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Posts posted by neepheid

  1. I can't speak for all bass players here, but I would guess that we're all a bit oversubscribed.  If you go by how music shops are stocked then there must be 5 guitarists for every bass player ;)


    I'm in two bands and I have other facets to my life too, so I can't really help you, sorry about that.

  2. Not content with taking F1 from me so that I get less stuff on TV that I like for the same license fee (and shame on the BBC for pooping their pants and ending their deal early), Sky then have the audacity to steal my ISP from me (Be).  I switched ISPs as soon as I heard.  Fuck Sky.  I am rather cross with them and can't see myself doing any kind of business with them any time soon on that basis.  Childish - possibly, but on the whole I'm a bridge burning bastard.

  3. It's a difficult concept to get hold of and angers many many people (especially the cheese part, I'm going to have to start pretending that I'm vegan or lactose-intolerant rather than telling the truth of just not liking cheese) but I get by. I eat a lot of vegetables and delicious, awful CARBS and most places these days will have at least a few things that I like because other than meat and cheese, I'll eat anything. It's difficult when there's somewhere that will have one vegetarian option and that's mac and cheese. That usually just happens in pubs, though, and I'll happily eat some chicken fillets or something if there is nothing else but I would rather not.


    Now this I just plain don't get.  Why would people get angry and why should you have to make excuses for your preferences?  You don't like cheese.  Big whoop.  All the more for me.

  4. Not like they used to be.  In 2010.  Halcyon days.


    Anyway, why is anybody bothering to buy curry from anywhere but Gurkha Kitchen?


    Because the Blue Elephant on George Street is pretty decent, as is Gurkha Chef on Palmerston Road.  IMO of course.

  5. I did but he didn't reply. 


    I certainly wouldn't feel comfortable taking extra money for nothing, even if it wasn't technically breaking any eBay rule, so no sympathy from me.  I'm not always a nice person, and god knows I've made my mistakes but I'm never knowingly underhand and unfair.  So neg away, because I'd want to know about people like that before I decided to trade with them.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Bastard. Oh well, thanks. I might negative feedback the cunt for dishonesty. I did similar last year and refunded the guy the difference.


    Have you tried asking the seller if they'd square you up?  At least give them a chance to rectify the situation before you neg 'em.

  7. yeh ive been friend zoned completely. but im not giving up on her. im not drinking that much as when im pissed ill probably end up going off with one of her hotter mates. and another problem. my best mates sister has been flirting with me lately 


    Just go for it, whatever "it" is and potentially make a fool of yourself.  Because I suspect you won't listen to any of us it's the only way you'll learn.

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