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Everything posted by keeno

  1. Wilshere was fantastic. Good touch and passing. He could well be the controlling midfield player England need to perform better internationally. Theo Walcott was pretty awful. What was up with all the cutting inside trying to dribble past 2 Barca players. You're not Lionel Messi, just run down the fucking touchline. He would have skinned Maxwell alive but he never once actually just put his head down and ran.
  2. Finding articles by an author named I De Kock. If I ever get something published I'm changing my name to U De Man.
  3. I know they're not really comparable, but one of the biggest metal bands around (Arch Enemy), who easily sell 100 000-200 000 copies of albums, constantly tour and perform in front of a couple of thousand people, then do festivals etc, said they each earn something like 15 000 a year. Maybe a bit less, the figure quoted was under 20 000 eurps anyway. basically the only way they make money is selling merchandise. I think the lesson here is have as few people in your band as possible, more money for everyone
  4. My favourite was Corpse Clothing, just because of the Harold Shipman image they used to have on their help page. It was genius. Pricey but a massive selection from what I remember although more metal based. But they do have rock and other random things. Service Information : Official music merchandise, funny t-shirts and cool stuff, official merchandise from the undead... Loud Clothing was the other one I used. Buy band T-shirts online at Loudclothing.com. Rock T-shirts and music tees.
  5. In other news, Man City are kicking off in 30 mins against a Greek team I've never heard of, who apparently never lose at home in Europe. (some 24 match, 40 year unbeaten run). UEFA cup on a Tuesday? Wtf is this nonsense. The Europa league has ruined everything! It's also live on ITV4 I think..
  6. Oops didn't realise I didn't put a name. Was meaning Cassano, since I thought he'd basically been at Sampdoria ever since he fell out with Capello and Real Madrid didn't want him back. it does accurately describe most of the Milan strikeforce though! Can't see Tottenham having any hope of winning this. They don't have the composure in midfield to hold onto the ball whereas Pirlo and co will just be passing it around for hours. I don't see them having the quality to counter attack effectively either even with Van Der Vaart playing. Peter Crouch is tipped to be starting up front as well. Nesta will just eat him for breakfast! No one near as dirty as him in the Premier League (Van Bommel is ineligible i think otherwise that would have made two of them!)
  7. I had no idea he was at Milan now. Has his attitude improved? He used to be like teenage Ronaldo (non retired one), producing a moment of brilliance, then sulk for the rest of the match because the opposing team were disrespectful enough to try to win the ball off him. AC Milans defence and midfield are still pretty old and lacking in a bit of pace. If Bale was fit he could have given them a good run around as he can actually cross. Lennon will just run past the full backs then give the ball away or cross into the stands. But as it is I can just see AC Milan dominating possession, then Spurs resorting to pressing, leaving gaps at the back (especially left back ) and them getting a caning like the first half of the Inter game at the San Siro. I'm not sure they should be risking Van Der Vaart either if he's not fully fit. They need him for the Premier League.
  8. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    Constantly hearing the same music over and over again. A guy I work with only seems to play 2 CD's at work. He loves The Knife and I must have heard whatever cd it was about 4 times over the course of the weekend. At first was like oh this is quirky, beats hearing generic chart stuff on the radio. But it's just constantly on! Expect me to feel the same way about the new PJ Harvey soon. He got the CD on Saturday morning and I've already heard that in full 3 or 4 times. Also, haven't been to a shop yet, but clichd newspaper headlines. I can envisage the 'gaga eggstatic at grammys' headlines now.
  9. That's amazing! Thought they would have saved it for when they hit the rock bottom of the table though......... On a related note... does anyone actually know what The Rock was cooking? Can't wait for Champions League next week. Be interesting to see Spurs vs the fossils of AC Milan. even with no Bale
  10. Lucky you didn't see his performance on Saturday! Normally so reliable but was at fault for every single goal Stoke scored at the weekend. Blame wet ball and all but 2 pretty bad handling/shot stopping errors among them
  11. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    I was pretty near the front of the queue and everyone in front of me did..... aside from my gf. They just let her straight in. Not like their wasn't female staff there either. Guessing you went down with the other John then? You should have been there the entire night. Monuments were decent (aside from the fact that other than the songs already out the rest just sounds EXACTLY like Fellsilent) and afterwards all of periphery and TesseracT were around chatting to people and doing photos etc. Thoroughly nice chaps. It's always best to go down really early, last time I got a lift down to Glasgow we were 45mins late due to roadworks and I missed the only band I wanted to see
  12. Match of the day was on BBC HD as normal. I only found out as my sky+ box failed to record it on BBC1 so desperately flicked through the HD channels hoping it was there! Get yourself a freeview HD box or Sky. Freeview HD boxes are the standard on new TV's now (I bought a new one a couple of months ago that had one) but I'm sure you can get them in shops. May I also say HD football is pretty amazing too. Didn't think it would be much of a difference til I bought a decent TV and actually watched it.
  13. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    There for Periphery? a) Let's face it, the sound was a bit crap, and the sound guy just didn't seem to listen to the bands requests. I wasn't the only one who thought so either b) One of my friends works for Basick and had press clearance to take photos... yet wasn't allowed into the area to do so! Said person was also on the guestlist but had to pay for some reason (incompetent people methinks) c) James from TesseracT getting thrown out! No one seems to know why, but his band helped sell out the place, and he's also one of the nicest guys I've ever met. Ridiculously quiet too. Not like he was drunk and making loads of noise. d) Another one person refusing to get served because they 'talked to someone who was drunk'.... so obviously he must have been buying drink for all the drunk people! It just seemed like a really badly handled night. Personally I never had much problems other than no bar staff and the sound sucking, but the others would annoy me if they had happened to me aswell.
  14. keeno

    Pet Hates!

    Sometimes uni can just be stressful though! At the moment I'm 9-5pm Monday-Friday on my dissertation project (it's a medical science project so sadly not all writing like some) then working 23 hours a week on top of that. Friday was my first day off in over a month. Maybe the pet hate should just be people in the first couple of years whingeing about the workload. I can't say I've ever met someone who had a genuinely heavy workload in uni, that wasn't their fault for choosing way more modules than they had to. Pet hate -> Cathouse in Glasgow. Or more specifically the staff there.
  15. Has a thunderbolt of a shot aswell. Pity it's rarely anywhere near the goal! Pace with no end product isn't all that great. See Walcott, Lennon et al on a bad day! If he had the ability to match his pace he'd still be at inter milan. if he's improved his finishing could be indeed be a productive partnership.
  16. As well as the price being ludicrous I've said it before and I'll say it again. He doesn't suit their style of play! Without a decent winger or crosser of the ball the only way I can think they will play him is hoof it long and hope he flicks it on for Suarez (assuming he signs!) or holds it up for Gerrard (when he's not injured/suspended!). I've only really seen Suarez at world cup so can't remember but is he pacey? Liverpools entire biggest threat were through balls or balls over the top for Torres to chase. Without a pacey striker (Carroll isn't one!) the only way I can see them playing is the good old Sam Allardyce route one method. Can't imagine Liverpool fans enjoying that too much! I would have thought their best bet would be to get a more experienced striker on loan until the end of the season (I'm sure a benchwarmer at a top euro team would happily join!) rather than paying over the odds for half decent strikers. Maybe in the summer go after someone like Zarate/Rossi etc. Not sure Sunderland would sell in this window but Asamoah Gyan is probably the premiership player I'd go for as a direct replacement for Torres instead of Carroll if they're desperate to buy now. Strong and pacey like Torres, and not too bad a finisher.
  17. 30 million for Andy Carrol is crazy money. Even 15 million is way over the odds IMO. The only real reason for Newcastle to reject a bid like that is no time to find an adequate replacement and AC *could* be the key to them staying up, although they're all but safe already.. It's the whole value to the club is a lot more than his actual market value argument as with Charlie Adam. 18 million plus add ons for Darren Bent, and he's a proven goal pacher, with years of top flight experience so I struggle to see why AC is worth so much more! Plus he just doesn't suit the way Liverpool play. No width to get balls in for a target man and their delivery from set pieces is pretty poor, and even worse when Gerrard isn't playing!
  18. White tac, doesn't stain walls or take paint off (landlords generally only let you use that). Will cost you 1 in poundland!
  19. I got a 10M ethernet cable in game a while back for 7 so have a look in game/gamestation. GAMEWare 10m Ethernet Cable - PlayStation 3 - GAME.co.uk 4.99 online but I'd imagine it'll be a couple of quid more instore
  20. Before line rental I'm guessing? The one I was looking at was something like 26 a month, then 12.50 a month line rental or around that. I'm sure you can pay BT line rental directly but not sure how much cheaper it is. I think I remember seeing something like 107 if you pay it upfront for a year
  21. Ah I didn't know about the cable thing, just checked and on the service in your area page does indeed only give options for broadband and phoneline. Cheers for the info! Looks like it will probably be Sky then. At 38.50 a month it is the most expensive, but BT vision just seems to be a load of pay on demand or catch up content. Which defies the point of having a box that records things ?(
  22. Just moved flat and looking to get a TV/Internet/Phone package. Options (as far as I know!) are Bt vision, Sky Plus or Virgin Media. All are roughly the same price (32-38 a month inc line rental.). Requirements are: - Decent broadband! Can get 20MB broadband where we live according to BT/Sky websites (just off Mount Strret) but not a necessity. Must be a decent speed for xbox live though,. and preferably unlimited download for this reason. BT don't seem to offer unlimited broadband ii their package though? - Recording TV, sky+ box basically. I'm not fussed about this but the gf is. Also not really fussed about the channel selection either. Don't need a crazy HD movie/sports package - Any phone line will do. Free evening/weekend seems standard, and some offer free calls to various countries. Free calls to Ireland (if any company does that!) would be a bonus and something we'd maybe pay more for. From my own experience, BT do decent broadband, and Sky broadband has been a bit rubbish. Had a really patchy connection at my old place and their wireless router sucked. I couldn't get a signal in a room 4-5m away. Any advice or recommendations would be very useful. Thanks!
  23. Saw them at Download last year without having a clue who they were... just thought 'that looks and sounds like Keith Buckley....'. They really do hype up having Scott Ian as a member. Weren't bad though, but ETID are way better live, can't beat their energy. This is brilliant. So many blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments. The badly assembled guitar is the best one (hint: look at the headstock) Also I'm guessing Rob Caggiano produced the album? That man is a fantastic producer, for metal anyway.My favourite drum sounds ever heard were on an album he produced.
  24. Sorry, was away over xmas and not had time to check until now. 420 would have been a bit low anyway. It's now sold pending payment and collection.
  25. I'll text Stuart and ask if he's still selling it since it doesn't look like he's been on the site in ages. Will post here again when he replies!
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