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Posts posted by Bodast

  1. Ahhh I need that CD back, just remembered Tony's little choirboy vocals! And that reminds me of his backing vocals in Harlequin - that's him, right? The 's' is a little different sounding to the others'.

    Yep, going to see TMB and I can't wait - I didn't see the Foxtrot or SEBTP tours but the bootlegs sound fantastic, except when he tries to do Peter's accent when speaking (snigger).

    Err... Well, everything before Pete left gets 6/5, Hackett Genesis gets 5/5 although W&W is veerrrry close to the Gabe stuff, ATTWT is pretty good, Duke and onwards varies from bearable to rather enjoyable, even if it is in a bit of a patronising way ;) It could never match up to the early stuff in my opinion. I don't have all the albums of any of them solo... but what I have of Peter's (1,2,3,So,Growing Up) is excellent, Steve's (Voyage, Spectral Mornings) is excellent too, and Phil is not really very good. I don't really like Calling All Stations the album, Ray is a good singer and they are not bad, but they are not even close to what they used to be.

    Sorry.. :rolleyes: In short, I like it all but 1967-1975 is the best. How about you? :)

  2. Oh now I'm embarrassed... I haven't heard Vancouver. I haven't got into the later stuff properly yet :moody: Agree about the FGTR tracks though. His vocals are so delicate and fitting... I love One Day and Hey! too. I lent my archive disc 4 to someone ages ago and still haven't got it back. Grrr...

  3. It did? I knew not! I like the Nice song about playing Happy Freuds :)

    Yes early Genesis is great, I really can't choose between the Gabera albums and it's nice that you don't dismiss pre-Trespass stuff, because most people do.. From Genesis to Revelation is a good album except maybe for the pissy strings. Looking for Someone is probably my favourite Genesis song, it's got such a great emotional vocal.. ahh I could actually talk about Genesis forever :kiss:

  4. I wear that ELP t-shirt so much...

    Awww... ELP girl, cute, although I'm more of a Genesis girl. If that question was Genesis question I would know the answer, but I'm afraid I can't tell you about I Believe in Father Christmas :( I guess you aren't one of the guys that looked like Axl Rose then. Unless you did before the haircut?

    Pete Brown and Piblokto are AWESOME! Well I only have the Art School Dance and Thousands on a Raft but still AWESOME! They are so great. I love Can't Get Off the Planet and the one that goes "I remember my last band..." Wow. What a band!

    In Benny the Bouncer I always think it should be "Palais des reves" instead of "palais de danse" That's enough to make me not like it. But if Keith Emerson likes it, then so do I. I really like the end of Trilogy actually.. not sure about just Palmer doing it, but on the record the whole rabid organ synth drum thing sounds most excellent.

    I was listening to Atomic Rooster earlier, Carl's drum solos are a little pretentious, but they are also his trademark and if they were a food they'd be the cool, refreshing honey liquid that comes out of fuschias. You know that stuff? That was the thought that came into my mind this morning as I listened.

    How about the Nice??

  5. As creator of the Universe and mankind and such, no.

    As some sort of basis for your morality and ethics and such, then yeah, maybe. Umm... depends on your own idea of what God is I guess. If it can be something inside yourself that tells you what's right and what's wrong, then it probably does exist. But the definition of God is meant to be an all powerful, all loving, good being. And I don't think that exists.

    I always confuse myself on this anyway so I'll let someone else talk :)

  6. Hey that's cool about the start of Fugue. I love the way it piddles to its end and then the Endless Enigma barges in for its second part - dun, dun, dun, dodododod and such.

    I can sort of play bits of Trilogy, until it gets to those damn crazy "I'm better than you" bits by Emerson, and the bit where I need a synth to do it right. Some day I'll be able to play it like him. Have you seen their DVD of Pictures at an Exhibition (7 from Fopp ;)) ? They are righteous hotties in that, and you can't really see how pretentious they are either, in most parts. There was an article in Classic Rock a few months ago, though, and they all sounded like total prats, especially Carl Palmer. But they wouldn't be them without it! :up:

  7. Bodast you are a sad woman ;)

    Stuart... don't say that as if you didn't already know!

    I will convert you to Marillion' date=' you have the basic training ;) hmmm,...[/quote']

    Convert me? But I gave you life - to do what was right!

    No computer stands in my way! I'm perfect - are you?

    Is there a Rudolph smilie on this forum?

  8. Argh! I love BSS, it's one of my all time favourites, and the poster from the vinyl is stuck up above my bed and Keith Emerson is like my friend and mentor and his hair is like ahhh and it's all woah, yeah and his face shape ...

    Karn Evil 9 and Brain Salad Surgery are the best! Their version of Jerusalem is awesome too! Do you have Trilogy?

    Yeah that's Poseidon.. I like Cat Food best :)

  9. Thanks, I'll probably pick up the Delays album next time I'm in town then :)

    As for KC, In The Court of the Crimson King is proabably my favourite. The end of Moonchild is ... I dunno, sometimes I skip it, other times I forget and end up doing eyebrow dancing to it. But the only one which could rival that album is Red, which is fantastic, especially One More Red Nightmare and Starless (and I love Fallen Angel too). And after that... maybe In The Wake of Poseidon. Larks' Tongues In Aspic is very good too but it gets a bit heavy for my tastes.

    Hope that helps! Red is definitely the next one to get though ;)

  10. Ohoho... that has been one of the albums that I keep meaning to buy and am on my way towards it when I stumble across more King Crimson or something. All I've heard is Long Time Coming and the two other tracks off the single. Does the rest of the album sound similar?

  11. I like Pizza Hut deep pan with cheese and much pineapple. But delivered is nice because you can watch DVDs of anything (eg. The Fox and the Hound) while you're eating and someone comes to your door and it's funny when you and your friends get all tarted up for the delivery boy like on that ad, and when he arrives it's a pervy old man. :moody:

  12. They're reigniting in May but it's all the way down in England. On May 7th. Yay. Actually it's only four of them... I dunno their whole lineup history but in the albums I have I think there are five and at the reignition there will only be Pete, Hugh, Guy and David.

    Anyway, I really like the song Refugees. And Lemmings! And how the vocals are kind of screwy.

  13. Yes' date=' it is him on [i']In the Court of the Crimson King he also sang on a few songs from their second album In the Wake of Poseidon.

    I love his vocal on Take A Pebble from ELP's first album... sublime!

    Take a Pebble is gorgeous :) I don't think Greg Lake's voice is that good in all the songs but it seems to fit with the music perfectly anyway, like on the Endless Enigma.

    Oh and I love Pete Brown's voice! And Jon Anderson! And the Caravan singer! And .. Steve Howe! Or not. Although I do find it endearing that he tries to sing.

  14. Highway to Hell, Fat Bottomed Girls, Ace of Spades, Big Bottom, Whole Lotta Rosie, I Belive In a Thing Called Love and uhh... lots of other famous ones, plus some of their own: Keeping Your Poop in a Jar and a *new track* whose name I didn't catch but it went something like "I wish I could be you so I could fuck me, ME, me, ME, me, ME..." :D

  15. Peter Gabriel, for sure. So maybe he doesn't have the best range but he has the most wonderful texture and he does that great thing where it goes up a little bit at the end of words (I can't think of an example but I think it happens in 'bumper car' on Sledgehammer). Plus he does all the accents like on Get 'Em Out By Friday and the Colony of Slippermen.

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