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Everything posted by Murrr

  1. I think a change of formation could be great for Aberdeen at the moment. Towards the end of the season, they really struggled against compact midfields and defences who were content to sit deep and stifle Aberdeen's attack. I wouldn't necessarily say that managers have completely figured Aberdeen out, but they've definitely found ways to counter the current system.
  2. We've signed some 20 year old bloke from Tenerife. Scored a few goals 'n that. Plays up front. Daft hair. Plenty potential. Prepare to be Pardewed, boy. Time to kiss the rest of yer career goodbye.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27725827 In talks with Celtic. I guess he has no desire to play football again, then.
  4. Yeah, I don't think it's even close. I rate both of them, but Gordon was on a completely different level to McGregor, who can still be incredibly ropey at times. Can't really think of something McGregor does (did?) better than Gordon, in fact. Apart from not getting injured.
  5. I'm looking forward to seeing him play in England. Seems like a bit of a nutcase, and is undoubtedly a very good footballer. Perfect combo. Courtois back to Atleti for another year as a sweetener?
  6. Everyone I've spoken to seems to believe that Jaime is going to bail Tyrion out. We already know of Jaime's relative disdain for his father, and he was pissing himself at the trial when it looked like Oberyn was gonna ice The Mountain. That, and the recent scenes with Tyrion and Jaime in the cell, tend to lead towards that. I don't actually think Tyrion'll die: it seems like too obvious an outcome for a show that twists and turns so well. I love Stannis. He's a completely miserable prick with almost no redeeming qualities, so I'm not sure why I like him, but I do. I reckon he's gonna swoop in at the last gasp in the wildlings/Castle Black battle, just when all hope is lost, and lay the smackdown on the wildlings' candy asses, just like in the WWE.
  7. It's definitely about to pop-off. Another thing: the wildlings are getting pretty bloody close to Castle Black now, and they've been building-up to the attack for weeks. At the moment, the odds seem insurmountable: 105 members of the Night's Watch (cooks, stewards, and the few who survived the journey back from the Fist of the First Men) against thousands of Wildlings. Remember in season three, though, when Stannis was made aware of the situation on the wall, and planned on aiding them? He couldn't because he had no dough, or ships, at the time. After his visit to the Iron Bank a few weeks ago, he now has both of these things. Should be a pretty epic tear-up.
  8. They also have Cersei's daughter. I remember a conversation between her and Tyrion when the kid was sent away, about how the Martell's despise the Lannisters, but they needed to marry Myrcella into their family to prevent the Martells from siding with their enemies in the war. Shit's about to get interesting.
  9. Reckon he's rank average myself. Why not just keep Dan Gosling if this is the type of signing we're gonna make?
  10. Jack Colback set to sign for Newcastle. Good to see we're finally filling the void left by Cabaye's departure with a like-for-like replacement of equal calibre. I can't wait to see such a quality player in the black and white!
  11. This thread is for beats and rhymes, not silly bullshit. Okay?
  12. Listen to Freddie Gibbs and tell me gangsta rap can't be utterly fucking brilliant. Surface level hip-hop is bollocks, but this is the same in literally every single genre. Calling today's hip-hop "manufactured shite" and a "money grab" shows that you've not really dug below the surface, and name-dropping Lil' Wayne and Drake confirms it.
  13. Yeah, I think the rule is "whoever dies first, loses." The Mountain could've died a second after Oberyn, and he'd have still won the trial. Tyrion's awa'.
  14. Maaaan. I kinda figured that it would go down like that. I'm a bit disappointed that Oberyn didn't just murder the big twat when he had the chance, but his role, from his very first appearance, was entirely focused on avenging his sister. It would've been too simplistic to have either man outright defeat the other, so I thought the outcome was pretty much perfect. Oberyn's hesitation and insistence on The Mountain's confession was such a brilliant character moment. Also, I'm pretty sure they've mentioned Oberyn's habit of fighting with a poisoned spear at some point (I have that in my head, for some reason, and I definitely haven't read the books)... so The Mountain's dead, too. Oberyn gets his retribution, though at an extreme cost. Great stuff. I'm glad Sansa finally showed some bloody balls this week and all. They've been building towards this, but it looks like she's finally learned how to play the game. That moment when she stepped-up and lied for Littlefinger... beautiful, man. Beautiful. I look forward to whatever kind of puppeteering they get up to in the future. Loved the look on The Hound's face when he heard of Lady Arryn's death. Should've ran away back to the safety of yer Scott's Porridge Oats when you had the chance, lad. Once again Arya is meters away from being reunited with a family member. Something tells me it's not gonna go so smoothly. Can't wait for the final two episodes now. The preview for the next one looks like a total belter. EXCITEMENT.
  15. What a glorious couple of sentences. Del Piero's replacement...
  16. Went up Ben Macdui for the third time yesterday. The summit's been completely covered in cloud on previous occasions, so I'd not been able to see anything at the top. Yesterday was perfect: sunny intervals, high cloud level, warm breezes. Ace-ic.
  17. Perfect use of that gif.
  18. Lambert is an excellent footballer. I've seen lots of daft shites liken this to them signing Carroll as well: "a good option if they want to go direct," etc. What a load of bollocks. Rickie Lambert is a far more complete footballer than Andy Carroll, and he actually knows how to use his feet and brain, as well as his head. Imagine that. I assume people think he's just a one-dimensional clogger because he's big and English, but I think he's a great all-round forward.
  19. Apparently Prandelli's been experimenting with Balotelli and Cassano as a front two in training. We're gonna laconic the living daylights out of you fuckers. Dave Woods, Adam Easy Wishes... IT STARTS WITH YOU.
  20. Guardian bell-end Euan Murray reckons that Celtic and Roy Keane are in talks. PLEASE GOD LET THIS BE TRUE. A fantastic opportunity for Aberdeen, Motherwell and Dundee United to close the gap next season if this goes ahead.
  21. I think he'd absolutely smash the league, but only Celtic would be able to afford his wages.
  22. Fuck you, ca_gere. I'm going to print-off your predictions and send it to Cesare Prandelli just so he can wipe his arse with it when we win.
  23. Can't quote because Internet Explorer is whack... but Adam, I should shit my face with delight if Shola signed for the Dandies.
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