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Posts posted by NARC

  1. Ooh this has given me a few pointers! I have the NES and Mario 3 nestled in my drawer downstairs.

    *Breaks out dated console*

    A few points though, when he uses the magic whistle he gets to the Worlds 2,3 and 4 select bit. But then when he uses the second one he skips straight to World 8. My recollection is that you would only move to the World 5,6 and 7 bit. I haven't played for a while though...

    Oh and Mario keeps getting one ups for nailing the bombs. I don't remember that happening! Still an enjoyable watch...

  2. I am more interested in World War One, mainly because I am quite fascinated by the weird balance between the traditional social and militaristic characteristics of the 19th Century and the technological advancement of the 20th, i.e horses v machine guns. Plus, I am intrigued by the geography of Europe at that time and the existence of imperialist Empires, which were much more prominent in WW1.

    WW2 may have been more truly a "world war", but in many senses WW1 does compete with this, with theatres in all over Europe, Russia, the Otttoman Empire and the Pacific, with many countries involved. An even greater feat considering the inadequate transport facilities of the time.

  3. I sometimes wonder how easy it is to get out of a car underwater. In "the movies" it always seems extremely difficult. It also reminds me of that Bond film, is it "A View To a Kill" where Roger Moore escapes from the car that has been pushed into the river but leaves the chaffeur to drown. Bastard!

  4. The cool folks either don't do Maths or fail it. Just look at me' date=' Narc, PopTart and Erikson for the proof.[/quote']

    I believe you continued Maths into 5th year, you dedicated student, while us alternative types gave up the ghost after standard grade....;)

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