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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. some of Statue of Miserys songs, go on, take a look. http://server4.hxcmp3.com/bands/27342/index.php
  2. yip, you cant go wrong comming along to this gig. 5 bands for 3 is pretty fucking ace.
  3. ??????????????????????????????????????
  4. i just think it would be fucking ace, a forum all ABOUT ME!!!!............(and those other sad basterds)
  5. now what the fuck dose that mean? (not starting a fight, just wondering what you mean)
  6. how did you guys get a band forum? i kinda want one for SoM
  7. ahhhh need to keep this page in the front so ppl can see it and hear us.
  8. ACE! this will be the best show ever (in my opinion (cloud)). cant wait to get on stage, roumers are WJ and SoM might be doing a double act cover song (keep it hush hush though.) chi666
  9. i think the final line up will be Element 106 Radio lucifer Weeping jesus Statue of misery Hollow point Five bands for 3, fuck me you guys better trun up for the best metal night in aberdeens music history! and its so fucking cheap! (all money raised gos to charity).
  10. thanks for all the support and advice, the good and the bad, its ace to hear you guys like it. thanks. Chi666
  11. some epilepsey charity, (sorry i cant spell for shit).
  12. 31st of july Statue of Misery ar holding a charity gig at the tunnels. got about five bands playing (Statue of Misery, Weeping Jesus, Radio Lucifer, Element 106 and another band we dont know who yet). tickets wont be expencive, about 3/4 pounds. all money raised gos to charity, pretty good for a non stop metal night. Chi666
  13. sorry im new to this, what dose PM mean?
  14. Yo sorry to bargin this forum but would element 106 want to play a charity gig at the end of july with 4 local bands supporting? you would be headlining. it would be good.
  15. well were would be the best place to be heard?
  16. so well fit do you guys hink would be the be the best place for us to play, or just try and get a gig?
  17. yeh thanks. seens were new we dont really know that much about charges and band pay, you guys really helped us oot. hope to be playing for you guys very soon. cheers lots of love Statue of Misery xxx
  18. yeh thanks for comming, it was good fun playing for you guys that came. thanks lots of love chi666 xxx
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