. That was probably the best Aberdeen gig this year so far, good crowd too. Love of Everything were particularly brilliant.
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