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Lawy Lawson:Attorney

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Posts posted by Lawy Lawson:Attorney

  1. i was asked to go to the gig at KEF not THE MOORINGS

    Kef costs money hence why i cant go

    im not going to the moorings as i have no desire to

    NO desire to see KLATB?! You must be a foreigner or a ghost! Anyway, I'm working 'til 8.30 and then I can't be arsed. Never can on Saturdays. Too much youth disturbance and scallywags.
  2. Doesn't Virgin have that stupid store radio station thing?

    As for hmv' date=' one up and fopp, they probably do play the metal but when it's quiet as during the busy periods. The majority of the shoppers want to listen to stuff that make them happy, and if they are happy will spend more, hence the reason it's more mainstream chart stuff. Unforunate i know but most of the time they have a list of songs (talking about the chain stores here) that they have to promote during the busiest periods, to encourage sales of those albums, and to keep everyone happy.

    Im sure if you asked they would play what you wanted, but can pretty much guarantee that as soon as you left the shop it would be switched off.[/quote']

    You may find this article interesting.

    Louder, faster music apparently makes people more impulsive shoppers and can put them in more of a "party mood", which I assume is conductive to spending.


  3. If shops are willing to take your cash then yes i think they should play it aswell.

    By that logic they'd have to play everything they sell, which just isn't practical. There isn't an anti-metal conspiracy, it's just:

    a)the chain stores have to appease the majority of customers

    b)the indie stores do what they can, but can't please all of the people all of the time.

  4. Fuck linkin park and korn i dont regard them as real metal

    I regard bands such as pig destroyer' date=' agoraphobic nosebleed, converge, mistress, charger

    and so on and so on as real metal[/quote']

    And therin lies your problem. Do you really expect that many places to play music that obscure and often abrasive?

  5. What's wrong with New Order or Fugazi?

    Two bands I totally adore, man. Didn't say anything was wrong with 'em. But they grew out of punk bands. I'm only asking if you think the poster I quoted was right, that punk music is transient and there is a time limit, so to speak, for being in a punk band.

  6. I find it really shit that all hmv' date='virgin,one up sell metal and yet refuse to play it instore on the speakers, to me this is a total hipocrasy that whilst these shops think its ok to sell these cds and yet not give them any air time.....

    How do they expect to sell metal cds when they dont play them hell they might even find more fans to endorse the metal scene. To me its like yeah ok we will take your money but dont ask us to play that shit and that really sucks the big one.

    All in all i really do think whilst most of the media/retailers turn a blind eye to the metal community the metal scene will suffer even more than it is currently. Why the fuck does metal get so little mention? Is it because its not melodic enough? Maybe its a parental thing? Fuck knows but im real sick of it[/quote']

    I've heard One Up play metal, and I've heard them play music with swears in it too. I was once in a shoe shop that had that Too Many DJ's disk with that "Fuck Me" song on. That was cool.

    I'm willing to bet all these stores play metal, and I'm sure I've heard it in them all, but they're unlikely to play Count Kryznakofkiskigrish's new band or whatever just as I don't expect to hear The Knife or Broken Spindles in Virgin.

  7. From Comic Book Resources' music forum:

    "That's kind of one of the ideals. One goal was to break down the barrier between audience and band. Meaning, some punks believed that being on stage above an audience was an elitist thing, and if you couldn't play worth a damn and still got on stage that was one way of tearing down the notion of idealizing performers.

    But the problem with that goal is that if you continue to play an instrument, you'd almost have to get better at it. I'm not saying that anyone would become an amazing musician given enough time, but once the ignorance of your instrument wears off, at least a small amount of skill would creep in. And then you have SOLD OUT! See, punk's not built for the long-term.

    The punk bands that people remember from that era are known because they wrote some really good songs, which ironically means that they were less punk than bands who wrote a bunch of tuneless gibberish. But that's okay, because I'm going to go listen to "Rudie Can't Fail" right now...."

    What do you think? Is punk doomed to fail? Was it inevitable Warsaw would become Joy Division would become New Order? Lydon would form PiL? Minor Threat would eventually give way to Fugazi?

    Are punk bands somekind of teenage endeavour, only to be discarded when "real-life" hits? Is punk and skill incompatable? Do I feel like Kilroy asking all these questions?

  8. Any favourite female fronted punk bands? Here are mine:

    Vice Squad

    Rubella Ballet


    Hagar The Womb

    Lost Cherrees

    Life Cycle

    Bis and ATR had some awesome female vocal led tracks. Anyway, why do female punk bands often have such obviously gender-loaded names? Okay, I know why, just seems a bit of a cliche in some ways. Muh, shut up me.

  9. I wholeheartedly support the establishment of arts cafes, gallerys and the re-evaluation of the use of the town centre, but I'm wondering who'd actully use them.

    I know I would like too, but I'd be buggered if I could drag a lot of my friends somewhere that doesn't serve alcohol and I think there is a general aversion to high culture present in the North East's mindset. People choose to go to clubs because they're seen as cool and slightly rebellious, partly because pubs and clubs are made to seem so mysterious to us when we're kids, while in Europe, a drink is something you go for mid-shopping trip. Perhaps looking at changing licensing laws would be a good start for change.

    Oh, and we really, really need a skatepark too.

  10. well when your 20 you aitn exactly a kid now arent you. 'Punk Rock' bands like QUik and Point Of Origin dont really pull in a lot of people nowadays. The bands that pull in most people are bands like King Liar and The Brutes' date=' Stacatto Set, Eric Euan and more mature sounding bands.[/quote']

    King Liar....mature....wha?

    Awesome, yes...

    Anyway, yeah...some of the best bands I've seen are because I've stayed and been pleasantly suprised. I've also seen some right shit, but you win some lose some, son...gun...fun...bun....done.

  11. a far more sensible location than their current location.

    If One-Up are not happy about it' date=' then it means they feel Fopp has something to offer that they perhaps don't, which should inspire them to compete with each other, which can only be good for the consumers (us)

    I'm sure all the 'cool' kids will still want to hang out at One-Up and make like they're living in a Hollywood movie...[/quote']

    ...And all the even "cooler" ones will distance themselves from them and preach about how they're not part of "the scene". Ho Hum.

  12. I really hope it's Lounge-Core' date=' then I'm gonna be hip.

    Realistically it'll probably that kind of arty, jangley guitars Indie-Rock think a la Franz Ferdinand. Lot's of shirts buttoned right up, skinny ties and leather shoes.[/quote']

    With Dogs Die In Hot Cars coming up too, it's possible. Mind you neo-post punk types like Bloc Party and The Future Heads are making a buzz (and sound pretty damn pleasing).

  13. The notable difference being that a lot emo/post-hardcore BANDS have absolutely no concept of the evolution of the genre.

    I'm fucking sick of genre tags' date=' I'm sure it's a technique used by the mass media/major labels to divide and conquer the rock community.[/quote']

    I agree to a point. The thing is, I understand "emo" is about twenty years old so it pains me to see people who think it started with Thursday, or worse, Lostprophets or something.

  14. I've said this a million times, but I can sum up my thoughts like this:

    When I used to go to The Palace/Moshulu, i had some friends who hated all the "ska shite" that was played, often refering to bands like Goldfinger or Green Day or Blink 182. It was pretty clear they had absoultley no concept of the evoloution of ska or even it's modern forms.

    Last time I went to Moshulu I heard the same conversation repeated re: emo.

  15. I suspect that Karloff will be away on tour then. Even if they're back' date=' there might be problems seeing as they're playing the Lemon Tree on the 13th. Gig blocking etc.

    Vomitus would be cool.

    I don't even know who Cliff Burton is. Can I pretend to like The Misfits too?[/quote']

    Cliff Burton is the franchise of the "fly and fresh" gentleman's clothing shop actully embedded INSIDE the white cliffs of dover. There is an anti-version of the same shop inside the black cliffs of Revod that thought it was tougher than the white cliffs, so the white cliffs got a Danzig skull tattoo and then punched to anti-store in the face which cause a big "blammo!" sound effect to appear which could be seen and heard as far as whatever planet the Ali-Gesqe alien from the Milky Way adverts comes from.

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