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Lawy Lawson:Attorney

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Posts posted by Lawy Lawson:Attorney

  1. :(

    The district sleeps alone - Postal Service

    Street Spirit - Radiohead

    Somewhere a clock is ticking - Snowpatrol

    Colourblind - Counting Crows

    Note: Avoid any 'shared' song... ie: Songs you both sung along to together. It'll make you feel even shittier.

    None of those are vengeful... for vengeful.

    Muse: Hyper Music

    Muse: Deadstar.

    I dig Muse for my vengeful feelings.

    Lindsay' date=' we'll have a girl's night in soon ;([/quote']

    I forgot to add "Ceremony" or "Regret" by New Order and wanted to agree with your Postal Service suggestion, although Clark Gable was my "Shit, it's time to break up song". That song sums up my sometimes shitty attitude to relationships.

    I hate the shared song thing. My girlfriend once told me there was a Depech Mode song that amde her think of me, and I got miffed because it can't listen to the song without feeling embarrased.

  2. Bright Eyes - Lover I don't have to love.

    Life's no storybook and all.

    Shit, Bright Eyes, Early Faint, Rilo Kiley, Cursive...anything on the Saddle Creek label will do.


    "Hurt" (Cash or 'Nails, they're both good)

    "My Angel Rocks back and Forth" -Four Tet

    "N.Y. Hotel" -The Knife

    "There is a Light that Never Goes Out"- The Smiths

    Early Cure, Cannibal Corpse, Kevin"Bloody" Wilson

    (Warning the last two suggestions may be in jest).

  3. does the music scene really need this in-fighting??

    I remember reading that although the Beatles and Stones were rivals' date=' they still enjoyed each others music and members of both bands helped out the other band at times.

    Isn't that nice? I mean, I assume both bands have the same aspirations of producing good music and entertaing and stimulating people, so why should any band create a hinderance for another. The only motives I can think of are jealousy and childish competion.

    I think healthy rivarlry is great, but I don't care if [x'] is in a shock 'n roll garage punk frenzy band, [y] is in a post-emotional popcore nurock band and [z] is in a band creating post new-wave synth soundscapes with angular overtones, the main shizzy is that all three are in (currently) local rock bands and I can't understand why it would hurt any of them to help each other constructively.

    In fighting is for nursey children and Big Brother contestants.

  4. No no' date=' only the bit about Spike playing, my friend! That rant is for Jaco and I even quoted some of his ill-chosen words to emphasise that.[/quote']

    Oh...alright then. Yep, hopefully I'll make it down to Moshulu next Thurs, wallet pending. :up:

  5. Spike are playing Moshulu on Thursday the 1st of July' date=' on about 8:30pm. Maybe folk "have a chug" about him because he's a sound and cheerful guy and not some embittered little cunt who can't stand not being the centre of attention. Also, he doesn't feel the need to put up "controversial" posts to try and piss people off for the sake of it. What's the matter son, did your mother take away the tit too early? Fuck off and die.[/quote']

    Was that levelled at me? I said I like him! :(

  6. Thank you for the kind words everyone. Am I god? Come watch me play guitar next Thursday with Spike or this Saturday with Element and you can judge if Im a good musician or not.

    Looks' date=' lol, I dont know!

    Bald, yes I am and I love it! :up:[/quote']

    Where are Spike playing?

    Hog seems like a nice guy, although for all I know he may randomly punch me in the face for no reason one day! That is the MYSTARTY OF INTARNET LIFE!

  7. michael angelo is a beast!


    Awesome he's playing a Baby Dean ML. I've got a full sized Dean, but it's a bit clunky so I tend to play on my Ibanez more.

    Anyway. I'm not really one for "Shredders". It doesn't do anything for me, although I appreciate the technical skill it implies;

    East Bay Ray (Dead Kennedys): He switched from this really lazy, yet melodic surfy sound do breakneck hardcore. He showed a fair degree of versatility and seemed to approach guitar playing almost post-modernly. I've spent some time recently trying to emulate his style.

    Johnny Marr (The Smiths): Played "Jangly" guitar without it being shit, basically. Helped me realise the guitar could be pretty and bittersweet too.

    Al Jourgensen: Because of Ministry, I tend to have a nasty habit of playing really trebely when playing distorted chords for that "razor" kind of sound. Sorry!

    And...probably Sting a little (minus ten scene points)

  8. I dont like all this rock/punk rubbish. Its all schoolkids (and university is still school)

    I just want to see creativity' date=' rather than pantomime.[/quote']

    I like some of it, but it's becoming increasingly formulaic. A lot of it IS "kid's music". A lot of it is also extremely passionate, or entertaining. But you don't like rock music. Fine. I, for example, don't really find Jazz appealing, although I understand it's appeal.

    You're clearly able to make something different, so do it. I think you'll find an audience.

  9. You know the film easy rider? Aberden reminds me of the scene where the 2 guys go into a cafe' date=' and get dirty looks because they have long hair.

    Aberdeen makes me think hicksville. Aberdeen makes me think backwater. Aberdeen makes me puke.

    It's not these kids who are playing in their wanky faux-punk bands that are the underground, these kids are the equivalent of the line dancing cowboy hat wearing tossers who hate hippies.

    The locals in this city make me sick.[/quote']

    I agree we don't have as diverse a selection of clubs, music scenes, culture and street crime as a city like Glasgow or Edinburgh. I actully agree with you on a lot of counts and think there is a kernel of truth in what you're saying, but only in a few cases.

    I think people like Dr.Drakes, the Fudge lot, The Captain Toms lot and many others are doing something really worth while. The resources are there. There are people who want to hear your music (well, my interest is piqued, at least) DO something. We'll see in a few years what bands mean what they are doing and who's pretending to be Blink 182 to score sullen looking girls with too much eye-liner and ironic Spider-Man rucksacks, but I know many people here are really into what they're doing. I hear a few years a go Aberdeen had NO music scene to speak of, but the hardwork of just a few has made a lot of headway. Great things come from the energetic disgruntled (heh, look at the first wave of punk...), so make great things happen.

  10. Just a thought regarding the idea of sampling being "unoriginal".

    Surely the level of originality depends HOW the sample is used in the new track? For example, we wouldn't call a movie that knowingly homages another unoriginal if the context and intent of the original work was changed would we? Or do we snap at authors who use snippets from others to preface their work?

  11. Not totally in agreement here....some of my favourite music was made by "non-musicians"' date=' and some of my least favourite by overly muzo types. There's nothing wrong with technology which allows people to express themselves, even without musical skill, as long as what they aspire to is their own personal vision, as opposed to trying to sound like heaps of other stuff.[/quote']

    I agree with you to a large degree. However, I've always thougt music is a little like language. I can look out my window and report that it's quite nice in my garden right now adequately, but Andrew Marvell could write a really neat poem about it beautifully.

  12. Why is the deabate so binary?

    I'm not going to claim that I've got some uber-wide taste, because I really don't but anyone who claims to "hate" metal, punk or electronic music just hasn't heard the right track in each genre yet, I think. Sticking to one genre doesn't make you a music fan, it makes you fan of the image that music gives you, I think.

  13. Heh I'm not having a dig at anyone in particular' date=' I just think it's an amusing tune.[/quote']

    That's a Wesley Willis track. He sadly died last year. He's an absoloutley massive, once homeless african american from Chicago with a callous on his forehead from headbutting people at shows. He is also the most awesome man on the planet.

    My favorite is "Rock 'n Roll Mcdonalds", "Northwest Airlines" or "Te CHicken Cow."

    Nice find, Stripey.


    "Rock Over LOndon, Rock on Chicago"

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