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Everything posted by Skubbs

  1. No, the lease was up for renewal and the highest bidder won - it's a prime location, being right next to the train station. It wasn't forcing them out, it was seeing how much they were willing to pay for the unit.
  2. It closed on Sunday, a patisserie place is going in.
  3. Cup Cafe just off Belmon Street is horrendous for it's customer service - they deliver one small order in several trips (either get a tray or learn how to make more than one coffee at a time), don't know how to make their coffee at all and the attitude you get is just appalling. I ordered a cappuccino and was given a very wet latte: the girl just looked at me blankly when I explained it's generall a 3rd coffee, 3rd milk and 3rd froth, and was told "It's just one shot of coffee you get..." Aye, well done dumbfuck. I then got glared at, the manager then asksed that the problem was (to the staff, not me) then given exactly the same drink, after that I had all the staff glaring over the counter. Tables were a mess, with staff all standing pissing about. It's not somewhere I'd visit again, even though I adore the interior and it looks as if it would be a really popular place. They might all dress pretty, but tie your fucking hair up as I'd rather not have stray hairs in my food. Great service - Dulcia, you're really looked after, the staff are lovely and eager to please. I happily spent a couple of hours there and spent a small fortune (wee cafe in Rosemount). Peapod (vintage store) - the lass who works there is just great and really friendly, and for a small shop, she does well at not coming across as pushy
  4. Family Guy Season 7 sold American Dad Season 1 and 6 sold
  5. *sigh* Love that the advert at the bottom is now for hair transplants...
  6. Skubbs

    Pet Hates!

    Some dick and her troup of kids surrounded my and the boy's seats on the Megabus on Saturday, even though there were plenty of free seats elsewhere on the bus. I had to move when they started eating banana's - she was not amused when I started heaving and retching at the smell. I don't understand why some people want to sit ultra-close to others. Same thing happened yesterday - bus nearly empty, bunch of dickhead teenagers sat right behind us. We had to listen to drivel like "if ya got put intae hospital, would yeh sign yersel oot?".
  7. No, it's the countryside - they're not organised enough to have shuttle buses running to the castles etc... especially around Dunecht. So, you either walk, call a taxi (countryside ones are extortionate) or book a coach with some friends and go that way. Or maybe check if the First Bus store do coach trips there? I think they're just pointing out that, if the website offers that much information on how to get NEAR to the castle, then there isn't transport directly to it.
  8. Looks like a page from a book, but oh well, that's me told.
  9. Skubbs

    Pet Hates!

    Cunts, the both of you.
  10. Skubbs

    Pet Hates!

    Hahaha the guy behind me in the queue last time, was apparently called Stephen. They spelled Hayley correct, without having to clarify
  11. Skubbs

    Pet Hates!

    The one in St Nicks still calls your name, and they even check how it's spelled! "oh, is that Stephen with a P H?" Not enough coffee places do white mochas, and an iced white mocha is just lush. And full of sugar...
  12. You could try putting it into the bank, but I think it gets rejected as it gets processed further down the line. Her bank are crap and it takes up to 10 days to process a cheque, so she waited all that time to be finally told that it couldn't be accepted. Your best bet is to call the company, get them to cancel the cheque and send you another one
  13. Ha, totally agree on the mischief point I do like that he calls it a "southern" too.
  14. I loved it, thought it was a fantastic film. With regards to the N word, it was jarring but it would have been used a lot in the time the film was set in - apparently Leo DiCaprio was really uncomfortable using it, but Tarantino told him he either goes full bastard and does it or the viewers will be grossly offended by him as an actor playing the part, rather than hating the character (if that makes sense... it does in my head). Also loved the soundtrack, the mix of old western-style music and hip hop/rap (I'm shite with those genres, not sure what the difference is) was great.
  15. I used to have a huge Nightmare Before Christmas collection, but it really got out of hand and I had nowhere to display it all - I kept the most sentimental items (still a huge box full) and sold off all the rest. Now it seems to be Moomins-related stuff that I collect, with my lovely friends and family picking me up little bits and pieces wherever they see it - I've got an ace bag and apron, cookie cutters etc...
  16. Skubbs

    TV Series!!

    I watched the first couple of episodes, but now that it's well out of the 50's I'm not as interested...
  17. I thought White Company already had a shop on Back Wynd?
  18. Phillip K Dick's work, love what I've read so far.
  19. Maybe he had really messy co-workers at the last place, so being neat is a massive bonus?
  20. Warm Bodies - heap of pish, thought it would be pretty funny and not *that* sappy in places. Gah.
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