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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. as you can see hog, we dont all like the same music which i thought could be a cool mix, a bit of everyones passion is in our music. thats why its so hard to lable our band in a music terms, i would say Nu rock hardcore.
  2. yip he just fucked arouned with it for a while. we will hopfully get him to record all our stuff for us. he seems pretty fuckin good.
  3. well am more along the lines oo Pantera : ***** Sepaultura : *** Dying Fetus : ** Devil Driver : ***** Panic Cell : **** Slaves on Dope : ** Element 106 : *** Weeping Jesus : *** Murderdolls : ***** Nail Bomb : ** Super Joint Ritual : ***** Etc Etc ......................... You???? ( * = Key of my better band)
  4. (hopfully) our new recording man did this with Road to Ruin http://www.keilan303.demon.co.uk/statue.mp3 and we will be recording with him very soon. what do you think of the S.o.M to come?
  5. yeh i know that now. i dident back then. i have got a fucking ace sound through my guitar and am buying a Kerry King EQ, which should give it more power without the gain. (no need to repeat yourself 20 times flash LOL)
  6. FUCK YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much fuckin fun man!!!!!! ACE!!
  7. Chi 666

    fuck yes

    holy shit the tunnels was FUCKIN ACE!!!!!!! i feel so sorry for anyone who missed it. im sure hog will agree. ACE singing with you guys (even though im no singer, it was fun though)
  8. Chi 666

    fuck yes

    oh yeh. hog do you guys know any good pro recording places? we need to redo some stuff and get the rest of our stuff down.
  9. Chi 666

    fuck yes

    YES i love that FUCK YOU WERE ACE attitude. love it! but hay, we will kick the shit out of you guys any day. and hay......... nice one with the ladies. "you hoooooooooo ladies, nock nock, who dair, rawoul dair" "watch rawoul bounce up and down" love it
  10. fuck me i wanted that head for so long. couldent afford it though, so i setteled for the supreme xl 100watt head, with the xxl slant cab. still pretty nice though.
  11. were looking to re-do our songs aswell as getting our now ones down to. any body got any suggestions of a good place?
  12. 7.5kg!!!! fuck me is it made out of stone?
  13. se you deans. you cant do anything right. yeh its the 11th
  14. Chi 666

    My demo

    well impressed. like the tone of the guitars, noowwww only if i could get that tone.
  15. another gig with W.J! thats what i like to see.
  16. yip we do wank alot. i usuall get my girlfriend to do it but shes not here right know so i just used some asain porn i found on some site.
  17. i see no one is ripping the fuck out of you guys for saying "fucking ace". but when i do it theres more that 100 replies saying how stupid i am.? EH? fucking pussies. he he
  18. yeh thats fine, but i set out to get people hearing our stuff and so far have over 1300 views. thats all i need to know.
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