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Everything posted by DJ Jo-D

  1. Basically he said you can only get a mcflurry of the mint choc chip variety, BUT for 201 points and a winkie face - he would allow you to have a whole happy meal (minus the toy) nah actually he said sorry i do not know what you are talking about...then hung up
  2. Does that include Oreo McFlurry's??
  3. ha ha I actually feel quite settled...I reckon anything will unsettle my normal routine I'm just gonna marry myself.....there. ha ha starting to sound like a right relationship hater....nope but I will get one in my own time no rush!
  4. even sexier when I get Tractor & Logic Express on it!!
  5. and local papers...or even the sun
  6. my new macbook pro (sorry original S) arrives this weekend I believe (and very much hope!!)
  7. Me too, I am fine with who I am, fuck you very much! Even if I was to meet someone...your nosiness means your getting to know feck all! that was true! haha but not today generally all the time
  8. DJ Jo-D


    Ahhh hahahaha A pirate walked into a bar and the bartender said, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened? You look terrible." "What do you mean?" said the pirate. "I feel fine..." Bartender: "What about the wooden leg? You didn't have that before." Pirate: "Well, we were in a battle and I got hit with a cannon ball, but I'm fine now." Bartender: "Well, okay, but what about that hook? What happened to your hand?" Pirate: "We were in another battle. I boarded a ship and got into a sword fight. My hand was cut off. I got fitted with a hook. I'm fine, really." Bartender: "What about that eye patch?" Pirate: "Oh, one day we were at sea and a flock of birds flew over. I looked up and one of them shit in my eye." "You're kidding," said the bartender. "You lost an eye just from birdshit:" Pirate: "It was my first day with the hook."
  9. not quite sure how to type this..give it a go people (mainly at work) who think just because you're single & socialise through the week for dinner at a friends that you have this totally whacky social life and are ALWAYS out....no I just don't have a husband/boyf or kids.....what do you expect me to do sit at home alone? Also I buy stuff for myself cause I do not have the forementioned people to care for or to fund etc Then make you out to be a right alchy cause you have a drink at the weekend grrr I only really drink on Fridays!! (sometime a glass of vino through the week when out for a meal) grrr gets on my tits!
  10. Tattoo Photo Contest! Featured a $500 monthly prize & a $2,500 Grand prize for the best yearly photo! Some really decent photo's in this website...for a comp...pretty interesting stuff!!
  11. 2 Guys 1 Jan.....sordid...that kinda stuff should be banned from the t'net
  12. DJ Jo-D


    so there's 7 episodes??!! Bonus!
  13. I had mousakka last night (made with beef mince - as few of us don't eat lamb) and it's got cinnamon in it....was delicious!! Mmmm cinnamon swirls.....Sara Lee's - Pecan Pie MMMMOM
  14. Aye cinnamon stick in your chilli while you let it simmer yummo!
  15. he's bang out of order giving that wee boy a wet willie!
  16. DJ Jo-D


    Last episode this week - booo! The website is pretty good most characters have their own website BBC - Psychoville - Homepage
  17. This was based on true events...yeah...true events which were not known in full.......hmm how can it be based on something they have no idea what happened....needless to say I didn't like it. The last house on the left is better I watched Miss March yesterday, a bit like a road trip/american pie type film. Was quite funny in parts, ok sunday afternoon viewing with no effort!
  18. Thanks again, I have tried BME before but I think the server must of been down, only got to look at one page of tats
  19. Ooh might try them....combine the two! Chocolate and spicey tomato is the finest....try the sauce with meatballs to adding the chocolate in the last 30mins mmmmm Yeah I noticed that, might try it anyway tho for myself
  20. DJ Jo-D


    great episode last night loving the Joy/Freddie bit ha ha
  21. oooh just started watching Lie to Me and was up till 1am this morning ....just one more...just one more!! Tim Roth is really good in it
  22. Thanks guys I shall have a peek through these at lunchtime
  23. Ooh I have a phobia of eating mushrooms...stuffed tomato's sound good though....I could maybe make a mixed bean chilli or soemthing along those lines It's a meal for a couple fo friends coming round for the evening. Fed up making the same old stuff (lasgane, spag bol pasta etc)
  24. I know there is already a richards v....thread....however I am wondering if anyone has any good websites with designs, unusual designs etc or even arty type sites, that can be adapted? I am looking for ideas for my back piece and keep finding the same crappy looking tat's
  25. ha ha ha class - that wouldn't of happened if he liked cats.....they can tell!! hee hee
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