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Lawy Lawson:Attorney

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Posts posted by Lawy Lawson:Attorney

  1. Mr.Wilson. (the wilson brothers from the beach boys' father) is a prick

    Mr Wilson would often lose his temper with his young neighbour, Dennis and his sissy 80's lefty parents. Oddly, the ghost train/mine that was at the end of the street in the show's title sequence was never seen again, probably because rolling around underground tunnels in a minecart is the type of thing you'd only do once.

  2. For the record, I think stalking people 'for a laugh' is totally deplorable, while on the other hand, stories about people dressing up as ninjas (no matter what the circumstances are...and yes, I'm including those "ninja" attacks in the Congo a little while back) are inherently funny. The mathematical equation is as follows:

    Ninja (jumping + traffic) = TEH LOL!!!11!

    I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not going to be made to feel "evil" because I found that story amusing (definitley because ninjas are one of my "laugh buttons", situated next to my penis) but to see the mentally ill as nothing but a source of amusement is really pretty shitty. I think Flash seems to have the right idea. He understands that some of these people have sad stories but doesn't see the point of denying that sometimes life is pretty funny.

    I think this thread started out fairly innocently and has went a little dark in a couple of places. Just keep it light. Think about why you're posting stuff. Blarg.

  3. hmm' date=' you have good taste in music my friend. some fine choices there. do your bandmates have similar good taste? particularly glad to see the excellent life without buildings represented there.[/quote']

    Thanks. I got into Life Without Buildings through a Rough Trade sampler I think you sold me. My bandmates have good taste in music, but veer towards the metal/hardcore side of stuff, which I like, but I'm a bigger fan of the stuff represented on the tapes. I didn't see the point of making a tape of stuff they'd already heard a lot of or own.

  4. The postal service is essentially an extension of a dntel track called "the dream of evan and chan" being the first collaberation between Ben Gibbard and Jimmy Tamborello. It works' date=' but doesn't achieve the depth of the dntel album. I heard postal service before dntel and thought it was amazing, and it is, but the fact remains that the dream of evan and chan, more or less the first postal service song, is miles better than any of the tracks on the postal service album.


    Must. check. out. dntel. must. not. forget. again.

  5. I've made two for my bandmates recently. The first one is only okay, it was late and I felt sappy:

    A: The Cure- Plain Song

    New Order - True Faith

    Joy Division- Transmission

    Life Without Buildings - The Leanover

    Death Cab for Cutie - Why you'd want to live here

    The Knife - N.Y. Hotel

    The Postal Service -Nothing Better

    Four Tet - My Angel Rocks Back and Forth

    Bright Eyes -Method Acting

    Rilo Kiley - With Arms Outstretched

    B: Sunny Day Real Estate - Seven

    Rites of Spring - For Want Of

    Cursive - The Martyr

    Desparecidos - A Greater Omaha

    Pavement -In The Mouth of a Desert

    Weezer - Tired of Sex

    The Rentals -Insomnia

    The Robocop Kraus - Fashion

    The Faint -Worked up so Sexual

    Nine Inch Nails -Head Like A Hole

    Ladytron -Seventeen

    Fischerspooner - Emerge

    See, could be better. A little...flaccid in places

    The one I made today however!

    The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket

    The Jam - Pretty Green

    XTC - Making Plans for Nigel

    Joy Division - Disorder

    Lydia Lunch - Lady Scarface

    Life Without Buildings - The Leanover

    Pretty Girls Make Graves - THis is our Emergency

    Fugazi - Epic Problem

    Rites of Spring -For Want of

    Dead Kennedys - In-Sight

    Pop Will Eat Itself -Def.Con.One

    New Order - Blue Monday

    Broken Spindles - Fall In and Down On

    The Faint - Call Call

    The Rapture - House of Jealous Lovers

    Grandmaster Flash - White Lines

    Faith No More -Digging the Grave

    Therapy? - Nowhere

    Texas is the Reason - Back and to the Left

    Desparecidos - Greater Omaha

    Rilo Kiley - Jenny, you're barely Alive

    (still under construction, although I have a Johnny Cash track planned next)

  6. I was walking behind some weird junkie/alcoholics on george st once' date=' only to hear burst into song singing "wakey wakey, rise and shine, five four two it's party time!" ...i guess it was a reference to the 524 cocktail lounge, a pub so classy it doesn't even have windows.[/quote']

    Or glasses, I hear. They serve cans.

  7. Nobody has mentioned Jerry & Julie yet (Punch & Judy). Jerry pretends that he worked in The Murder Squad' date=' but in reality he was a primary school teacher. Jerry is 62, Julie is 47. No shit.

    How about the lady in Torry with the dogs in pram - she's creepy. Legend has it that she's a famous classically trained pianist who went crazy due to a lost love. That's not a joke BTW.



    The Pram Lady was known in Torry as "Jingle Bells" her alleged home had a wooden panel where the window used to be for years. I fear she may be dead now. The rumour at my school was that she was a millionaire through inheritance.

    Jerry and Julie are nice, but kind of sad. I always talk to them at the bus stop (Jerry struck up conversation) and they always remember me to say "hi".

  8. Leckie and I were walking accross the St Nicholas centre one day when we heard a man shouting "keep your kids away from him he is a sex offender" it was 'menatal martin' shouting at some guy. They then proceded to hit it eachother with skateboards while martin told the man to stab him and that he wanted to be murdered. Was funny at the time.

    This is like Ghost World: hillarious yet slightly sad.

    I get the impression none of will ever learn that we're just as bad and pathetic as the world around us in our own ways and then fuck off on a bus, though.

  9. "Mental Martin" or "Psycho Martin" as I refer to him as... is simply terror... the tale I told earlier is about that very Martin.

    My tale involves Drakes' date=' Smashed Glasses, The Lord of the rings and Nicky Ca$ino.

    Surely it's better?[/quote']

    I get the impression Nicky Ca$ino makes any story better.

  10. One of the twins is known in the skateboard community as Mental Martin. He stole my brothers hat and my brother didn't want it back because it had probbaly got "minkified".

    There is a legend that Mental Martin one tried to jump over a moving car while dressed as a ninja and broke his leg. I don't care if this isn't true, because even if it's fiction, it's possibly the best tale ever.

    Stripey's right. We are kind of disgusting, but my story involved ninjas.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I fail to see what you dj'ing at drakes has to do with record shops. So song titles like Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Children Blown To Bits By The Busload' date=' Pig Destroyer - Tickets to the car crash arent controversial?[/quote']

    They're about as controversial as a 14.99 PC game about football hooligans based on an old Command and Conquer engine.

    Ive listened to these bands and ive even purchased to my misfortune a korn cd. I also have the first 2 slipknot cds and the live dvd but now i think both are shit.

    Why are you blowing the Korn thing out of proportion? They're pretty terrible, but they are, for all intents and purposes, a metal band. They were only used as an example of a metal band you're likely to hear in a shop.

    I get people at my work all day preaching to me bands i hate, thats life. Everyone at my work thinks metal is shit. I dont care. If you cant play the certain cds that your shop takes in why sell? Dont you think that these bands are mostly unknown to people? Hey ive worked in the retail industry i know what its like. I just rise above all that bullshit ans say so what why should shit like that bother me.

    Did you sell punctuation when you worked in retail? I ask because you're clearly out of stock right now. Your stubborness is beginning to really get to me now. I'd love to walk into Virgin tomorrow and hear the band that'd change my life. That's unlikely though. You what to spread the music you love? Write fanzines; make mix tapes; form a band; start (productive) threads on message boards.

  12. Music should have no boundaries. Music is for the masses regardless of genre. Every genre is there to be enjoyed.

    Why is there such ignorance in the music community towards something alternative or different? Hell you get shit bands in all genres but people should be given the option to find out for themselves via the media or via shops. It really pisses me off that people cant have an open mind to change.

    I still don't understand what you mean. I imagine you think people just hang around record shops all day not buying anything, leaning on the counter, listening to the music...wait; shit, I've only gone and described One Up on a Saturday, nevermind. ;p

    Seriously though, shops aren't a form of media primarily designed to make your life better (and neither is the media, really). On the whole HMV; a subsiduary of Cyberchemtech, plc; a member of the Omega Group don't give a shit if you discover Burzord Bloodbath or whatever in their shop. They'd like it if you read about them in Terrorizer and went and spent 16.49 on their album though.

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