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Everything posted by imprinted

  1. Devin T - Vocals + Guitar. Dimebag Darrell - Guitar John Petrucci - Guitar Gene Hoglan - Drums John Myung - Bass
  2. you're just an ashdown whore Tav... I'm jealous.
  3. He was the founder of a band called pantera and when that fell through he formed a band called Damageplan, in both bands the drummer was his brother Vinnie. Dime was extremely Good on guitar and was a major Kicker of Ass. he will be missed.
  4. your Gothic must feel so unloved!
  5. still fifty quid for a strat aint to be sniffed at!
  6. my bad... ...make...message....long....enough.... conclusive proof ladies and gentlement that it's not just Male Drummers that are stupid!
  7. it's a drinks mixer - it's the good shaun trying to inject some humour into the thread
  8. 5FD's drummer fairly impressed me with her playing. holds rhythm superbly and fairly beats the hell outta the kit - always a good thing!
  9. two mighty mighty bands Dan. just be cheered at the thoughts that they're coming (fingers crossed) to Moshulu!
  10. there are a few of us out there that do like them... and i know scorge, doc murray and a few others are far more interested in it than i am!
  11. good man! look forward to seeing a new and revitalised SPD some time in the future! good luck to all involved!
  12. If you want to borrow my bass you're more than welcome!
  13. oh god no. please say you're lying paranoid! the ending was the biggest cop out ever!
  14. and after today's news it'll be worth more
  15. R.I.P Dime...you will be sadly missed. condolences to his family and friends interestingly there's nothing on the damageplan homepage...
  16. good point that. it could be his very own forum!
  17. seconded! as long as he gets to have his chainsaw hand!
  18. he's like that when he's sober as well medichi...
  19. maybe these should have gone in the reviews section instead?
  20. imprinted


    heh. this isn't me trying. If you want me to I could go through everything you say on here and just pull it apart. But that would get me banned, and since i'm not a clueless unit (like you for example) i can see this so i shall refrain. ciao for now darlings.
  21. imprinted


    thank you. and "composed" i'd really recommend you get like your namesake before flying off the handle. tool.
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