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Everything posted by Stupot

  1. Musical integrity is a carbon neutral foodstuff. Full of vitamins and goodness. Best of all it doesn't make you fat...quite the opposite in fact. It does have a side effect. Makes people who live on it insufferable and pompous and write inaccessible songs that nobody listens to.
  2. Yes. According to the Musician's Union, equity and the taxman. In other words the ones that actually count.
  3. It's been estimated that 80% of pro musicians earn less than 10,000 per year. So I'm fairly sure that if they augment their income by licensing their music for ads, films and video games, they'll be able to bring themselves to treat comments about "selling out" from people who know absolutely nothing about their industry with the rich contempt they deserve.
  4. I'm afraid it is true. Simply wishing or hoping it's not doesn't suddenly make it false. There are a great many pro musicians who make a good living without ever thinking about the charts, the brits, glastonbury or radio one. I've been making my living from music for 35 years and never heard anyone who is serious using that term and actually meaning it. In fact, it's usually used as a sarcastic piss take when a friend or aquaintance picks up a lucrative contract or residency. Yes it is like the magic circle especially when trying to get major radio stations to play your stuff. In fact, it's more like the masons.
  5. The term "sell out" is exclusively used by amatuers, musos who can't get anyone to like their music and schoolkids. It's never heard in professional music circles or used by people who actually make their entire living and pay their bills through music. So please, use the correct term- "sour grapes" or "green eyed monster" at a pinch.
  6. Stupot


    theghostofcain is obviously stripey. I don't recall the prodigy being banned from playing for wanting to "smack my bitch up" For more provocative stuff from Bin Ladens' Daughter, listen to "Saddam's Hole"
  7. Stupot


    Just wait till Terry Wogan hears Bin Laden's Daughter's song about his cock...number one beckons!
  8. fixed tags Not enitrely true. This is why they build stereo pairs and provide phase reversal switches on desks. Also look at the 3.1 rule in mic placement. If you're home recording, you're not likely to have a desk with a phase reverse switch but a good DAW will have them. You can also eliminate phase by using a delay line, but as most budget/mid range delays take at least a millisecond to react, at anything less than six inches mic placement distance, don't bother. If you want big guitars, use one mic touching cloth, then double or treble up the track in the DAW and re-amp the two copies and use radical on them.
  9. Queen. Glasgow apollo. 1977. Awesome
  10. Have a look here. CD Baby: How to Legally Sell Downloads of Cover Songs All the steps are listed.
  11. I like both as at least half of my income comes from playing 200-300 gigs a year as a covers act, although we do write and perform our own stuff as well, PRS and all that. The other half comes from my studio where I get to record some amazing original music from bands all over the North. For instance, we had Headlight from Aberdeen in before Xmas and their stuff is pretty damn fine.
  12. There's no comparison between the two as they work (or should work) in entirely different fields. Weddings, dances, holiday camps and other lowest common denominator venues and gigs would be dire things indeed without pro cover acts. Equally, I'd be disappointed to find a cover band in an original music venue or finding a grind core originals band with a set that lasts 20 minutes trying to play a wedding. Horses for courses.
  13. The Musicians' Union has launched its campaign against the use of music in torture. That's James Blunt's career fucked then.
  14. I'm sure Sandi, Amy and Keith will get over your absence.
  15. We have two, both with a flash player with a selection of material recorded at the studios. Bear in mind the samples are fairly low res to suit the flash player. Spoor Records here: Flash Page Spook Music here: newindex There's also a kit list and other details.
  16. My apologies. It's a daily flat fee of 50. However, if you're well rehearsed enough to do the tracking for a 10 song album in one 6 hour day then it would indeed cost 150. Being more realistic, you'd need more than one day, but I don't think tracking five songs in a day is asking too much.
  17. We do 50 flat fee then 10 per track mixing and mastering. No hidden costs, no pressure, great kit and room to record live. Sadly, we're in Lossiemouth.
  18. If anyone contacts you and says,"Yo, dude, I totally want to start a band." ignore them on the basis of people who talk like that are dicks.
  19. My goodness!! I must phone Abbey Road and tell them to shut up shop.
  20. Having listened to some of Nick's stuff, I found it pretty good. I know what you mean about the drum sound. If you add in more hits and sounds than a human with two arms and two legs can possibly create then it can sound unnatural, but that type of sound does suit some types of music. I have to say I prefer a natural drum sound myself.
  21. Nothing wrong with Exile. Pay no attention. Or you could re-mortgage your houses and have 15 minutes in Abbey Road Or Air.
  22. Obviously not been near us then. On the other hand, we are 60 odd miles from Aberdeen!
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