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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. all good man, thanks for cheacking us out.
  2. heres a link to our stuff, not asking you to judge the music or style (you can if you want) just listen to both axes and comment on how to make it better. cheers http://server4.hxcmp3.com/bands/27342/index.php
  3. my pedal= gain=8, treble=9, mid=6, range=6, bass=6 any suggestions for improvment to sout really heavy and clear but not fuzzy?
  4. ACE AS FUCK. how would you go about doing that? we want to make some S.o.M ones for the mrs's
  5. wont that make it super bassy?
  6. first band will be on about 8.30, you guys will be on about 12/12.30. is that cool we yous ?
  7. i have been playing guitar for over 5 years, but i still cant seem to get a really heavy sound without putting my distortion up full, with gives super fuzz. which makes our recordings just a big fuzz fest. any suggestions? (my rig= Gibson Voodoo V, peavy supreme 100 w cab, Zoom tri metal pedal)
  8. me to, mine just last a few months then there gone.
  9. if you cant get hold of any band members to get tickets, just pay at the door on the night, if your from ellon then just pay at the door, saves you halling your ass into aberdeen to get tickets, just turn up on the night, should be good (as long as your over 14).
  10. we also got called "a cross between koRn and Kasabian" i thought that was weard
  11. whats dimpexs problem? i mean i thought we were off the subject of ripping the shit out of us, but you dont know when to stop, ok you dont like us thats fine. why do you continue to try and put us down? its not working, we dont mind about your views on our music, i would like it if you liked us but hay what can you do.
  12. please tell me one song that busted have which is fuzzy. just send me a link, if not then what the fuck are you talking about dumbo?
  13. what do you people want me to say? im so so so sorry to have mislead you into a faulse sence of secuarity (really, do even bother about the spelling, i cant spell, theres a word for it, i would tell you guys but i cant spell it.) . really i am. i would change it if i could but i cant. i just wanted to attract attention. sorry.
  14. then no one will take the kid seriously, you get endless "that good for his age" and so on. when he hits pubes thats when the real lyrics of chicks, smokes and beers will come in so the lyrics are not to worry about. the song is very well put together as i have said, it just a bit repetive hear and there. Belive me its easyer to take comments with a pinch of salt that try to defend yourself, you cant win, but heeps of people have heard it so you did what you set out to do. chi666
  15. why are people on aberdeen music so angry? i mean, how have we pissed you off? you choose to enter this thread and click on the link, not my problem, why have i pissed you off? it makes no sence, you sound a bit like a min (ned, chav....) xxx
  16. it was just a title to get people noticing it. i just wanted people to her it, get more advertising, now that i know you have listened to it i know i have succeded. so thanks for listining.
  17. i agree the lyrics ar pish, but hay the lyrics are not everything, i myself am a guitarist (self-taught) and have been playing for about 5 years, what hes playing is perfect for that type of song, i dont know why you guys are sying the solos shit.? is sounds fine to me, well recorded and a good voice, i can tell his voice has broken since his older stuff. and yeh you should treat him more like an adult player than relying on his age to be a factor. stop saying 12yo brand..... that will just make people complament is music coz of his age, you want real, helpfull comments which will benifit you and him and yes some people will give you a "hammering" but some people are assholes. take it from me every comment is a constructive comment. (good for his age )
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