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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. Hi folks

    I am selling my Yamaha BB614 bass. It's black pearl with matching headstock and rosewood fingerboard. A PJ pickup configuration with 3 band EQ (active only). It's in fair condition, pretty good from the front with only a few small dings but a lot of buckle rash (not by me, I might add) in the back, but nothing through to the wood. A wee chip in the finish at the top of the headstock. One of the rubber O-rings on the knobs is missing (the mid frequency one). The preamp and jack socket were replaced because it was constantly running the battery down. This is now fixed (proven by measuring current between the battery and the EQ circuit - 0mA unplugged, 55mA plugged in). It now has an Artec SE-3 EQ circuit in it. Can supply the original Yamaha loom if you want to have a go at putting it back. Most importantly though, the neck is good, nice satin feel and it is somewhere between a Precision and a Jazz in terms of nut width and profile.

    Due to its less than pristine condition and the fact that the innards have been replaced, I'm only looking for £150 firm for it. No offers. Can take more pictures if anyone wishes, and you are of course welcome to try it before you buy it.


  2. At the risk of a bunch of people giving me a Will Smith style 'aw hell naw', the bass is easily the best of the bunch there for me. Love the colour, love the maple neck. I can even see past the head stock. Fuck the top end of the fret-board. Bassists have no business there.

    Plus, the rest are all lazy and ugly constructions chucked together from a variety of perfectly nice guitars. Want a Strat? Buy a Strat. Want a humbucker on a Fender? Kill yourself.

    Aw hell naw!

    No need to thank me, you earned it :)

    • Upvote 1
  3. Looks like Fender are trying to cash in some more on the kitsch-y retro guitar trend:


    That reverse Jaguar bass is all kinds of wrong. Worse dusty end access than a Thunderbird, less coil switching options than an HH Stingray (whose pickup arrangement Fender seem to have aped), and while I understand the predicament of the left handed player when it comes to choice of instrument sometimes leads them to use a right handed instrument upside down, there's no need to ruin a perfectly good left handed instrument by putting the controls at the top of the body ;)

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  4. I've still got my first ever lead, I think I've had it about 10 years. Proel cable, Neutrik plugs. Never had a problem with it. I've only ever had two leads go bad on me and funnily enough they were both Planet Waves ones. One went microphonic and the hot wire broke somewhere on the other. Load of crap, will never use again. These days I get my leads made here: http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/ - including giant anacondas for head -> cab connection.

  5. Blah blah blah tiny bass amp that kicks disproportionate amounts of ass blah blah blah

    As a follow up to this - I used the head with my Zoot 4x10 last night at a gig in Slains and it performed beautifully. Amp heads that fit in a laptop bag are a good thing in my book. If you can't afford a Mark Bass or a Genz Benz then this is certainly worth investigating. I think they sell the heads separately too for next to hee haw, but considering how well the combo did at band practice you'd be a fool not to take the complete package.

  6. I like not being landlocked. I went for a walk round the bay between Torry and Nigg today and it was ace. Really pretty scenery, fantastic weather and I had the new School of Seven Bells record in the headphones (which incidentally is really good, FYI). Taking a walk round there and then stopping for a drink at Campbells and watching the boats go in and out all day is braw. Normally I don't like to blow my own trumpet about how I've had a brilliant Monday off in the sun when I'm aware that so many of you were probably working, but: toot toot.


    I feel very lucky to have all that you have described just round the corner (well, 2 corners really). We went on that exact walk a couple of weekends ago.

    I'm not saying anywhere else is bad, but I'm not interested in ever living anywhere else.

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  7. Is that an I-river on top?

    You talkin' to me?

    Nah, it's a Tascam MP-BT1 bass trainer. Basically, an MP3 player which can change tempo/pitch of songs independently and EQ out bass for playing along, and can also serve as a headphone amp. Quite a nifty bit of kit, probably the most useful musical thing I own beyond the necessary tools for the job.

  8. Acquired this recently:


    This bass amp is a rear ported 1x10 plus tweeter. In the combo it's 250W. Also you can remove the head and it can give 500W into a 4 ohm cab. It is basically a copy of the Ibanez Promethean. I originally got it thinking it would be useful for quieter acoustic gigs. I took it to band practice not expecting much. Imagine my surprise when it was more than capable of keeping up with the band (drums, keys, sax, guitar and vocals). I'm very impressed. I've seen bigger practice amps. I'm looking forward to trying the head into my Zoot 4x10. Installation test at practice this week. I'm also toying with the idea of building myself a wee 1x10 to stick underneath it. No, you can't change the laws of physics, but you can sure as hell bend them ;)

  9. My new amp is being delivered by Yodel. Is that the one that a few folk had a rant about recently?

    I dunno, but I'll join in. What's this?


    It's the tweeter out of a 4x10 bass cab after it had been in Yodel's hands.


    They're on my shitlist, along with General George and Orange Broadband. The only good thing about the whole debacle is that the sender managed to extract compensation out of them. That took a couple of months to materialise though. Shower of useless bastards.

  10. The Oxbow Lake Band are pleased to announce that their single "Driven To Dance" (featuring MC aka Millennium Child) is now available for free download from Bandcamp - including remixes by Fisher of Gold and and acoustic version as well as bonus tracks "Winter Blues" and "North".


    "Driven To Dance" and "North" are taken from the album "Away From The Mainstream" which is physically available in One Up and digitally from iTunes and Bandcamp or stream it on Spotify.


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