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Ch Black

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Everything posted by Ch Black

  1. Mmmm, sleep and wine..... I may be stealing your sofa! x
  2. I'd give up dudes, it's like flogging a dead horse.
  3. OKay, well technically my boyf's buying it. but we were thinking about having 3 6footers in the living room so you could just chill and move them and snuggilng if feeling particularly romantic. has anyone got/sat on one of them, just wanted to know if they were comfy of worth the mulah, cheers for the advice tho. x
  4. Also at night listen to music or something so that you don't notice it as much when trying to get to sleep.
  5. And here. have some more for good measure. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16230308&query_hl=1 alternatively go to pubmed and search for passive smoking, you'll find all you need to know, and it's all from medical journals, so no crappy intermet made up shite! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
  6. http://www.justpaintball.co.uk/site_guide/bedlam_paintball_aberdeen.htm Hope this helps x
  7. I'm thinking of getting a few of these in my living room. they look so comfy. What do you think. Pros and Cons please.
  8. You can't die of passive smoking, just as you can't die of smoking. You can die from the effects of smoking, and passive smoking has similar effects. Especially if someone is already suseptable to a condition (i.e. a cancer in their family) then passive smoking can only make it worse. Does anyone remember smokebusters. Yes, I was a member (have since smoked so I can't really get on my high horse). Do you remember the list of stuff that was in cigarettes? I'm sorry but even breathing in a small passive amount of thoses substances has to harm you, whether it's noticeable or not. The only reason that people are not willing to say for definate that passive smoking causes diseases is because there are so many different factors (genetics, envirinment etc.) that affect you that it would be almost impossible to prove. But if passive smoking does absolutely no harm then people wouldn't have a problem smoking infront of their new born. and if anyone does that they deserve to be sterile (in my humble opinion)
  9. Phlegm (so much cheaper, it's like the breast milk of glue) Baxters.. yummy Fish or chips?
  10. But you still saw it coming. He's had so much bad publicity I don't think the government could really let him stay. I think what he did is what anyone would do for their friends/family, except he got caught, that's the only thing he did wrong.
  11. Yeah but to be fair you saw that one coming. I'm just waiting to see how m,uch more they find out he's swindled into his own pocket or done for his own benefit.
  12. Grated. BBC Breakfast news Paul Merton Beard or Clean shaven?
  13. Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!! I remember the Rocks music career... " It doen't matter" Hee hee hee. You've just made my day.
  14. Kinda. You go alng market street, over the bridge and it's just after the first set of traffic lights in Torry, on your left hand side. It's cream of Veggie soup today, but their meat soup is better, has big chunks of chicken or ham or whatever meat it is. Mmm, i'm such a carnavour(sp?)
  15. I have recently found the aceist wee sandwich place. It makes the sandwiches right in front of you and you're less than 2 for a freshly made sandwich!!! It also does the best soup, so it's soup and a sandwich for me every lunch time for the tiny sum of 2.50. It's the Tory Sandwich Bar on Victoria road so if anyone works in Tory or is every passing, pop in for lunch. Yummy!!!! Does any one else have any other place they've found and would like to share it so we can all benefit?!
  16. Ketchup. Sizzlers or Belmont chipper?
  17. I am in the chatroom speaking to myself. He he he. anyone wishing to keep me company come on down!
  18. Ohh, I'm back to rant some more. I don't know if you can post links to another thread in here or something but it's the one about the most random thing to happen at a gig, and when the belmont chipper is referred to as an ethnic chipper. I feel like I should get offended or pissed off or something, but if there is no ill intent then, as long as it doesn;t offend those you're talking about then it's okay. Well, it's probably not okay, but that's my opinion. Was kinda wanting some feed back to see if that makes me a horrible racist or not.
  19. But Surely it would be more 'multi cultural friendly' to just ban all pigs. Have one last feast of pork and sausages then kill them all. OKay I meant Kill them first then eat them.
  20. What was the name of the duck puppet thing he presented tv with?? And remember Gordon The Gopher?
  21. It's true. The sheep thing. My mum;s a nursery teacher, and you're only allowed to sing baa baa black sheep if you sing a verse where he's white and yellow and lots of other colours aswell. Stupid. The thing that really pissed me off was when my best mates wee sister came home from primary school with 'lines' (remember them, ace!) She had to write "It is not a black board, it is a chalk board" a heap of times. But it is still a white board. now that's discriminating. That's just bloody stupid. I'm not against political correctness, but surely that's taking the piss?!??! And why would piggy banks offend Muslims? (Is that really obvious and I'm just being stupid?) And.... and........ Ooooh, so much more to say/rant but i shall finish this now and take a few deep breaths. In...... and out........ In...... and out...
  22. Don't start! It sucks you in. You can never leave. On friday night I came straight home from work and played burnout. I couldn't stop! I was supposed to be going out but instead played Burnout from about 5 until 3 in the morning. I now have a blister on my thumb! and I forgot to eat. I ended up making myself curry at about half 3. Mm.. curry!!! If you go to Solid Gold you should get a good price for a second hand copy. Solid gold rocks my world. I loved Burnmout 3, but burnout revenge is atleast 10 times better (yes, that is a fact, not just a random number I pulled from the depths of my brain.)
  23. I'm addicted. Help. Does anyone know of any Burnout anonomous meetings in the area? Also want to know, I can do most of the races/crash evnts on the first go. I don't play any other computer games and want to know if it's really boring for people who are actually good at games (I'm not). I also can help but explode the car... every time. BANG. Fuckin A
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