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Posts posted by NARC

  1. Darren Mackie was fit enough to have a pint or two in Triple Kirks a few Saturdays back. That means he's fit enough to play Association Football

    I really think we're going to struggle to make top six. Our "injury crisis" as Marsh pointed out, is laughable. It's probably a good thing, in retrospect, as it keeps two terrible players in Byrne and Hart out of the team. As I was saying to popTart, I think that the long ball to pacy frontman approach could work, but we never seem to have the right players in team for it week in week out. I don't think we can trust a Dons back three at the moment with only two solid centrebacks in Anderson and Diamond, and if we put Severin in there his influence would be missed further up the pitch where we well and truly lack attacking impetus.

    I'm going to go to the Falkirk match (a rare Saturday off), and watch us piss chances against the wall....

  2. I'm surprised I didn't recognise at least Les Savy Fav, Dismemberment Plan and Four Tet, considering I have songs by them. It's not very accessible to be honest! But equally, no-one said it had to be. I'll give it a another listen before it drops into Oliver J Philpott's greasy mitts tomorrow lunchtime

  3. All this stuff about education, here's my view. I never drank until I was 18, except for the odd glass of something at special occasions. I was never really educated by my parents about alcohol, they never really sat down with me and lectured me on the dangers of it for any length of time. There were the inevitable classes at school, but when you are a teenager or younger, you don't pay any attention. However, I never had any desire to join in in the underage activites that went on where I live, I simply knew as a decent person that there was a law against this. I cannot understand the desire to drink underage.

    I think, to be honest, it all comes down to whether the child involved has some humility, human decency and independent thought. Every person I know from school that did so has predictably developed into, or was at the time, a complete fucking idiot.

  4. I thought the gig was really good. For a start, that's the first time I've seen a gig in Moshulu actually, and I must say I like the layout and the atmosphere. Ok, it did read like a scene who's who, but generally it was good, not taking into consideration the poor sound issues.

    Jo McCafferty or whatever bored me stiff, but I wasn't there for her, so I'll gloss over that before people start her defence.

    I like Lapsus Linguae from what I have heard, but as Yousef said to me they appear to be going in a rather new and bizarre direction. Songs like "Parade!" and "Are We Really Dancing?" are very good and really quite accessible, but now it seems they are going down a somewhat pointless road. As for the performance, it was a let down considering all the build-up given to their stage show. Granted, they looked rather cool but the attempted comedy was dreadful.

    I really liked Amanda's performance. Obviously it was going to be quite intimate, and she really tried hard considering she admitted she was damn nervous. As Larsen B pointed out, she really pushed her somewhat limited tools to the ragged edge and for that she should be commended. I'd have liked to have seen the whole set-up including Brian etc, but I bought the live album so that will suffice for just now.

  5. The album is great, I'm loving it. Favourite songs would have to be "Romantic Rights", "Go Home, Get Down" and "Little Girl". They sounded very poor at T in the Park, but there certainly was enough potential there.

    Oh, and as for the "for people who jerk off to Bloc Party" comment, stop speaking out your arse

  6. We had to declare because at the end of the fifth day if there are any Australians still batting then we have a draw (as happened) we declared to try and give ourselves enough time to bowl out the Aussies and win the match.

    Had we not declared it would have been a certain draw.

    Thanks for the info, I hope you're English though!

    'mon the Aussies.

  7. I never really watched cricket but on my week off last week I found myself watching this more and more.

    Tell me one thing though (as I'm not familiar with the rules too much), why did England have to "declare"? Does this mean for their second innings they had a set amount of overs? Because it seems rather pointless to stop batting when you still have a few wickets in hand.

  8. A good night indeed, I don't like SEA but it was the best I have seen Eric Euan live, and Macrocosmica impressive. Worth going to see just for the weedy indie veteran himself.

    Just a wee point related to the Arkade Projects thread. Yes the turnout was quite impressive, but a) I thought the audience was comprised of all the usual suspects and b) Macrocosmica are a relatively big name, and so should be pulling in bigger crowds anyway. It does indeed seem as if the gig-going public in Aberdeen are more than a tad apathetic. I didn't even notice many casual punters there either. No-one should be forced to go to a gig if they don't want to, obviously, but an event of this stature should be doing better.

    But hey, I don't care, because I paid my money, had a good time, and that's the most important thing!

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