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Posts posted by Bodast

  1. Song of the year: I'm Only Dreaming by the Small Faces*

    Album of the year: Den of Iniquity by The Norman Haines Band*

    Best gig: Hatfield and the North / Daevid Allen in Canterbury :love:

    Number of travels: Umm... well I practically lived on the 107/907/X7. Ahh... otherwise, about three (but one lasted six months so counts for 12).

    Number of hearts broken: Just my own. WAAHhh. (naht really)

    Best moment this year: When we dressed up an ironing board as a girl and left it in my flatmate's bedroom.

    Worst moment of the year: Sitting on the ground at the bus stop for two hours almost every day (almost that), invitation for haem... haemo... Piles.

    Best sexual moment: "So... have you done any ... programming... today?"

    Best tv show: The IT Crowd / what I've seen of Saxondale / Ouran High School Host Club!

    Best party: 5th of May party in Prague

    Most embarrasing moment: Um... dunno. Something that wasn't embarrassing enough to remember. Embarrassing that you spelled "embarrassing" wrong. Or... someone on myspace did and you didn't correct it.

    Was most happy when: I changed my account name to bumface and my dad had to tell the bank operator that the funds were to be transferred to the bumface account.

    Was least happy when: I grew a beard and got piles.

    *Or do they have to be releases from this year?

  2. DSCF0056.jpg

    Jane Bunce was a duck-and-goose farmer. She kept thousands of ducks and geese. She was a kind of pot-bellied dwarf. She was so short her chin would have been underwater in the shallow end of any swimming pool in the world. Her food was doughnuts and goose livers. She mashed the livers into a disgusting paste and then stuffed the paste into the doughnuts. This diet gave him a tummy-ache and a beastly temper.

  3. I got a camera which is nice, not a surprise though because I told them exactly which one I wanted etc. Also an atlas, nothing big or special but I can look at maps for ages so that's probably my favourite thing. And a truffle shuffle t-shirt from my sister, haha. All in all, a decent haul.

    I also have a My Little Pony which I was planning to give to a friend who I worked with in Prague but when I went back last week I found out that he doesn't work there any more so it's homeless... Anyone want a My Little Pony?

  4. I went downstairs to buy a sandwich from the guy that goes round the office buildings in his van - he also sells pies. He wasn't there yet, so I waited. The lift next to me pinged, the door opened and a large woman tottered out. Seeing the absence of the pie man, her flabby pallid face fell and her flat voice rang out in a manly monotone, "Nightmare." She got back into the lift and sailed back upwards to her floor.

  5. "procrastinating". When I came to University everyone seemed to like using this word every second sentence, maybe they thought it made them sound more 'intellectual'. Who knows, either way its annoying.

    Yeah, same here... I don't know why it annoys me so much, seeing as everyone else adopted it like it was their own new born calf. And joined ten procrastination groups on facebook. Meh.. nightmare.

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