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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. Why are clear penalties in football known as stonewallers? What have walls and stones got to do with a handball?!

    The best I can (quickly - I'm on my second pint of homebrew and I have no idea how strong it is but I'm getting the buzzzz) find is this:


    What is the first recorded use of the word "stonewall" to mean "absolutely certain", as in "it was a stonewall penalty"? The Chambers Dictionary lists "stonewall" as a verb, not an adjective.asked Seamus McCann last week.

    "I believe that stonewalling was originally an Australian term used by politicians for delaying tactics," says Ray Routledge. "There was also an American Civil War general, Thomas Jackson, who was nicknamed Stonewall because during the Battle of Bull Run in 1861 he stood firm, 'like a stone wall'. In a sporting context I think it was first applied in cricket when a batsman would play constant defensive shots, blocking every delivery so as to minimise the risk of getting out."

    But Mark Power claims: "Chambers is right: "stonewall" is a verb, as in "to block obdurately, or Defensively". I suspect what Seamus or Ron have seen is a stone-cold penalty, as in "dead obvious", or "a no-brainer".

    From http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2000/dec/13/newsstory.sport5

  2. Where in town would be best for getting toggle switches for coil taps? I hesitate to ask for mini toggles as I have been told they are larger than standard mini toggles if anywhere stocks such a thing (will take them in to compare).

    Same for tuners. Not a clue what size I need though! It would be a case of taking the guitar in and hoping they have a vernier gauge or buying one and ordering the tuners online. Must be reasonably priced. The guitar is for messing around with really so not looking to spend much more than £30 for tuners and the 2 switches.

    Nowhere. Try http://www.axesrus.com/ - free delivery :)

    • Upvote 1
  3. Well, there's definitely a "scene" being made here if that's any consolation. "Raped of our scene"? Dramarama!

    Also, if by "scene" you mean having to put up with the company of a heap of folk you don't really like just because they also play musical instruments, then if it did exist and it's now expired I'm glad.

  4. I'd have a modicum of respect for someone who stands up as soon as they are asked and says "yep, I did it". Unfortunately people only seem to be the "big man" when they're dishing it out and we waste millions having to prove that people committed crimes because of the innate spinelessness of the criminal population. Hiding behind a defence lawyer arguing that red is blue until a jury decide that red is red is the height of delusional behaviour, morally bankrupt and selfish.

    Hey crims, want to help drive down the deficit? If you did it, plead guilty at the first opportunity.

    • Upvote 1
  5. the good thing about reputation was that it could be used to send a clear signal that someone was being a tool. as it'ts been replaced with a like button can we also have a dislike button?

    Isn't that just going back to the old system again? This is my perception of the old system, not a fact - the same system that certainly highlighted the toolish amongst us but it also served to create and reinforce cliques and turned into a huge "popularity" contest which turned off new users and basically anyone who wasn't part of the "in-crowd"? That's the way I saw it, and I think things are better now. Likes seem to be being given out more on the strength of the content they are liking rather than the positive rep which used to be dished out willy-nilly based upon the identity of the person doing the posting and how "studly" they looked with their shiny stars, patrolling the place like shrieval arbiters of communal taste.

    • Upvote 4
  6. We've gone up in the Dyson world so I've got an old Dyson DC04 in lime/grey up for grabs if anyone fancies it. Still sooks up dust, it's been emptied and the filters cleaned, the only thing missing is the brush attachment (lost, no idea where it's gone). Free to good home. Collect from Torry or could meet up somewhere if I have the car (like being at Toms tomorrow night from 7-9).

  7. There wasn't a G&L available sadly, and so I tried this out and really liked it. I'd have still been keen to try a G&L but couldn't find one in any of the music shops in Glasogw.

    Oh well, the G&L'll be bass #2 then. Not that I'm judging people by my own standards and principles ;)

    • Upvote 1
  8. The Oxbow Lake Band are delighted to announce the launch of their album "Away From The Mainstream" and would love to see you at their shindig to celebrate said launch on Friday 2nd December at Cafe Drummond, Belmont Street, Aberdeen. Support comes from Omar Bin Mohamed Afif and the Woodland Roots Orchestra. Doors at 8pm, £5 entry. DJs after the bands, 3am finish.


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