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Everything posted by Skubbs

  1. and you fell out with this guy why? seems hysterical to me..good friend to have lol
  2. make and appointment with a guidance councellor like everyone else...
  3. The Darkness! well I can hope..no more crappy songs
  4. Skubbs


    Getting my ticket tomoz, how much are they? hmm ill find out tomoz, but hey im curious.
  5. I think clint eastwood tried to hard to be all reserved and moody, be a father figure and a softie inside. the film was basically shite in my opinion, its a def guys film lol and normaly that isnt such a bad thing...but yeah i thought this film dragged on heaps.
  6. and to think i sold my ticket for what was their last tour..oops
  7. I babysat for some folk so they could go see them...the drive home was basically about how "good it was"
  8. try having to get up and walk to work, I have to be there for 8am, every sunday. obv this was made worse due to the bloody blizzard that occured this morning, juuuuust peachy
  9. for what?!?! for starting a pointless thread? save yourself the bother and dont do it in the first place..lol
  10. Is that real blood or is it fake? (my computer screen is kinda dark so cant see..lol)
  11. I am taking other peoples viewpoint into consideration lol spose i am ramming mine a bit, but ach I'm stubborn. And no you didnt make a cunt of what your trying to say! lol its prefectly understandable
  12. The Who is one of their "chosen" bands...lol put "mod" into google and hav a look
  13. Look, thats just what I think, Hardcore looks pretty funny. But thats just what I think, little old me so everyone stop trying to change my mind cos your not going to succeed. Im just putting my viewpoint across and you're all getting pissed about it, so take your own advice lol if you want me to stop bitching then YOU stop bitching...
  14. right, no offence meant lol but does the band sound any better on CD than they do live?? you find that with a lot of bands, or is it in the opinion of those oh so greater than unworthy me, that they sound better live?
  15. I had that problem...after hours on the phone to the AOL helpdesk, rebooting computer, using different Internet provider etc.. I just left my comp for about a week went on and hey presto it worked! ?(
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