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Everything posted by ANGEL O' DEATH

  1. bought it the other day and it is fucking banging hmv put the wrong sticker on the front of one copy so i managed to get it for about three quid less than the others....haha anyone who has heard 'as the palaces burn' will love this...... just brilliant chris poland also plays a solo on the instrumental track which is well worth a listen
  2. whatever you do please make sure you play 'The Watcher" just bought the album yesterday and havn't stopped listening to it....... roll on the next gig
  3. our bassist came to uni here from edinburgh last year but that is a bit easier to store than a kit. we practice at a lockup where we keep a lot of our shit dont know if that is much help to you though
  4. the best bassline of all time is rappers delight by the sugarhill gang no others i could mention would even compare..
  5. atom!! what a band......... i have to say i thought the dangerfields were very poor and sounded absolutley nothing like 'Kill em all' metallica era. All songs sounded the same and were completely uninteresting. Really unfunny too. I enjoyed 'Double Jack' a lot and i thought the lead guitarist was extremely entertaining. Singer has a good voice. Karloff are ridiculous, music wise and the way they look. Atom are clearly in a different league compared to the rest and sounded superb.... like the others i will be attending the next gig without fail i hope people can understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and do not attack my comments for not enjoying dangerfields and karloff
  6. I'm in femora are u interested in being vocalist?? contact either of us sye or me
  7. i know i'll be there drunk or not as long as i'm there
  8. my answer is pure and simple fallen by atom
  9. i've only heard one of the new tracks which got p[lay on radio one. It was fucking awsome.... and if it is anything near in between experience and jilted then i will definetely love it i cant take any comment seriously of someone who claims that fat of the land was their first album. They obviously havnt heard the best stuff..........in my opinion.
  10. i think i'll only be going to the lemon tree on that date how much will it be to get in
  11. has anyone got any good finger tapping exercises trying to learn and need some good ones to practice or where i can find some..... cheers
  12. BESK. You come from Sweden, the mecca of crust, and home to some pretty heavy bands.YOU ARE CRUST AS FUCK. You are loud, heavy, and hate war.
  13. i hope he goes down cause he'll get knifed by some other black guys in jail for being a complete bawsack
  14. yeah, since his arm has started to work again..... don't know what it'll sound like though hope its not like the st anger come back
  15. phil collins' drumming has been mentioned around the industy as being pish and that he should just stick to singing. I would whole heartedly agree The list is just full of famous names vinnie paul and igor cavalera should def be higher though
  16. Out of all the guitars i have played i would say my B.C. Rich Warlock has got the best action. I love ESP F-200 but my B.C. Rich has to be the best. and it was about third of the price. However i believe JAckson's and PRS's are lovely to play...... Don't like electric 'Washburns' but ecoustics are nice
  17. i have to agree with Dan on this one you probably don't get them....
  18. i worry how you obtained that picture is that your mum or something...........
  19. Femora play metal/hardcore sort of shit i suppose not really stoner rock like we've been labelled but you should make a point of coming to our next gig which i'm not sure when it will be but if you like metal shit come along....... that goes for everyone
  20. its not bad but i think its too repetitive i think it should vary with the music and vox a little bit more, but it's just my opinion I don't think it is bad at all though
  21. to be sure and come to our next gig cause were much better now
  22. 'Borlax' you should change your name to 'Boring' funny how my band got asked to support 'Johnny Truent' from my getting stoned sorry, I've never heard of your band............
  23. just get stoned as fuck thats when your at your most creative for me anyway
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