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Posts posted by Stripey

  1. we actually heard from mark the other week to tell us he had done some new mixes of some stayover songs......two years too late but still it'll be ace to hear.

    Why would he do new mixes of 2 year old tracks he doesn't own and has already been paid for processing? SO many people seem to think this guy is a prick, and putting out a CD with tracks by artists who paid HIM to record and mix them is just bare cheeky.

  2. That's true, or that they are stereotyped as having the "cool-kid bi-sexuallity" syndrome?

    They are just common teenage fashion victims, they have no personality yet so they grasp at anything that gives them a sense of identity in lieu of developing one of their own. This is surely something which has happened in every generation for 50+ years now, people ought to be used to the fact that kids are retards by now.

  3. However, I know myself well enough that even if I'd had my heart broken by someone I loved, I would still try my damnedest to make it work.

    I.E be a gullible doormat.

    The fact that you've got 'promiscuous' and 'sexually aggressive' from my post just confirms my theory. I wouldn't describe myself as either and I don't think many people would to be honest' date=' but you've basically aligned sexual openness with sleeping around, and they are two very different things. You can talk about anything in the world, but it doesn't mean you're doing it.


    What I was getting at is that there a lot of women who sleep around because the fact they are female and men want to sleep with them is the only thing they can derive any confidence or sense of worth from.

    What about men who are sexually aggressive or sleep around? Is that sad as well?


  4. If a woman cheats on a man he won't even consider taking her back most of the time

    Quite rightly aswell. It's nothing to do with "terroritory invaded" or a perception of the woman as being "dirty and used" (where did you get that from, hollyoaks?), it's about trust, respect and common human decency.

    It always makes me laugh when women talk about being promiscuous/sexually aggressive as if it's some kind of empowering post-feminist statement. It's just sad and a sign of deep-seated insecurity imo.

  5. Ugly cockney kids with spikey hair, cut-offs and studs whinging aboot the polis - cutting edge or what?

    it was the "no heroin, just glue" rule that cracked me up. I thought it might be a parody or something at first because the whole thing is so ridiculous.

  6. Actually, I can't find any reference to this video anywhere else on the site. I certainly hadn't seen it before. Besides, I don't have a list of everything you've ever seen in your life ever, so maybe you should type one up, post it and keep it maintained every second so nobody ever posts anything on the internet that you have seen before? Or get a grip and realise that's not how the internet works.

    Anyway this video is hilarious, goes to show what a bunch of twats punks were, and perhaps explains some of the appeal to dim people like teabags here.

  7. Just had a quick look on one of the UK's biggest job sites for Linux vs Solaris jobs:

    Linux - 703 jobs

    Solaris - 235 jobs

    If getting Linux certified meant i had 3 times the chance of getting a job, I'd hardly call it a waste of time.

    Having a cheap linux certifcation is going to get you a cheap job, if you want to actually get paid well solaris and other high-end unix skills are the way to go.

    You should also remember that there's more to the world than just the oil industry. The finance and telecomms sectors for example rely heavily on Sun systems etc for most of their critical infrastructure, and this isn't going to change any time soon.

  8. I was actually referring to major oil multi-nationals who are one of the biggest global consumers of high end *nix computing. Linux is cheap, robust, performant, and in response to the oil companies, most of our software suppliers are now also pushing strongly in the Linux direction.

    Oh, and since I didnt show you one iota of disrespect....do me a favour and show me the same courtesy.

    Linux is not robust, it is written by beardy basement-dwelling hobbyists with no idea about the real world. When you move to linux for production servers, all it takes is 1 nerd on the other site of the world to commit a piece of flawed code to the source tree and suddenly you can't do business anymore, or worse, and there is nobody to hold responsible. Yes it is cheap, and you get what you pay for.

    Anyway, from the point of view of getting a certification worth putting on your CV, with the intention of earning money, anything to do with linux is a waste of time.

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