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Everything posted by Jamie-Goatboy

  1. It depends on what stage your at. If you've just started playing and want to progress on your own get some guitar books from Bruce Millers and start going through it step by step. You could on the other hand invest in some lessons from a guitar tutor, not exactly sure wheres best though, maybe Bruce Millers again or that place above what used to be Beans (now Cafe nero). Failing that trawl through Guitar tabs from ULTIMATE GUITAR TABS ARCHIVE | 300,000+ Guitar Tabs, Bass Tabs, Chords and Guitar Pro Tabs! and just try playing some difficult tunes. Also going along to open mic nights is a good way to improve on your playing, just watching other guitarists and asking questions generally helps you improve. Hope thats of some use.
  2. Too true, you only have to look back to the Razor gangs in Glasgow in the 50's to know it's not a new thing. Personally I've never carried a knife nor had the compulsion to ever carry one, yet like others know people who have. I guess things will never change, it's fucked up but there are genuinely people out there who want to go out and have a fight and cause trouble, hence carry some form of weapon as 'protection'. With that kind of destructive attitude these incidents are disturbing and diplorable yet sadly unsurprising.
  3. I saw it all cordoned off this morning I was wondering what happened. Pretty shit but to be fair it's getting more and more common in Aberdeen (and the UK), I had a couple of friends chased by someone with a knife on George street the other week. WTF is going on with someone that they feel they have to carry a knife about with them?
  4. Just want to say a big thank you to all who came along last night. Good times were had by all. I'm still drunk!! As this was my last Sunday Sessions, Emma Clifford will be taking over come September when the Sessions go weekly. If you want to play, leave a message on this thread and Emma will be in touch. Big thanks to all the acts who have played over the past few months. Ariba Derchi!!
  5. Don't worry about it you've heard the last from me on the subject.
  6. My God a your mamma slur, you really are pulling out the old ones today! Next up ..... my dad could batter your dad! I'll end this one here, my penis is bigger than yours, don't worry though I'm doubtful any woman will let you near her so that they would find out about your inadequacies. As I said before have a nice life, try not to die or anything, that would just be too much for the world to take.
  7. Pray tell how you came to get the name teabags in the first place? Were you a dab hand at the the old tea bagging in the Boys Brigade? Have a penchant for a bit of scrot sack do we?
  8. Ah yes and your witty reposts are so cutting edge. Tell me teabags how can I be as funny as you? Lose a few brain cells maybe?
  9. Ah such a witty and intellectual response I bet your a wiz with the ladies!! Tell me how long did it take your miniscule brain cell to come up with that one?? I think I've figured out your issue with Bill Hicks, it's just a stab in the dark mind, (like your conception must have been) he's a little too high brow for you. Oh well never mind I'm sure Joe Pasquale's on soon. Go back to sleep Teabags!! Everything is alright! Watch Joe Pasquale and pleasure yourself senseless, just so long a no one actually asks you to utilise any section of your feeble mind. Go back to sleep Teabags! You are free to be a moron!! You are free to be a moron! Have a nice life!!
  10. HAHA!! This ones for you Teabags!! Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Some things in life are bad, They can really make you mad, Other things just make you swear and curse, When you're chewing life's gristle, Don't grumble, Give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best. And... Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the light side of life. [whistle] If life seems jolly rotten, There's something you've forgotten, And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you're feeling in the dumps, Don't be silly chumps. Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing. And... Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the right side of life, [whistle] For life is quite absurd And death's the final word. You must always face the curtain with a bow. Forget about your sin. Give the audience a grin. Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow. So,... Always look on the bright side of death, [whistle] Just before you draw your terminal breath. [whistle] Life's a piece of shit, When you look at it. Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true. You'll see it's all a show. Keep 'em laughing as you go. Just remember that the last laugh is on you. And... Always look on the bright side of life. Always look on the right side of life. [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Repeat to fade...
  11. I don't know about you, but I'm over it mate, I was just putting my opinion across, you seem more than happy to let everyone hear your opinion on the subject, I thought I'd put in my tuppence-worth.
  12. Too true, I'm personally a huge Hicks fan so it may be no huge surprise that I disagree with a lot of what has been said. Personally I believe Hicks was a great satirist of life, do I believe him to be some Messiah - no, However I do believe he had a great perspective with which to view life from. And say what you like but the guy was funny as fuck! Yes he used to rant at people but this was generally brought about by frustration at trying to get his message accross. Watch some of the clips on You Tube generally the people he's ranting at are fucking morons. YouTube - Bill Hicks Hates Hecklers Ok you may not agree with his opinion but at least the guy had the conviction and the balls to go out there on stage every night to tell it, incidentally a lot more balls than it takes to post a smart arsed comment on a message board. Ask any comic worth his salt and they will tell you Bill Hicks is still heralded as the comedians comedian. Is he the best comedian ever, probably not, but the guy is missed and probably will be missed long after we are forgotten about. YouTube - Bill Hicks: What is the point to Life
  13. I dunno Chris, Leary might be a good choice, he seems to have Bill's material down!! Haha! Personally I think Crowe's a ridiculous choice but someone's eventually gonna do it, I just hope they do him justice. But I really can't see it. On a positive slant if it get's more people into Bill Hicks it can't be a bad thing. The Prophet Bill will live on!!
  14. Today I bought a boots meal deal, The other day Cif (used to be Jif) some scourers, bathroom spray, bleach and a pair of marygolds ...... now what would Maguyver do??
  15. Is anyone else worried about what he's got planned??
  16. I know damn fine effort! Scary stuff 'She said he had a plastic bag containing his victim's ear, nose and part of a mouth in his pocket when officers arrested him.' WTF!! Was he planning on making a soup with it later?? 'Some passengers had been watching the film "The Legend of Zorro" on bus television ' Explains a lot!! I swear I was that close to doing the same thing! Antonio Banderas has a lot to answer for!
  17. Canada bus attacker who decapitated victim begs: Please kill me - Telegraph Just an update! Read the bus slogan at the bottom, Genius!!
  18. Apparently Rangers new sponsors are 'easyjet' - In and out of Europe in three hours!
  19. When I used to carry 'a lot' more weight I used to get Uncle Fester, Leatherface and Pacey from Dawsons Creak not sure how they all link together but you get the picture. Yes and these were the suggestions of friends!! If anyone can mock up a hybrid of the three I'd be very interested in seeing it!
  20. Anyone up for playing Augusts Sunday Sessions?? My last one, should be a great night!
  21. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your not a fan.... fair enough. I agree with you there most likely is far better entertainment in the pubs. But does it really affect your life that much for them to be out doing what they do? It's not like they are trying to throw an Aberdeen Record in your face everyday.... incidentally has anyone else been tricked into taking one of them while daydream - walking down union street and immediately try to find a bin when you realise what a complete waste of paper it actually is.
  22. The guys are Akraf and John, friends of mine in fact, while some may decry them for there song choices they are generally playing what the druken masses want to hear and have I'm sure brightened up many a drunks night out. If they upset you, move on, left foot, right foot...it's called walking.
  23. Hey big thanks to everyone who played the July Sessions, muchos thanks to Chris from Doolitlle's dagger who came down and took charge of the sound board. I'm looking for a few more people who'd be up for doing the August sessions (my last sessions before handing over to Emma Clifford). If you wanna get involved in any capacity, PM me or just leave a comment. Cheers.
  24. The Sunday Sessions @ Cellar 35 The Perfect cure for the Sunday Blues... Sunday Papers, Board Games and Great Tunes!!! 16:45-17:15 - Claire Hamilton 17:30-18:00 - Alan Cynics 18:15-18:45 - Colin Mac 19:00-19:30 - Kathy Shanks 19:45-20:15 - Jim Rodden 20:30-21:00 - Wilson Gray 21:15-21:45 - Folazz 22:00-22:30 - Nicky Powell
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