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Everything posted by Inkster

  1. I'm still waiting on a response to two e-mails I have sent you. Please respond when you have some free time. Thank you
  2. Tickets on Sale from Hidden Leaves members, 7 Car Pile Up members and myself. PM to reserve one.
  3. Bands can get signed after someone listening to 30 seconds. Generally they say 3 songs at most on a demo cd. This is usually half a bands set so you gotta impress straight away. They're quite a new band so they may get better, only time will tell.
  4. I assume you're taking the piss cos I remember at least one time reading a similar conversation with cloud and others involved in it. I'm an independant promoter and therefore this does not apply to me. I promote for myself and the bands. I want to see bands from Aberdeen doing well by playing to crowds of people and by playing alongside bands with standards they aspire to.Now some will argue this is not the case as on occasion local bands are better than the touring band playing but generally I'd say this isn't the case. I promote for myself in the sense that the more gigs I put on and the bands I get are bigger and better, then in turn I will get the bigger bands up to Aberdeen who everyone wants to see.It's also my personal goal to say I've put on certain bands under my promotions name but I know I have to crawl before I can walk.
  5. I knew I'd get this kinda response from someone... It's not always about the promoters though, it can be down to the bands playing, whether they're any good or not, and whether people like them enough to go see them. It can also factor to day of the week, time of the year etc I remember going to see Howards Alias and Sonic Boom Six @ The Moorings the same day as Live Aid was on and due to this (not the promoter not doing his job) it was a shit turn out for quality bands. Anyways, this discussion could be started in a new thread and has probably been spoken about many times over the years on this very forum.
  6. I'm saddened to read that some people think that we have a shit scene up here. We have a very vibrant and broad music scene that needs people to invest their time and money into it. Time and money can be taken any way you want it to. Whether it be writing in the local rag, or making your own publication, promoters spending money and putting alot of time into putting gigs on, or the bands themselves getting off their arses and doing some work themselves. My last point is what really gets me frustrated alot of the time.This may start a whole new conversation and thread but I'm gonna say it here anyways. I think bands should invest more time and effort into promotiing themselves and getting crowds to their gigs and people interested in their music. Alot of bands rest on their laurels(sp) and just expect their friends to keep turning up listening to the same set in a different venue in town every other week. They leave all promotion to the promoter concerned and then moan if it's a shit turnout. The exception to this seems to be out-of-town bands who look to promote themselves. Speaking to Paige yesterday at my gig, they arrived in Aberdeen about 1pm and set about wandering around town, flyers in hand, speaking to people and trying to get them interested in going to the gig. Why can't local bands do this? It doesn't take more than each member spending maybe about an hour each one day and doing the same. Anyways, back to my original point. I think we have a very good scene up here and it would just take a bit of hard work from some bands to break through and get somewhere rather than playing round the same venues once a month.
  7. Thank you to everyone who turned out for this It was a good turnout and a good night had by all bands. Hopefully get Paige back in the future.
  8. Wouldn't it be a bit better to get an article in a paper once a band has done a few gigs and got a decent fan base rather than saying they played to a sold out Tunnels on a night when people were out on the piss rather than actually going to see the band? The article then may hold a bit more credibility. Fair play for getting the band mentioned in 3 papers but after one gig seems a bit premature to me. note to self: keep the nyc story in mind for future reference...
  9. Emmy was really good. Why do people persist on talking through a performance?!?!?! It's so RUDE!!!
  10. This has been very interesting, reading some people's points and points of view. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting your band in the local press and don't see why it should ruin street cred if any cred was there in the first place. Why is this? Cause so and so said it was un-cool to get your bands name and a cheesey promo shot in the local rag? bollocks! If you think that, then don't bother with anything. As much as the internet and forums such as these are a powerful marketing tool, not everyone has the internet or access to it on a regular basis - or even where to find such things on the internet - hence why promoters and venues still advertise through posters and sending gig listings into magazines and music zines. If you want to "make it" as most people tend to want when they start in a band, then you've got to put in the hard work, time and effort. You can't rely on rent-a-crowds or canned clapping from your mates, mums, dads and your family pet. You've got to do your part to gain an interest and start getting bigger crowds to your gigs. One way to do this is, is by getting a feature in the local paper. Even if one person comes and checks out your band due to said article then it's worked! Hurrah! The paper has done it's job and got someone interested in what you do. There is obviously a market for people to read music articles and related things in the P&J or EE or we still wouldn't be having this discussion. They've just got to wise-up and make something happen. If not, maybe it's about time we all clubbed together and did something about it! They won't listen to one voice but may listen to many.
  11. No Biffy then?! Did I get misinformed? Not that I'm goin.
  12. Down For The Count will not be playing this date now. They got deported on saturday morning due to wrong paperwork being completed. Paige are still fulfilling all dates on the tour and tickets will remain valid. Dirtbox have now been added to the Aberdeen date of the tour.
  13. It's not my definition but most people seem to think that bands such as lostprophets are a joke and not a proper band as they style themselves and appeal to a market of underagers rather than the bands some people grew up with such as motorhead who are all about the music and fck style and self presentation. It's just a thought, not my view in particular.
  14. The Red Ultras in association with PureSports Travel Ltd. are giving Aberdeen fans the chance to win a day trip to Munich from Aberdeen to watch the Bayern Munich vs Aberdeen match on 21st February 2008.MATCH TICKET INCLUDED!!! To stand a chance of winning, either find a member of the Red Ultras at the Celtic game on sunday, hassle them at your work if you know of any OR click on this link https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=iP53WQzHccqvaVfj8lvZxGSOi4qinsjQjZU5tnBSxzNm8YLtoiyNp4TSAky&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f35bed810ca29224194ca8b1b097b67195e68bc9ce73a956c and pay for your raffles via paypal. Cheers
  15. I realise how this may have come across but was not meant to. It was more to say that they've not fcked off on holiday or something to anyone who were potentially going to see them. They haven't just pulled out of this willy nilly cos they fealt like it. Weapon have only pulled out of about 3 gigs up and down the country since they began all those years ago and this is one of those times. Anyways...this hsould be a great show. Hopefully see some of you there.
  16. Kiss and Judas Priest are pap. Novelty value wears thin after 2 seconds. I'm not saying The Offspring and Lostprophets deserve to headline the festival, although I do like both bands. Go to something like the bulldog bash if you're that bothered about seeing "proper" bands.
  17. Sorry should've mentioned, due to circumstances outwith the bands control Weapon will not be playing this show but will be appearing at it. MySpace.com - Nitrogen Promotions - Next gig 08/02 @ Drummonds - Aberdeen, UK - Punk / Rock / Alternative - www.myspace.com/nitrogenpromotions to check out all the other dates we have booked
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