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Everything posted by sludge

  1. i think i may pop along to this one and then get guttered up town. yes indeed sounds good....
  2. id take a facial for him but thats about it. lets not get carried away...
  3. dude they were everywhere. open your eyes!!
  4. yes you did look awfull lonely. i would of joined you but i was distracted by hot nurses.
  5. at the drive in the dillinger escape plan timmy and the lords of the underworld
  6. pfft..... think thats bad? i came home pished yesterday and spilt a whole tub of pasta sauce on the floor. could of been alot worse though.....might of slipped and impaled myself on a spike or something.. but aye get well. thats fairly balls...
  7. not as good as the story of pusser hill. ash?
  8. ahhhh why the fuck not.... so my mate had my house keys and phone and shit like that cus naturally - ducks dont have pockets. so he ended up pulling some bird and went back to her place forgetting that he had my stuff. if anyone remembers the weather last year it was fucking awfull and my outfit consisted off..... orange face paint beak orange hair dye chicken boxers burberry knee high socks red gloves swimming flippers flamed shirt with feathers. and that was it.... so with nowhere to go at three in the morning,pissing rain,windy and pished i decided to hitchhike. after a period of time i finally got a car to stop. some guy in a mercedes picked me up and took me to my friends house ( i didnt know he was at that chicks house). the driver got pissed because my face paint was over his seat and feathers all over his wifes car. so when i got out i sat outside his house for about an hour and a half in the freezing cold. i then hitchhiked again to go to another friends house. my feet were soaked,i had to carry the flippers because they were impossible to walk in and were three sizes to small. a taxi driver picked me up and took me down to my mates and he wasnt answering. so i kipped outside his house for a while untill he answerered. about half six in the morning he let me in. was so ill the next day. never again. never again. this year im going as a ghost. the whole evenings events were ace though untill that...
  9. my favourite wrestlers ( and i have some shockers) shane mcmahon brett hart stone cold blue meanie rhyno y2j aj styles big boss man (old school) al snow essa rios x - pac jeff jarret tag teams..... the dudleys new age outlaws head shrinkers the rockers too much worlds greatest tag team most underated wrestler.....
  10. ok so weve figured out the shit. whos the best wrestler of all time???
  11. im serious! name a better? i bet you your champ didnt kick the shit out of woman every week with guitars.
  12. double j - greatest intercontinental champion.
  13. what other gigs are planned for that night? is no one having a kick arse haloween party? i think i might just throw pumpkins off the neighbours dog again..
  14. do you watch tna? i think that is where he really can shine. raven came to the wwe and got ruined and watered down along with aother ecw stars eg tommy dreamer,rhyno. raven always gets a good pop out of the fans when hes put in the right matches and right storylines. just a pity that wwe didnt see this in him. look at him now. apart from aj styles hes tnas biggest star.yehh he isnt the best technical wrestler in the world but you dont have to be to be a fan favourite.
  15. untitled unlikining him. what a panda faced monkey shit.
  16. could join you in that. anyone know of any haloween parties?
  17. whats the chances of weapon playing the ghostbusters theme? id pay to see that. or broken sunshine to play thriller. would be sweet
  18. i shall be at drummonds. im sure the same lineup has played kef every friday night since 19 oatcake. but good luck with the ep launch sunshine crew. and contra.......just panda. im sure ill catch you guys again soon.
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