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Everything posted by midgeski

  1. megadrive 2 all the freaking way
  2. ha he went to my school-- doesn't suprise me. he was pretty cool in first year then he was a cock and we didnt get on. he was pretty hot tho
  3. went to jimmy chungs then headed into town- was allowed to stay in till half one! good ole parents
  4. BOOOO!!! oh smarties. they will be different to hold, will change my grip, the way my hand feels...
  5. penguins- not only a delicious snack but you get humour OR an interesting fact ot masrvel your friends with. hussah
  6. i feel so bad for connor. its so blergh how little rights fathers have. oh connor . still semi naked stu- hummnahummnahummna
  7. i would pay to see karl out clubbing
  8. it was nowhere near as good as the first one. some of the "twists" where so obvious- like shock! its her dad! hmm it wasn't utter crap but could do with some major improving
  9. ooh i LOVE brat camp! that joe guy with the red hair is SO fucking hot. altho he sounds like a twat "i hate money" wat a knob! oh cant wait till next tuesday. that alex girl is a right minger
  10. i call people gay all the time- hope they don't try to kill themselves. still...i thought he did seem a bit queer. probably is gay but in denial
  11. i've singed the bottom of my hair on candles many of time- we used to play like a game see who was brave enough to do it. my hair only singed for like a second then the flame went out, but everyone else was not as lucky. hahahaha. think its cos of all the crap i've put on it so it's dead
  12. " oh smeg, what's the smeggin smeg 's he smeggin done? he's smeggin killed me!" from red dwarf, bodyswap i think
  13. thats a bit crap so like crap schools where the highest amrks any one ever gets at highers is 3cs a d an a fail can be ranked higher than eton? or maybe i;m confused..but if not wat pile of crap
  14. phwoar he's such a hottie i wouldn't mind him repressing me
  15. business management is the way forward! its fairly simple stuff but just quite a bit to remember. so glad i took it. french is good- if you understand french. basically you need to be pretty fluent and have a really really good memory to pass. wish they told us that b4hand. art is a lot of fun and if your good at it then wayhey! but don't fall behind and art history is shit. if your still not sure about what you wanna do then don't worry! i think i'm gonna go into advertising but not really too sure. you still have plenty of time to decide!
  16. blergh boys at albyn- mroe excuse for the girls to cake on more make up and hitch their skirts up higher. still maybe it emans they'll leave our boys alone! fecking slags
  17. phew so teh incest is stil lto be revealed. hussah. i thin kboyd should get his kit off more- on wednesday those red shorts were making me tingle inside with joy. more nude boyd please.
  18. my brother used to be into warhammer when he was about 11-17, if you asked him if he was playing with his toy soilders he'd go "NO! they are real warriors!" boy he's cool
  19. "I can't fit into children"- Judith Herbert "you know when you have a baby and the womb falls out..."- Stephanie Reid "i'm slack"- Frances Robinson
  20. aberdeen exhibitan and conference centre hire ANYBODY! and you don't even need an interview. 5 an hour for doing feck all and u work whenever you can or want do- depeneding if work is available. it;s the place to be
  21. i was in the priory too- they didnt realy give new year that much of a run up. yeah i so think everywhere watered down their drinsk cos i had tonnes but was sober by half 2. bit gay. stilll was a pretty banging night i guess
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