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Posts posted by Bodast

  1. - The 0750 train from Stonehaven in the morning. Which not only fails to arrive at 0750, but is always jammed to the rafters.

    Sheep on the line. That's what it is, every day. Sheep on the line, giving birth.

    It also annoys me that they have the "Haymarket, Perth, Cupar, Leuchars, Dundee, Arbroath, Montrose, Stonehaven" (or whatever it is) still all playing even though there's only Stoney and sometimes Portlethen to go...

  2. From the other thread, n00bs who don't resize their avatars so they get stretched.

    Genesis (and Yes) forum mentality:

    Never ever say anything humorous without a clear warning or barrage of winking smilies.

    If you have a personal problem, do a thread asking for 'vibes from around the world' so that everyone can send you them 'from Michigan!/Hamburg!/Ontario!' with a barrage of hugging smilies.

    When a nasty post appears, first be shocked and don't know what to do, then gang together to protect the victim, then wait for the cry of TROLL, and its banning by the mods. Talk about the troll for ages.

    Pointlessly tell everyone you're settling down for the evening with tea/cocoa/wine. Offer everyone else some as if you were actually in the same house or even town.

    Flirt with other middle aged people.

    If American, post many pictures of your children (wearing Invisible Touch t-shirts) and tell stories about how cute they are.

    If German, spend all your time in the Musicians' Corner talking about keyboard methods.

    If British, be light heartedly cynical but never ever offensive.

    Announce your 50th post.

    Announce your 100th post.

    Announce your 500th post.

    Congratulate people whenever they make an announcement.

    Have the biggest picture of Steve Hackett EVER as your signature.

    People who turn on the TV and don't watch it, just sit there and talk or cook or something :~/

    At uni:

    People who boast about having gone to private school.

    People who boast about having gone to their local comprehensive.

    People who looking pityingly after the 'quiet guy/girl' on the floor after he/she walks past, and are purposely over-nice because they assume that he/she doesn't have any friends. (that's not about me ^^,)

    Girls who dress as cats and sexy Indians for Halloween

    People who think everything they say is hilarious

    People who say things really loudly in the hope that people will think they're interesting

    People who think that listening to anything before 2001 is not mainstream

    People who won't listen to anything mainstream because it hurts their music rep

  3. Annoying, especially since it sahould be "my partner and I"..

    Doesn't that depend on whether it's the subject or not . . . ?

    I say 'omg' an awful lot. Also 'boyf' and 'girlf' (not BF and GF, that's just silly), and generally anything computer/internet related ("F5!" "F2!" "AFK!" "BRB!" "AFAIK..." "You're 56kbps!"). It may be annoying to some people.

    But what annoys ME is ..

    (as other people have already said,) Banter and Nightmare, such an inadequate response to the wordy anecdote I just produced!

    Recently loads of people are saying "hence why".. "It was raining," "Yeah, hence why I never went into town" Ehhh?? Super rubbish! :swearing:

    Use of adjectives instead of adverbs.

    Use of 'it's' instead of 'its' for possessive pronoun...

    And it also annoys me when n00bs don't resize their avatars so they end up stretched.

  4. Well, just to resurrect the old thread :p The original Asia lineup is playing Glasgow on Thursday and I can't wait :) They were the first rock band I ever really liked and it's going to be great :)

    I assume no-one else here is going, but I'll enjoy it :)



    Dare you to try and shake Steve Howe's hand.

  5. I think my favourite is Eraser (You luggage!) but True Lies and Commando too...

    And - omfg! - I think Collateral Damage is a great film! A while I go I did reviews of some of them and I see I gave it a 4/5 and the best part was "The killing of the bad guy with a swirling axe." I.. .can't remember what that was but it must have been good. And he pwns the conniving bitch at the end. :up:

  6. I thought it was fantastic, loved the opening chase (the end bit reminded me a bit of Arnold in Commando for some reason. I think Arnold should be Bond for one film.), Le Chiffre's face when he appeared to come back from the dead, Eva's waterproof make-up (that bitch! She seduced me and betrayed me, and I know she couldn't have done anything else and that she punished herself, but she broke my heart and nothing can make it better). I think he's proved himself to be an adequate Bond :) As usual, some people I spoke to afterwards said that they weren't sure, and that none of the new films are as good as the old ones, but I love them all :up:

  7. We broke into another college's park to watch (to get away from the town centre and all the lights). It was dark but a bit cloudy so all we saw was a few shooting stars around 4.15... then someone got scared we would get caught for trespassing, and we went back. It was a pleasant venture, but I'd like to have done it a bit more whole-heartedly.

  8. I think i heard an interview with someone on the radio saying that 50% of their set on this tour would be their commercial stuff. . . Take from that what you will

    I'd love to hear the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway album live. I simply must see it performed in my life time!

    I'd say the Musical Box band is the best performance of that there is (although they have already done it for the last time), better than the original band getting together for it.. are you going to see the Selling England tour next year? :)

  9. I'm sick of this reunion already. The forum's all full of touts and people bitching about touts, and "lol im nu iv alwes luvd invisabl tuche, so gr8 dey reformin lol hus ptr gabrel?" and I keep getting told that I should go despite that fact that I don't partik' like 3-man Genesis "u SHD GO JUS COS IT JENASIS!" Gah!!! I'd go if someone bought me a ticket, like. Alkaline, your avatar is ace.

    'Children Of Nuggets' box set.

    Ooohh!!! :up:

  10. thing is england is many tribes within one country, geordies, mancunians, scousers and the cornish are all classed as english but are all very different people. people some 20 miles north of cambridge from the fens are completely different to people from cambridge.

    in conclusion i take people for who they are not where they're from.

    All people from some 20 miles north of Cambridge are different from all people from Cambridge - ???

  11. Genesis - Supper's Ready

    Genesis - A Winter's Tale. But only today. On another day this would go to Love Makes Sweet Music, Soft Machine

    Yes - Starship Trooper

    Caravan - Where but for Caravan Would I?

    Finntroll - Trollhammaren

    Wolfstone - Battle

    Aztec Camera - Somewhere in my Heart

    Soft Machine - Moon in June

    Book. Alcatraz from Inside - Jim Quillen

    Luxury. My Czech grammar book and dictionary. Lots of time to learn it all (and translate the book).

    (just remembered that that's another book.. er.. If i couldn't have that I'd take.. my dog.)

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