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Posts posted by DJ Jo-D

  1. Both excellent films. They re-made Nine Queens for Hollywood, with George Clooney in the lead role. I haven't seen it, but it's probably not as good.

    Have you seen Novo? Sounds a bit like a cross between momento and 50 first dates lol!

    Will report back.

    Will also check the george clooney remake, nothing like a bit of GC...whether the film is pants or not!

    Feck almost forgot went to see Sherlock Holmes last night was a good film, but couldn't help but feel slightly let down for some reason!

  2. Recently watched these foreign films....

    Maria Full of Grace - Superb

    Nine Queens - Quite good, kept guessing

    Got Novo to watch next...

    Also watched with a frienda cause she'd never seen it, Return to Oz. Quite a dark and sinister follow up to Wizard of Oz, one of the longest sequels after the original ever made, some 46 years after the original.

    To follow the Oz theme we have The Wiz to watch, a motown adaptation of Wizard of Oz starring Diana Ross, Michael Jackson & Richard Pryor

  3. talking of portion size, I went to Cove Bay Hotel for dinner last Friday and the portion was exceptionally huge! I opted for the Steak pie and chips, came on a huge oval plate with Peas and acarrots, with half a plate of chunky beef (which also had carrots in it)

    Was delicious, but I couldn't finish it - I gave it a good try tho, it was cold before I decided to stop!

  4. Surely there should be a question mark in that name. Tut tut.

    I want you to cook my dinner someday!! That sounds affa rare. :up:

    Yeah we had the same discussion regarding the grammar of the name...hmmmm

    ha ha we should do a Abdn-music - Come Dine with me lol in theory that would be a good idea, but I would be too scared! ha ha funny trying to guess who's menu it is!

  5. How do the DVDs come?

    I am really tempted by this but put off it because of my current abode.

    They get posted to you and you post them back through the letter box

    Mixed responses:down:

    I just don't want to give them any of my details until Im sure Im going to stick with it. The minute they have my post code and email Im doomed for life.

    I have never been hassled or heard of anyone being hassled by them...it's just a service not a ploy to get your details. I only get emails which I have asked for i.e. offers

    I have used them for years now and never had a problem ever, I had one disc which was scratched which I sent back (telling them it was scratch on the envelope provided)

    If anyone wants a recommendation I need one more referral to get my gift! PM me if you need a link.

  6. Hmm, that's a good idea. I always just stick beef olives in the oven and they come out tough and a bit boring. Going to try them this way next time.

    I browned them off on all sides first, took about 1.5hrs but ended up waiting for the veg to cook, woulda been ready in shorter time if I had par-boiled the veg first (gotta be soft!).

    They cut like butter and melted in the mouht, the haggis ones altho weren't that big were very filling and only needed one, with the tattties n veg.

  7. Are you struggling to believe that it's not butter?

    Ha ha sure am....


    I got some beef olives filled with haggis from J&J butcher at the green, they were so tasty, just slow cooked with in red wine and beef stock with carrots, neeps and onions, served with chive mash and extra veg.....so good n tender highly recommend!

  8. Yes Man - What a brilliant film. Was quite inspiring and would be quite interesting to try someday, but not if an old lady was to proposition me. Zooey Deschanel is a cute little thing too. Saw her in 500 Days of Summer and thought the same. Definitely worth a watch I would say.

    I really enjoyed Yes Man too, quite an uplifting film. Loving the bands name 'Mnchausen by proxy'

    Watched The Lake House on Saturday, was confusing to start with, bit of a love romance through letters but two years apart....in the end became quite predictable...5/10

  9. Jewel in the Crown....booked for a xmas day ruby.Yum yum and no dirty dishes:up:

    I have heard on numerous occasion this place is good, it's just round the corner form me, so should really try it some day!

    Oggy, Alrene and I went to Saigon on Xmas day, it was superb gotta been the best time I have dined there, everything was so fresh and the services was outstanding. Can't wait to go back after payday!

  10. 18 today:) gives me a nice wee feeling to know that there is no more restriction on anything because of my age, but i know it's all downhill from here. So just going to enjoy myself i think:up:


    Happy belated birthday!

    I'm 30 this weekend. I'm fairly certain that it's definitely downhill from there. I'm legally never allowed to have fun again after Sunday.

    And happy pre-birthday or whatever the right term is before a birthday.

    Maybe said this before but my 30th was by far my best birthday ever! feels like so long ago tho ;0(

  11. Point! .

    ha ha



    I really enjoyed this, for me one of those films where everything just meshes to give a perfect viewing experience - fantastic acting, visually stunning, amazing soundtrack, intriguing plot........ 10/10.

    I have this at home and started watching with someone, but think they were getting bored, so switched off for some serious 1/1 viewing.....I'm a bowie fan and knowing ziggy/starman infuences he must of had on his son think it would be really good....will watch soon as it sounds ace!

    Eden Lake - Not what I expected, I actually really liked it. Couple goes for a romantic camping on a lake which is due to have houses built on it, only to be terrorised by a bunch of young local chav's. British film which was really quite brutal and gross.....not something I normally cringe at but was through the film.

    Really quite enjoyed it.

  12. Martina Cole's "Hard Girls" and the usual girly stuff of perfume, toiletries and pjs.

    I loved watching The Take on tv, and thought the Hard Girls book would be a great read - it's not, it lasted me a few hours and 3/4 of the way through I'd already figured out who the murderer was. I've leant it to my mum and no doubt she'll figure it out quicker than I did because she's a smartarse.

    Is Hard Girls a new book? Really like her books, the Take was great

    Santa, you cunt.

    Where's me fookin Prrrrrrrram!?

    I got a selection of chocolates and skin care products...going to be very fat but at least I will have good skin!

    Got a pretty fantastic canvas of Ziggy which I am pretty chuffed about.

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