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Posts posted by DJ Jo-D

  1. The Lovely Bones. Latest from Peter Jackson, told from the perspective of a young girl who has been murdered.

    Very good, although the fantasy/CGI elements were ropey. Don't the likes of Jackson/Lucas et al look at these effects before they release the film and realise they look crap?

    The book was really good, I will have to watch this I started it but fell asleep :(

  2. The Hangover. I was pretty disappointed having been told it was hilarious. Perhaps it was my mood but I just didn't really find it funny. The boy with the beard's speech on the roof was good and Heather Graham breastfeeding was ok.

    Alan.....I thought he was a good character, how disappointed he was to find the baby's name wasn't Carlos! I thought it was a good comedy, nothing to glaringly obvious in the storyline for a rom com/dick flick. The problem tho when people tell you something is hilarious it bigs it up too much only to be a let down :(

    I watched some of my fave childhood films yesterday - classics!

    Lost Boys



  3. Chavs in the cinema who talk all the way through a film, and try and talk to the folk in the film by answering questions they ask in the film

    or eat loudly...or check their mobile.....a film is only 2.5hrs or less..get a grip

    Slowly getting annoyed with Iphoners too......can you not leave it alone for 2 mins....so rude when in other peoples company

    Also, trying to organise my sisters henny and finding once enquired about something with restaurant/spa/comedy club.....when I have rounded up cash for deposits...find out they have changed their fricken offer.......surely this cannot be allowed! Wouldn't be so bad for 4 people but 23.....grrr

  4. Heading out at night City Cafe is always ok for a pint & casual dining..burgers n the like.

    For live band stuff check Sneaky Petes.

    Club wise check Caberet Volitare(sp) make sure you check out the Speakeasy bar in there (upstairs). Its pretty cool. Usually has a decent night on but checking listings.


    City Cafe keeps cropping up...is that an after hours munch kinda place or just general?

    Think gonna head to Cab Voltaire last on not been yet. Also there is a funk and soul night on in voodoorooms might check out.

    this place is meant to be good too Chop Chop Restaurants Ltd

  5. I Love You Man. Comedy where Phoebe's boyfriend out of Friends is due to get married but doesn't have any mates to ask to be his best man, so he goes on a series of "man dates" with hilarious consequences.

    It was similar in tone to all those Judd Apatow comedies, I was surprised when his name didn't pop up at the end.

    Funny comedy with quite a few laugh out loud moments and good supporting performances from Earl's wife out of My Name is Earl, the fat guy out of Swingers that directed Iron Man and the baldie out of Oz that raped Peter Schibetta using axel grease as an impromptu anal lubricant.

    Slap d'bass....

    Great dickflick

    • Upvote 1
  6. Re the Prisoner, never knew there was a re-make, but I can tell, without watching, that it will be but a piss stain compared to the stupendously great original. Now when is bastarding 'Money' on.

    I downloaded the original Prisoner so will have to watch it, heard the reviews of the remake weren't nearly as good (when are they ever tho!)

  7. Watched a mini series called Above Suspicion Red Dahlia UK 3-parter about a copy cat of the Black Dehlia case from earl 1900's which was never solved.

    Was good however I think I managed to miss a section of it in the middle, but managed to catch up.

    Also glad to see some tv starting up again...

    24 S8

    Lost - last season

    Being Human - BBC3



  8. I think the boy had to leave due to not getting enough tit attention surely? Darn dog n baby....when the second kid comes, the dog will no doubt get his little polka dot hanky out and be on its way

    Why did she not continue to just express it into the dogs bowl I do ask....if just feeding the dog was the only reason for doing it?

    Seriouly deranged!

    • Upvote 1
  9. Oh you caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnt!

    You've just dredged up a bitter memory for me!

    When I was at Uni, I worked part-time in Azad Video (back in Killie) and for MONTHS after it was trailered, I got twice-daily phone calls from some wee schemie asking when "No Retreat, No Surrender 2" was out.

    When the official realease date came and went and there was no sign of the movie, I had his cleaner/checkout-type assistant mum on the phone bending my ear, then his van driver/security guard-type dad threatening to "report me to my manager" for it's failure to appear on the shelves.

    I eventually lost it and said "what do you want me to do, shoot the fucking movie myself?"

    When it finally did come out, I got a call from mum telling me that "I'd better keep a copy fur her boey".

    So the fuckwit family came in en masse, glaikit expressions all round and didn't even have the manners to thank me for reserving a copy.

    The lot of them returned the next day and throwing me a look of admonishment, mum informed me that the "fillum was rubbish, her wee boey was right disappointit and that we want oor money back"

    I said I do one better and go reassemble the cast and reshoot it myself to his liking.

    It went right over her peasant, working class head.



    ha ha thats amusing!

    I watched Novo French bizarre movie with a guy who has short term memory (which wasn't really portrayed that clearly) and a love pentagon with him having it off with the temp (who has a fro bush), his wife doing his best friend, his best friend in cahoots with his boss so she can occasionally get her wicked way with the memory guy (confused yet?)......some really strange situations cropped up!

  10. An excellent Stirton Project, my last Electronic band Optoplan did the music for the first version of that, about 2000/2001, just called 'Removals' then. Good work.

    My pal Nicky did the music for that, I didn't realise there was a first version?

    .....The Goonies ....:

    One of my top films

    Also, it's made by David Bowie's son... reason enough to go see. Ace film.

    Zowie! This is the reason I must watch this film...

  11. Went to see Avatar yesterday...I was a little sceptical and wasnt sure if I would like it. It was compelling enough to be able to sit almost 3 hours in the cinema. I though it looked like it was going to be like Fern gully with actors (this was without really watching any of the trailers, just brief glimpses). After watching it I think it was still like Fern gully.....from what I remember of that film!

    I thought it was a little drawn out at parts, but overall quite enjoyable.

  12. I went to Frankie & Benny's in Union Square yesterday for their 2 courses for 9.99 lunch. Me and my friend shared sweet chilli wings and brushetta. The brushetta was good, however I would of describe it more as Garlic Bread with an onion and tomato relish, the topping was rather scarce. The Sweet Chilli chicken wings tasted more like BBQ, and were more like drumsticks....but wasn't complaining cause they were finer than I expected.

    My main course was quite disappointing, I order New Yorker Pasta (chicken, chilli and pasta served in their Philly cheese sauce topped with crispy bacon), it was like a watered down macaroni made with penne pasta, what looked like shop bought chicken slices, lord knows where the chilli was. It was overall bland and boring even after adding a ton of parmesan and black pepper.... :(

    Overall wasn't too impressed. Won't be hurrying back.

  13. The problem is that a little taste of something small often involves eating a whole thing that probably shouldn't be eaten at all. Like those little red peppers that are hotter than a thousand suns. I've had really seedy jalapeos (ooh I like how my browser does the tilde for me) and habanero hot sauce which are pretty devastating but that little red fucker couldn't be quenched with a half dozen pints of water.

    Have tried Dave's insanity hot sauce, it is insanely hot, but tastes if nothing.. :down:

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