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Posts posted by DJ Jo-D

  1. My sisters Keeper - om my not a dry eye in the house! Really quite sad story. Without giving too much away it's about a family where the daughter has cancer and they make a designer baby to help with treating her...the ups and downs that follow.

    Recommend, but make sure you have the kleenex ready!

  2. Watched Time Travellers Wife last night, more of a love story than anything, was quite interesting but by the end of the film I felt like I was robbed of some of the story as not that much happened and was getting confusing working out what was going on (maybe I was just sleepy)

    Thought it would be better

  3. The cynical person i am is going to assume that they try harder for trail customers and as soon as your roped in, the service will drop. By all means prove me wrong though.

    Absolutely incorrect, the service I have had has been fantastic ;0)

  4. She finds it itchy apparently. captain america is right as well, i'm hardly sporting the brad pitt look when i've not shaved for a day or two.

    nothing like being stabbed in the face by stubble .....or could just be a polite way of getting rid of some bum fluff

  5. I'm going home tonight to drink a bottle of Baby Bio.

    I heard a guy telling a couple at dinner table the other night "Is young eins nowadays are all sniffing at Baby Bio......I mean Baby Bio....fit next!"

    I don't touch that stuff but it's all very well saying stick to illegal drugs, but you have no clue what dealer put in there either! Who knows what these people are doing with it, taking with it or quantities they are taking it in.....

  6. Tonight - Some kind of chili concoction. Probably burritos. Wine.

    Tomorrow - Test drive a potential new car. Vrooooom. Tidy house, make some homemade burgers and drink some beer. Possibly have friends round.

    Sunday - 5k run and/or bike ride depending on weather.

    Have you seen the taco trays you get now....ace! NOM


  7. It's an absolute must, if it doesn't blow you away and make your guts wrench by the end you will officially have no soul, no soul at all. Don't read anything about it first though.

    On another ace note about it: the Hollywood re-make was finally axed at the end of last year. Which is ace, because it's 110% un-remakable as a big-budget blockbuster.

    yeah agreed Oldboy is a fab film, worth a watch!

    I thought Visitor Q was up there for being bizarre too

    It's been sitting in my house unwatched for months, got it cheap in Asda...he's a pretty good actor, I enjoyed The Motorcycle Diaries, Y Tu Mama Tambien and Amores Perros as well.

    I loved motorcycle diaries and y tu mama...I have Amores Perros on my lovefilms list......seen Blindness too, it's a pretty good film about an outbreak of blindness and people being quarantined like it's a disease - another pretty good film!

  8. Oh. I've not seen the Almodovar one all the way through but from seeing a bit of it years back I would say no.

    The Science of Sleep

    Gael Garcia Bernal plays Stephane, a young man who moves back to live in France after his mother gets him a job in a calendar printers, but he finds that rather than them looking for his artistic input as he expected, it's actually just a mundane typesetting job. He lives in his mothers flat and Charlotte Gainsbourg moves in next door. The rest of the film features his attempts to seduce her while pretending he doesn't actually live next door and living out his fantasy world where dreams and real life become muddled and he invents various gadgets. Its made by Michel Gondry who also did 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and 'Be Kind Rewind' so if you've seen them you know what to expect. It's not bad but probably a good 15 minutes too long. 8/10.

    I have a crush on this guy, there's just soemthing about him! I have had this film for ages and not watched it, this is making me want to now!

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