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Chi 666

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Everything posted by Chi 666

  1. dont get me wrong i love playing at kef, i just think he could have got more people through the door if the tax was nae to steep. i was a good gig, rockin ta fuck but the place was nowere near full, which i would have expected a full crowd for AMEN. Pauls a great guy, i just think his prices are a bit steep at times thats all.
  2. this "poor replacation, terrible imataion" part? care to explain? who are we trying to imatate/repalcate?
  3. Element 106 Weeping jesus Statue of misery Identity Hollow point all this for 3. at the tunnels, all money raised gos to charity.
  4. Chi 666


    True as fuck, the new album is balls. cky (the album) is the best
  5. Chi 666


    paul, first of all, i love Camp Kill Yourself. i have been to glasgow to see them. im a "metal-head" so to speak and still love cky. i agree that dicks shouldent judge cky because of Jess (the drummer (bams brother)) and being the only thing i see when i turn on my stevey. BUT the mans got a point, when i went down to "the friendly city" to dee them live, bam was there and when he came on stage everybody crammed to the front to get closer to him, pissed me right off, and the reason CKY are so fucking big IS because of bam cky (the vids) and jackass, they are not that origanal, far from it BUT dose that mean there not good? i agree, and dissagree with both of you. SO my good sirs YOU TWO ARE THE IDIOTS.
  6. i dont know about hollow point as i have never heard them, thay should be good though.
  7. yeh i know, 3/5 sorry. we tryed to go for a bit of varity for everyone.
  8. good (form post-pop to heavy as fuck metal) gig, good price, good cause! (headliners top) Element 106 Weeping jesus Statue of Misery Identity Hollow Point all this for 3? yip! at the tunnels 31st of july. all money raised gos to charity "epeilepsy" (i cant spell) See You There!!!
  9. tickets on sale now, 3 entry fee, fucking ace for 5 bands. posters gan aboot toon, keep an eye oot, there not great but thay get the point across.
  10. tickets on sale, 3. posters gan aboot. see any member of any of the bamds playing that night.
  11. you cant ever go wrong. YEH!!
  12. i know that amen are a good band and very well known but fuck me, 11! thats not "well the bands have to be payed" thats paul being a greedy bastard again. yeh amen were good, im not the biggest fan of the music, is alright im more heavy metal, but yeh they were entertaining.
  13. what did you guys think of amen on thursday?
  14. i just wanted to creat another forum so more people could hear our stuff, it was just a title to get people attracted. and fuck man, the FUCKING FUZZ came from the cabs from toms man, i fucking hate that. i understand all the comments and agree with most of them but hay "things can only get better".
  15. look, since when are we getting narky and defencive? i accecpt all comments, good or bad. you obviously have nae read the whole forum or you would know i love my band, and i love our music.i can easy take critisisms yes, but not comments which people post in here to be asshole, pointless nasty comments unhelpfull in every way.if you have comments like that keep them to yourself. if your in a band then you should know that "self-hype" is not a bad thing, you have to get peoples attention, your not going to do that but saying "well we are ok, nothing fantastic, but kinda ok" i love my music as i have said, and like to hype it up a little, if you dont like it thats fine, its not everyones cop of tea. if you felt so strongly about you bands music (if you have a band that is) youd hype the fuck out of it to.
  16. thats fair comments, i dont understand the cliched metal part but ok cool, thanks for checking us out. the bad metal part was a bit to far, thats a kinda comment you keep to yourself, but hay all comments are constructive comments.
  17. Five bands saying thay will play for free for charity, not just new bands, good old school bands to. in my PERSONAL OPINION (cloud) this will be the BEST most FUN GIG TO PLAY AT and see live.
  18. at first i hated cloud, then i began to respect the man (even thought i could learn a little from him) but FUCK THAT KID! of fucking course the E.P was nae going to be perfect, it was recorded in captin toms for fuck sake, in a 8 hour slot. we dont think of ourselfs as the best thing to hit metal music, far from it, as Zero said, would anyone turn up to a gig (or even lisen to an e.p) of an ok, not the best, run of the fucking mill, new band? hell no. you have to be cofedent enough with your music to be like "were gonna blow your fucking heads off with this shit" and no we havent yet, but fuck me are we getting there. oh and check the shit other people have been saing about us in the other forum just down the list called Statue of Misery. dick
  19. Fuck yeh!!!! i fucking love paint balling! me and ZeromiserY we just talking about going and and shooting the fuck out of each other! fuck yeh. Count us in motherfuckers! xxx
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