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Posts posted by NARC

  1. I can't believe there is so much positive feedback on this thread! I saw Tears of Grace at the Tunnels and they were the most pathetically unoriginal, dreadful metal band I have ever had the misfortune to see. Dumb riffs, couldn't stay in time, pointless female singer and to cop it all, their very own version of the "One" solo, badly played with a few notes altered.

    Sorry if that's offensive, it's not personal, but I cannot stand brainless metal with childish set-piece moshing to accompany it. Your minds have been warped!

  2. we reckon we put in a lot of bloody effort to bring some great bands to this city. but sometimes we ask ourselves 'why the hell do we do it?!'...(well WE know why...cause we want to see them' date=' first and foremost!)[/quote']

    I know this sentence is somewhat tongue in cheek, but for all the arguments on here this perhaps highlights that Arkade Projects (unconsciously?) subscribes to the cliquey nature of going to gigs?

  3. If you are slicing you must be keeping the club head open all the way throughout your swing, and not giving it a chance to straighten out before impact. On your downswing, trying "rolling" your wrists to the left a bit more just as the club passes your hips.

    *Was told this in lesson*

  4. Anyone with a vague interest in music on this website cannot fail to notice some sort of Arkade Project advertisment/promotion at some point. Therefore it must be the case that these gigs don't tickle their fancy or they simply choose to ignore them. I think the "art school" scene or whatever you want to call it, is unlikely to be massively popular, comprised of a core of dedicated regulars and the occasional punter who just so happens to be in Drummonds/Tunnels or wherever because it's where they always go. But fair play for giving it a shot, some of the stuff I've been to has been quite impressive, and I'll definitely be at Macrocosmica.

  5. My most memorable "street piss" experience was after a heavy night in Moshulu. Lucy from Cuts and I took to the wee alley next to the entrace and let loose in privacy up there.

    It flowed down the hill. It was beautiful.

    I think that's just about the most grostequely disgusting image that has ever (briefly) crossed my mind

  6. A walk to Kingswells? Hmm...must take at least an hour and a half. We've considered walking to Westhill once or twice but really it's too far, especially when inebriated. Something like 7/8 miles under the influence of alcohol. You'd be going sideways more than forward!

  7. Opium is the worst club in the world! Myself, Jimmy Jazz, Leif Erikson, and Lizard King went there after the Manics Corn Exchange gig in April, to be confronted with rubbish metal and ugly girls, one of whom tried to chat me up by giving an acquintance of ours a "wet willy". So avoid like the plague...

    PS go to the Mitre pub on the Royal Mile if you want a good ale, traditional music (featuring hot female bodhran players), a good plate of haggis, neeps and tatties, and English cads trying to talk about football in posh voices.

  8. Ollie you silly bandano.

    Just make a few copies of your CD and you'll be all good.

    I'm giving it (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha) to Malc later on so i'm expecting an insult about it in Exodus later tonight.

    Not only an insult but a knee in the balls for voiding the one track per artist rule. But not tonight. So your bawbag is safe for a week...


  9. I was making my tape for the Tape/CD swap thing today, and while I was making it, I began to wonder what the was either the most bleak or cathartic album I had. Two fairly obvious choices for me, The Cure - Faith and New Order - Movement. I did think of the Smiths, but I think that in Morrissey's case, throughout the span of his career he has come to accept the way he is, and so has turned his attentions away from many of the negative aspects of his own life towards exploring other subjects. Joy Division is also blindingly obvious, but whenever I hear Atmosphere I can't help but feeling there could have been light at the end of the tunnel. It has a kind of soaring hopefulness that lyrics such as "rebuilding" and "don't walk away" seem to back.

    Anyway, any thoughts? Honest debate please....

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