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Everything posted by waltz

  1. Cap'n Jazz are pretty cool. I like their cover of "Take On Me", even though it's not a patch on the excellent A-ha original.
  2. Name yourselves after a book, or something. Has to be obscure enough for no-one to have read it, though.
  3. I'm probably going to go, for Greater The Shadow. They were astounding when I saw them.
  4. I've got a rare Frank Turner demo. Listening to it, it's a relief that it's rare.
  5. Disappointed by Werder Bremen. They've got some fantastic players, they should have easily beaten Rangers for both legs.
  6. gay against you have been one of my favourite bands for the last year or so. Damn my age.
  7. "Enter" is impressive, not heard any new stuff yet.
  8. No mention of everythingwesayisfact? I'm hurt...
  9. I'm looking forward to Taping Hands To Faces, they're a good band. As for Pocket Promise, i'm reading 'irish' and 'shoegaze' and thinking 'My Bloody Valentine'? I hope so.
  10. This was a good night. Copy Haho were excellent, I hadn't heard Toy before last night, but I liked them a lot, and unfortunately I missed most of Das Wanderlust but what I heard, I liked.
  11. Yeah, it is, but it's still worth going for the old stuff.
  12. I knew they'd play Aberdeen at some point. This should be good.
  13. I like this band, it's a shame they're not coming up here.
  14. Gig this saturday. Should be fun. As far as we're concerned, hope you weren't put off by last thursday and people come to see us. Hah. So yeah.
  15. Viva Machine used to be okay when they were Ipsofacto/less pretentious.
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