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Posts posted by Stripey

  1. And rational thinking is letting the "bad people" kill you?

    Are you honestly suggesting that these people can be reasoned with? What is your own solution? To quote H.G.Wells: "Fanatics are madmen who find a masochistic pleasure in strangling their own doubts, there is no dealing with them"

    Ahh I must just be imagining the northern ireland peace process then.

    Sorry to bring up some FACTS but they do help sometimes. There was no Al Qaeda presence in Iraq, before the US invaded. There was no evidence of any ties between them and Saddam hussein. Also, there was no imminent threat of attack from Iraq, they had no "WMD" and a crippled military.

    So who exactly were the "bad people" in Iraq that were going to kill us, that hitchens based his rationale for the invasion on?

    And stripey' date=' you are taking the view that if I agree with Hitchens on anything then I must agree with him on everything.


    No, I'm taking the view that I don't wish to read a polemic about religion written by a man who has no problem justifying the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings.

    That said' date=' Saddam was only a minor player in a much bigger game. [/quote']

    What game is that then? Do explain, it's hilarious reading the crackpot fantasies of the uninformed when it comes to the middle east.

  2. Hey there, of course not. Bash on.

    I was brought up on tape too, I still have my Fostex E16, but its much faster working on a workstation. Cant beat tape for fatness and warmth though.

    I have an old reel to reel tape machine, but I have a feeling it would be a pointless exercise to use it as an insert effect when there are some pretty effective digital tape emulation plugins around.

  3. Surely only people who have read the book should be commenting in this thread?

    Hitchens delivers a strong argument for his case in this book, and if you reject it on the basis that you don't agree with the guy on another matter then you can hardly be considered an objective person...

    Nonsense, the moral standpoint of this slimebag on illegal foreign intervention and mass murder says it all.

    Originally I too disagreed with hitchens on the iraq war' date=' but his case is certainly compelling and it would be wrong to ignore the points he makes. Though I can't say I support his view today, I will say that his logic has persuaded me on some aspects of it. [/quote']

    Wait a minute. First you thought he was wrong, then you thought he was right, now you think he was wrong again? Hilarious.

    Having a "compelling argument" is not the same as being right. Nick Griffin has a compelling argument in the eyes of his supporters, a car salesman has a compelling argument - it is naive people who are susceptible to these compelling arguments. This is why you sound like you've just picked up a couple of middlebrow airport-bookshelf pseudo-philosophical tracts and suddenly think you're enlightened.

    Infact, you're not really in any position to determine wether hitchens is right or not, since you clearly have a very poor grasp of the political reality in the middle east yourself.

  4. There's nothing wrong with re-doing stuff with better quality equipment to get a higher quality end result. As long as you don't mess with the original artistic intentions of the composers.

    I'd be a bit annoyed if I'd paid for the studio time, been handed the finished product then committed it to duplication only to have the mix engineer ring up a few weeks later with a "better" version.

  5. I recently remixed one of the tracks becasue I know a lot more now than I did when I recorded it, and I was never happy with any of the mixes of those recordings. T

    Did you give them a refund then :love:

    I would not feel atall comfortable recording anywhere if there is even the slightest possibility that the studio owner might be fucking about with my material in his off time.

  6. Oh I see - you would like to address this thread one point at a time, and presumably chronologically.

    Right Ok - here we go.

    First - You entered and immediately changed the subject from the book about Religion to War and gave no reply or acknowledgement to the fact that Hitchens supports only one aspect of Bush's administration and not the man himself.

    Second - You gave no reply or acknowledgement to the fact that you were "throwing out the baby with the crib" in your pre-empive critisism of a non speculative, factual and historical book you haven't even read.

    Third - The ties with Afghanistan and Iraq are beyond doubt now. Unfortunately I was one of those guys whose main stand on the war originally was that of Iraq being unconnected to Afghanistan but my arguement was since crushed.

    Surely you were of the position that Afghanistan needed to be consolidated as a country first before entering Iraq?

    I was asking what you would do. Which is the thing you seem reluctant to shine any light on despite tirelessly criticising others.

    You seem to be against genocide, but have a problem with us taking out a Genocidal War Criminal.

    So if you would care to mull over these points and then grace them with your customarily brief and selectively muddled replies.

    Actually - you can have the last word - I'm returning to talking about the book from here-on. Come back when you have read it.

    Wow, your blatent ignorance is stunning, no wonder you're a fan of hitchens.

  7. "As mourners digested this megalomanic outburst, Hitchens continued, "And we are going to kill every Al Qaida terrist and Baathist in the country and that's a good thing. They need to be killed and we will kill them.""

    You don't agree?

    Of course I don't agree, he is advocating genocide there, which demonstrates his immense hypocrisy in how he justifies the iraq war, and also the stupidity of the guy.

  8. Anyone who supports the bush administrations middle east policy is morally bankrupt, hitchens is no exception and his argument that it was worth it to get rid of saddam hussein is completely invalid. I do not care to read a book written by the guy.

    As Hitchens retreated, someone remarked to him, "So your glorious war has turned out to be a total disaster, hasn't it?"

    "It is glorious," the sodden scrivener blared, "and it IS my war because it needed Paul Wolfowitz and myself to go and convince the President to go to war."

    As mourners digested this megalomanic outburst, Hitchens continued, "And we are going to kill every Al Qaida terrist and Baathist in the country and that's a good thing. They need to be killed and we will kill them."

  9. Is this compilation available for download? Would love to hear it...

    Yeah to be honest the only way I would ever listen to this cd is if it was available as a free download. At least with mp3s you can skip through the track fairly quickly to get the jist without having to listen to the drivel.

    I used to be happy to pay 2 quid for a sampler cd from an established label like BlueNote around 10 years ago, but paying for a random collection of tunes by random clients from some guys studio in the middle of bumfuckistan is absurd.

  10. take myspace for example: i don't know if you've got it, however, if you log on and see "new friend requests" and then find out they're bands. How many of them do you actually listen to, nevermind accept? I know for a fact its very few in my book.

    Without going off topic, i was just stating that i felt the complation idea, which has proven controversial to some of the more experienced bands on it, has proven beneficial to newer, less experienced bands in raising awareness to our existence.

    Signing up to myspace and printing a few hundered flyers for a gig is not promoting yourself!

  11. thats a bit easier said than done though, it can be a bit demoralising i feel for bands who have been playing the same places time after time and the venues are still dead, not nessicerily because they're a poor band, but because nobody's heard of them.

    Im not suggesting that having fan-bases in each city are crucial, but to land a decent gig here you have to either know somebody, or be pulling in a decent crowd to your gigs.

    What about the novel idea of bands promoting themselves instead of waiting for someone else to do it for them?

  12. Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman Tuesday told CNN she was not planning to concede the Democratic presidential nomination to Barack Obama -- minutes after The Associated Press reported two senior campaign officials saying she was going to quit the race tonight.

    oh well.......

  13. Heres a word from our hero Stripey which I recieved in a PM -

    Hahahahaha, I love it. Of course it is well known by people on here that I have no respect for the drooling troglodytes that inhabit Aberdeen, letalone the simpletons in shitty pointless hobby bands that probably make up most of your client base. I make that clear all the time, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

    So anyway, don't have a go at me for stating the *fact* that over the years I've heard nothing but complaints from people who've used your services. That's a reputation you've created for yourself, and it's your PR problem. I don't blame you for being bitter though, trying to scrape a living recording these fuckwits toy bands.

    Wow, like nobody on here has heard me express these sentiments before....

  14. I ran Lithium Records for over 5 years promoting my bands and lost over 40k. All my bands made money' date=' and I lost it

    Not that I need to explain anything to you. If you have any more fucking comments to make publicly about me ro my studio, phone me first.[/quote']

    If you lost 40k that is a failure and nothing to be proud of atall. Also, I do not appreciate your threatening PM's, thanks.

  15. And I'm all for discussion. Yet you prove time and time again with your posts that all you appear to be capable of producing is unconstructive, deliberately inflammatory diatribes.

    So sort out your attitude or stop posting here please. I'm getting fed up having to tidy up these threads because of one of your stupid posts.

    Utter nonsense and you know it. There are threads created here all the time concerning stuff that irritates and disgusts me, which I do not post in. I just happen to feel quite strongly about this particular type of film and the pavlovian consumer reaction to these releases. That is why I'm posting my opinion of it and the people who pay to see these things. There really is no other way to say "this film is shit and you're a fucking idiot if you paid to see it" is there?

    Certainly though, do go ahead and moderate all discussion out of the site until it becomes one bland pointless monoculture with no room for a difference of opinion if that's your aim.

  16. No, you are trolling and you know it. This thread is a discussion about the latest Indiana Jones film and not about "why all Hollywood films are shit and everyone who watches them is a retard". If you are looking for attention for yourself then please do it elsewhere.

    Yeah it's a *discussion* about the latest indiana jones film, I happen to think it's a load of crap so I'm putting my point of view across, that is surely what a discussion is?

  17. it is really relevant that your avatar is Dan Ashcroft. Started off with some valid and interesting anti-consumer views...ended up sad and desperate, resulting to shock tactics like tossing off other blokes in pub toilets in order to get the attention you clearly crave off the very 'idiots' you despise.

    some life.

    Cool, you totally don't understand nathan barley - quite understandable though if you're the kind of witless unthinking retard who watches hollywood films.

    Oh and Murr - You really can't accuse people of trolling just because you happen to disagree with their opinion. Grow a pair.

  18. fuck indiana jones, fuck steven spielberg and fuck all these remake/next episodes. Those films were all shit in the first place, this is just about production companies cashing in on the cloyingly transparent "nostalgia" of the naive tossers who are the only people thick enough (apart from actual kids) to actually pay to go and watch this shit.

    Seriously, if you harbour feelings of nostalgia for indiana jones, transformers or starwars, go and fucking kill yourself because your life and your intellect is clearly utterly inconsequential.

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