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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. And just found some official-ish looking pics on eBay - a seller is offering them for pre-sale.





    Really quite liking that cherry burst Starcaster, but there's something about that Coronado too. Can't wait for them to appear in shops, definitely will give them a bash.


    Oh, I suppose the guitars are also being done:










    There.  I can be fair and balanced in my reporting ;)

    • Upvote 1
  2. If you want a semi-acoustic Fender, buy a Guild.  Fender own Guild.  As long as that continues, I doubt that Fender will bother reissuing semi-acoustic guitars under their own name.

    Hmm, it just goes to show how utterly shit I am at predicting the future, doesn't it?  Frailty, thy name is neepheid.  Still excited about the Starcaster/Coronado though :)

  3. Best.  Difficult to say.  The brain is odd, it distorts perception to suit the situation.  The instrument you just bought is the best, right?  The instrument you've just spent more than it's worth on modding is the best, right?  Because it has to be, right? ;)


    Every single instrument I've played has its flaws.  The one with the most intangible flaw was a Ritter bass (cheapest one I've seen in a quick web search is four grand.  They don't even put prices on the Ritter website, you have to ask for the price).  Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful, finish so deep and rich you'd think you could dive into it, it was flawless, it played exquisitely, it sounded lovely, but because it was so expensive, I was scared to breathe on it wrong.  How can you lose yourself in music whilst playing when you're constantly worried about something bad happening to the instrument?  No thank you.  But it was amazing.


    Of basses I own or have owned?  On balance, the 1981 Gibson Victory Artist.  Some of you may recall that I rescued this bass from hideous modification (outright vandalism, I'd call it, but I digress).  It is now a beautiful, if slightly historically inaccurate understated gold beastie that sounds as amazing as it looks.  It has probably one of the cleverest bridges I've seen on a bass (the saddles do not adjust on grub screws like the majority of bridges, they adjust by opposing wedge shapes that move horizontally).  It's maple end to end so as you can imagine it's a heavy beast, but the truth of the matter is I enjoy playing it so much that I don't notice.  Sometimes notice afterwards though ;)  It's got so much range on the EQ, it can do heavy, bassy old school thump, but you can have too much treble as well, so popped strings just leap out of the amp.  Lovely neck, neither too chunky or too slim (even though I suspect it's got a slight twist in it - oh well).  But basically, it's just lovely.  I remember when I got it, even though it was trashed, it still sounded authoritative through my old 30W practice amp.  When a bass can do that, you know you're onto a good thing.


    I mean, just look how happy I look:






    I would endure great hardship not to have to sell this bass.

  4. i agree. because if you want to come back on you cantt have your account. plus its a dramatic exit (like mine)


    plus i was almost crying when i was told i couldnt have "young adolesent "back sad times


    Well, I'm glad - your misspelling of "adolescent" always annoyed me.

    • Upvote 3
  5. Difficult to judge when you factor in the lack of a rep system for the first x years of this site's existence and the fact that I've been here since the beginning of time.


    HOWEVER, I have 1514 rep points from 7181 posts.


    Soda Jerk has a whopping 3260 rep points from a whopping 14,254 posts.


    Teabags (in second) has 1813 rep points from 10,446 posts.



    Can you tell me who is best please? If I'm the winner I will declare myself king.


    I'm not doing your sums for you.  My days of doing other people's homework for them are long gone.  I'm a militant nerd/dork/geek these days.


    Much more pertinent to me: are you ever going to pick up that hat?  I'd feel bad taking it to the charity shop when I said you could have it.

  6. Where can I find a league table of members based on reputation points?


    I want to see how popular I am on the Internet compared to some other people on the Internet.


    I would have thought that rep divided by post count would be a more useful measure.  Lots of points is all very well and good, but how much work did you have to put in to get 'em?


    I'm probably overthinking it, but numbers without analysis are pretty boring to me.

  7. I got a 2600 in original box + games off eBay for like 12 quid, they're cheap as chips. Probably easier than hacking yours up. Do you know you can plug a Megadrive controller into them if you can't get original joysticks?


    Easier most certainly, but less satisfying.  Besides, I highly doubt my next telly will have an analogue tuner, so if this works then I've futureproofed my VCS, to a degree at least.  Not to mention the superior quality output that the composite video with separate audio would be versus mashed together RF output.


    I had heard that about Megadrive controllers.  Fancy a go of a TAC-2 though.  Wish I had kept my Quickshot II Turbo.  Also keen to locate Driving Controllers at some point (they're like paddles, but they spin continuously instead of between two fixed points), for Indy 500.  Kinda like Super Sprint, but blockier ;)

  8. Poundshops sell them


    Thanks for the heads up, but Graham is a man of his word and he provided me with a booster.  Unfortunately, it did no better at any gain setting, so my suspicions now turn to the RF modulator, which I will now bypass (with this handy kit - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181042624250) to give me a composite video output with separate audio.  If that doesn't work, it's probably most cost effective to find another 2600.

  9. We liberated Chico from Mrs. Murray's in Seaton.  Christ, it's like cat jail in there.  Not suggesting they're not well looked after, but let's just say that space is at a premium and you're presented with row upon row of cats in cages with "get me out of here" eyes.  Brutal.  The indisciplined might end up taking more animals home than they bargained for.  We got our scamp with about a minute to spare - we'd just sealed the deal and he had been put back in the cage whilst we sorted out paperwork etc. and some other folk came in and expressed an interest in the wee boy.  Phew!

    • Upvote 1
  10. Chico gets 2 pouches of wet food when I get home from work.  I used to just horse them both into the bowl but he was wolfing it down and being sick as a consequence, more so with fishy ones than meaty ones.  So I space out the two pouches by a little, 10 mins maybe or until I've seen him burp and I'm a bit cagey about fishy varieties.  He has dry food to graze on at other times.  He's also an outdoor cat so he can always dine out if he feels like it.  He's not a brand snob, I buy whatever Whiskas/Felix is on a deal at the supermarket, and some of those Gourmet Solitaire cans on rare occasions (birthday, Christmas etc.).  I usually cut a wee piece of meat off of whatever I'm eating to give to him, but always once I'm finished eating, he knows that, but you can be sure he's on my lap as soon as the fork goes down :)


    Statutory pic:



    • Upvote 2
  11. Does it really matter?  Just get your head down and make your own music however you do it.  Some people will like it, some people won't.  Some people will consider you a musician, some people won't.  The music carries on regardless.


    Am I a musician?  Am I an artist?  Am I tolerated as a mobile tool kit and convenient source of spare leads and batteries who can be relied upon in general to hit the right notes at the right times on a bass guitar?  It doesn't matter.  I am what I am, I play what I play and let people scurry around my output and pick holes in it, cry, laud, berate, try to classify it, rate it or put it in a box and tie a ribbon around it before putting it in a waste compactor and judge me as a consequence.  I'll sift through all that and take what's useful for me from it all but it won't get me down.


    This is the trouble when one directs an opinion personally and takes a pop at something/someone that someone else is sure to hold dear.  It's bound to get up someone's nose.  I kept my criticism of the practice generic and look, no angry retorts by people who now feel compelled to defend their position.

    • Upvote 3
  12. Hi folks


    My TV is a bit cranky when trying to lock onto the signal coming out of my Atari 2600, and I want to test to see if it's a weak RF signal that's causing the problem.  To that end, I'd like to borrow an old school TV signal booster from someone.  Does anyone have one languishing in a hoard of old tech somewhere?  I've got no use for one normally (on Freesat) so I'd like to avoid buying one just for a test.


    Hope someone can help.



  13. You didn't have to do all the eating gym etc in GTA IV either. I find it a weird stance but ach well each to their own.

    Also, it's you that came in and expressed your opinion, so don't seem hard done by that we've asked about it.


    I did, and I don't feel hard done by that my opinion was questioned.  The manner of the questioning (I read the interjection "eh?" as "are you fucking mental?")  and the subsequent picking over it made me feel a little like it was implied that I was being some kind of village idiot for harbouring such an opinion.  Perhaps that's a touch of paranoia on my part coupled with the difficulty in reading the intention and spirit of written word without context, if so, allow me to extend my apologies.  Enjoy the game.  Seems like it's going to get pretty quiet around here... ;)

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