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Posts posted by pete_inthehills

  1. Nah, you should have been watching Jarvis Cocker's guide to making a good pop programme last night. It was most amusing.

    He seemed to suggest that bands should play live and the camera should concentrate on the crowd reaction and the host should be Sir Jimmy Saville, who by his own admission is a serious letch. Music videos were a big no-no.

    Bands play live? on television? it'll never work.

    But still, they did have clips of Joy Division, Siouxsie and the sex pistols so he couldn't have been all bad.


  2. I'm too lazy to stalk folk, but if I had to it'd be..... Sue Denim.

    Just 'cos Sue listens to NMA and FOTN and works offshore. Perhaps we've visited the same rigs.

    Hey! this stalking is good fun.

    Damn' date=' I'm fogged on offshore. [/quote']

    I think I can guess where that is.....

    Maybe I should take up stalking....but then I've have to come out of the hills and my axes (that's the chopping not guitar kind) might get rusty. And what would my cats think?


  3. these teen straight edgers...

    aren't they too ugly to get a shag,

    too stupid to get any fags

    too young to get served

    and too scared to buy drugs.

    So in a misguided attempt at retaining their street cool, they say I don't shag/do drugs/drink/smoke out of a choice.

    yeah right!


  4. cats are cool, so are horses.

    but my favourite pet was some mold I grew in a coffee cup under my bed. What cool colours, it didn't smell too bad and didn't need feeding. Unfortunately after several months it dried up and withered. Shame.

    I'd like some ebola virus in a jar next. that'd be cool.


  5. I didn't give out many scene points, but when I did, I tried to remember to sign them. Its more fun that way 'cos then they can retaliate with stupid insults and then you can tell them their insults are childish and poorly thought out. This then starts a major inter person bitch fight between two folk who have never physically met and probably would get on really well 'cos they both like drinking and music.

    Is there anyway of seeing the comments on the scene points now that they've gone? I can't remember the best ones.


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